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Handling Negative conflict

When negative conflict does occur there are five accepted methods for handling it: Direct Approach, Bargaining, Enforcement, Retreat, and De-emphasis. Each can be used effectively in different circumstances.

1. Direct Approach: This may be the best approach of all. It concentrates on the leader confronting the issue head-on. Though conflict is uncomfortable to deal with, it is best to look at issues objectively and to face them as they are. If criticism is used, it must be constructive to therecipients. This approach counts on the techniques of problem-solving and normally leaves everyone with a sense of resolution, because issues arebrought to the surface and dealt with.

2. Bargaining: This is an excellent technique when both parties have ideas on a solution yet cannot find common ground. Often a third party, such as a team leader, is needed to help find the compromise. Compromise involves give and take on both sides, however, and usually ends up with both walking away equally dissatisfied.

3. Enforcement of Team Rules: Avoid using this method if possible, it can bring about hard feelings toward the leader and the team. This technique is only used when it is obvious that a member does not want to be a team player and refuses to work with the rest. If enforcement has to be used on an individual, it may be best for that person to find another team.

4. Retreat: Only use this method when the problem isn't real to begin with. By simply avoiding it or working around it, a leader can often delay long enough for the individual to cool off. When used in the right environment by an experienced leader this technique can help to prevent minor incidents that are the result of someone having a bad day from becoming real problems that should never have occurred.

5. De-emphasis: This is a form of bargaining where the emphasis is on the areas of agreement. When parties realize that there are areas where they are in agreement, they can often begin to move in a new direction.

I. Find the equivalents in the text:

Прямой подход; переговоры; принуждение; отступление; смещение акцента; атаковать проблему в лоб; адресат; основываться на; ощущение снятия конфликта; проблемы выявлены; найти общий язык; третья сторона; прийти к компромиссу; двухсторонний обмен мнениями; остальные; обходить; сделать длительную отсрочку; успокоиться.

II. Make a plan of the Text.

III. Retell the Text using your plan.



Managing Cooperative conflict

Though we often view conflict through a negative lens, teams require some conflict to operate effectively. Cooperative conflict can contribute toeffective problem solving and decision making by motivating people to examine a problem. Encouraging the expression of many ideas; energizing people to seek a superior solution; and fostering integration of several ideas to create high-quality solutions. The key is to understand how to handle it constructively. If members understand how to do it, differences that arise can result in benefits for a team.

While it is true thatsuppressed differencescan reduce the effectiveness of a team, when they are brought to the surface, disagreements can be dealt with and problems can be resolved. The actual process of airing differences can help to increase thecohesivenessand effectiveness of the team through the increased interest and energy that often accompanies it. Thisin turnfosters creativity andintensityamong team members. In addition, bringing differences to the surface can result in better ideas and more innovative solutions. When peopleshare their viewsand strive toward reaching a consensus, better decisions are reached. Team members also improve their communication skills and become better at understanding and listening to the information they receive when differences are freely aired.



I. Find the equivalents in the text:

Видеть конфликт в черном цвете; конфликт в трудовом коллективе; внести вклад; поощрение; инновационное решение; стимулирование интеграции; решать; принести пользу; скрытые разногласия; сотрудничество; в свою очередь; активность; разделять взгляды.




Listeting for Meaning

Understanding is not agreeing. Seek clarification before responding, if needed.
Apply listening skills when receiving a message. Evaluate yourself for how well you listened at the end of any conversation. The tension of well-managed conflict allows teams to confront disagreement through healthy discussion and improve the decisions made. This leads to greater teamefficiency and effectiveness. Effectively managing conflict allows teams to stay focused on their goals. Swift and constructive conflict managementleads to a broader understanding of the problem, healthy expression of different ideas or alternatives, and creates excitement from the positive interaction and involvement which will help the team through periods of transition and on to greater levels of performance.

As teams become more responsible for managing themselves, it is important for organizations to help them by identifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to handle conflict. Then developing plans to transfer these skills and capabilities over to their teams. Because conflict is inevitable in teams, the focus needs to be on how it is managed. Conflict that is poorly handled creates an environment of fear and avoidance of the subject. On the other hand, if properly managed, it can lead to learning, creativity, and growth.

I. Find the equivalents in the text:

Добивайтесь ясности;




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