Студопедия — Queen and Privy Council
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Queen and Privy Council

The Privy Council is the oldest form of legislative assembly still functioning; its origins date from the Norman Kings' Court, which met in private. Until the 17th century, the king and his Council were the Government, with Parliament's role limited to voting funds. Today, the Privy Council has limited, formal exec­utive functions which retain some significance.

On the advice of the Privy Council, The Queen formally ap­proves a large number of Orders in Council (which, by Acts of Parliament, enact subordinate legislation ranging from constitu­tions of dependent territories to international pollution). The Queen also approves Proclamations (formal notices which cover areas such as the dissolution of Parliament, coinage and dates of certain Bank Holidays). The Privy Council also has certain judicial functions.

There are 400 Privy Councillors, consisting of all members of the Cabinet, a number of middle-ranking government ministers, leaders of the opposition parties in both Houses of Parliament, senior judges and some appointments from the Commonwealth.

The Queen's Role in the Commonwealth

As Head of the Commonwealth, The Queen's role is sym­bolic and has no constitutional functions attached to it. The Mon­arch personally reinforces the links by which the Commonwealth joins people together from around the world. This., is done through Commonwealth visits, regular contact with the Com­monwealth Secretary General and his Secretariat (the Com­monwealth's central organisation which co-ordinates many Commonwealth activities and which is based in London) and Heads of Government, attending the Commonwealth Day Ob­servance in London, broadcasting her annual Christmas and Commonwealth Day messages, acting as patron for Common­wealth cultural events and often attending the Commonwealth Games to open or close them.

During her reign, The Queen has visited every country in the Commonwealth (with the exception of Mozambique and Cam­eroon, who joined in 1995) and made many repeat visits, either as a multiple visit (e.g. Anguilla, Dominica, Guyana, Belize, Cay­man Islands, Jamaica, Bahamas and Bermuda in February/ March 1994) or to one country (such as Canada in June/July 1997, which included the celebration of Canada's National Day). The Queen also visited India and Pakistan in October 1997, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of their independence from Britain, which led to the formation of the modern Commonwealth. One third of the Queen's total over­seas visits are to Commonwealth countries. The Duke of Edin­burgh, The Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal fam­ily also pay frequent visits to the Commonwealth.

A meeting of the Common­wealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) is usually held once every two years, at locations throughout the Commonwealth. The Queen is normally present in the host country, during which she has a series of private meetings with the Commonwealth countries' leaders. The Queen also attends a reception and dinner during the con­ference period at which she makes a speech. The latest CHOGM was held in October 1997 in Edinburgh, and The Queen opened it herself for the first time.

Since 1977, Commonwealth Day is celebrated throughout the Commonwealth on the second Monday in March; this was approved by Heads of Government as a day when children throughout the Commonwealth, for whom the day is particular­ly intended, would be at school.

To mark the day, The Queen broadcasts a Commonwealth Day message which, like the Christmas Message, is delivered by The Queen as Head of the Commonwealth to the peoples of the Commonwealth as a whole. These messages are unique in that they are delivered on The Queen's own responsibility, drafted without Ministerial advice.

Each year, The Queen also attends an " Observance for Com­monwealth Day" which is an interdenominational service held in Westminster Abbey, followed by a reception hosted by the Sec­retary General (the Head of the Commonwealth Secretariat).

The Queen distinguishes between her various roles by using a personal flag - initial E and crown within a chaplet of roses -for use at Commonwealth meetings where the Royal Standard would be inappropriate, or by using special Standards in her various realms. The Queen, though not being part of the machinery of government of the Commonwealth, has become a personal link and human symbol of the Commonwealth as an international organisation.


Ex. 1. Распределите данные вопросы в последовательности, которая соответствует содержанию текста:

– How many members does the Privy Council consist of?

– Which is the order of succession in Great Britain?

– How did Queen Victoria remodel the Britain’s monarchy?

– How old is the Britain’s monarchy?

– Who is the leader of the party which has a majority in Parliament?

– What are the Queen’s residual powers?

– When did Elizabeth II come to the throne?

– Why did the King and the Queen become the most loved people in Britain?


Ex. 2. Передайте краткое содержание текста, используя следующие выражения:

- its function changed

- remodelled the monarchy

- state opening of Parliament

- industrial revolution

- cup of Wembley

- made use of the radio

- refusal to leave Buckingham Palace

- the living flag, the living icon

- for over 1000 years

- the monarchy is hereditary


Ex. 3. Найти предложения, в которых говорится:

- о воцарении нового монарха

- о назначении регента

- о принятии присяги

- о полномочиях монарха


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