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Determining displacements and stresses under the impact

Consider the case of the longitudinal impact of the load on an immobile body. Let us put the load of the weight G fall from the height h on the immobile bar (Fig. 10.3 a). The body velocity in the impact moment is determined by the known formula of freely falling bodies This velocity in a very short interval of the impact time, calculated by thousandth or hundredth parts of the second, falls to zero. In consequence of the large acceleration (moderation) a considerable force of inertia arises which determines the impact action.

However, it is difficult to derive the theoretical law of the velocity change and consequently the force of inertia. Here another way is applied, based on the approximate utilization of the energy preservation law and the following assumptions:

1) the stresses under the impact do not surpass the proportional limit so that Hookes law keeps its action under the impact;

2) bodies do not fall off after the impact;

3) the mass of the bar under the impact is considered small compared with the mass of the body which makes the impact and therefore it is not taken into consideration;

4) we ignore the loss of the energy part passed in the heat and the energy of the hitting bodies vibration motion. Equate the falling load work to the internal strain energy of the bar.



a) b)




Fig. 10.3.


The work accomplished by the weight of the falling load is as follows




where is the displacement at the impact point which is equal to the bar shortening. The internal strain energy in compression has the form




From these two equations we get





Dividing all terms of this equation by EA we get



But is the bar shortening from the action of the statically applied load G. Then



Having solved this quadratic equation about we obtain



Leaving the plus sign (because ) we get finally



where is the dynamic coefficient.

Having divided two parts of the last equation by the bar length and multiplied by the elasticity modulus E, we will pass on deformations to the stresses:




It can be seen from these formulas that the dynamic stresses and displacements depend on the static deformation of the body subject to the impact. The more a static deformation is, the less the dynamic stress is.

That is why the gaskets (rubber, spring) are applied for the impact softening as they give large deformations.

The dynamic stresses must not surpass the critical stresses under the compressive impact to avoid buckling. The analogical forms have the formulas and for the case of the lateral bending impact but in this case exept we have to consider the static bar deflection at the impact place - and instead of - the dynamic deflection (Fig. 10.3 b).

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 648. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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