Студопедия — EXERCISES. Translate the sentences from English into Russian
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EXERCISES. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

Translate the sentences from English into Russian


1. The river is supposed to flow in this direction. 2. His childhood is said to have been very difficult. 3. You are expected to know these things. 4. He didn't seem to know you. 5. The situation seems to have become difficult. 6. He is said to have owned a very good library. 7. He was told to have organized the whole business. 8. The man doesn't seem to recognize you. 9. She seems to have done it especially for you. 10. You're not supposed to mark other people's books. 11. The actress is said to be very beautiful. 12. She was said to have a wonderful collection of china. 13. This doesn't seem to be the right decision. 14. The man seems to be a stranger here. 15. She seems to be used to the thought that they'll have to move to another flat. 16. It seems to be an interesting comparison.


Open the brackets, using the correct form of the Infinitive


1. He seems (to read) since morning. 2. She seems (to work) at his problem since she came here. 3. He appears (to know) French well. He is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 4. The enemy was reported (to overthrow) the defence and (to advance) towards the city. 5. You seem (to look) for trouble. 6. They seemed (to quarrel). I could hear their angry voices. 7. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months. 8. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it while cleaning the house. 9. They seemed (to wait) for ages.


1. She smiled broadly and waved her hand. She seemed (to recognize) me. 2. Even if he is out, you needn't worry. He is sure (to leave) the key under the door-mat. 3. At that time I happened (to work) at my first novel. 4. You won't be likely (to miss) the train if you start right away. 5. Don't cry! Everything is bound (to get) right between you. 6. She lost her head and seemed (to forget) the little English she knew. 7. A young woman is supposed (to write) this book. 8. You needn't mention it again. He is not likely (to forget) it. 9. He is believed (to teach) by his father. 10. You needn't tell me this. I happened (to give) all the details by Mother. 11. She is expected (to operate) on today. 12. Just look at his hands. He is sure (to work) in the garage.


1. He seems (to be satisfied) with the results. 2. It seemed it would take not less than a page (to put) it into words. 3. The book is likely (to publish) and (to appear) on sale pretty soon. It is sure (to sell) well and (to sell) out in no time. 4. The man appears (to know) practically all European languages; he is said (to learn) them while travelling. 5. The river was reported (to overflow) the banks and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 6. You seem (to look) for trouble. 7. The committee is said (to revise) the programme and (to work out) a plan of its realization. 8. The man seemed (to study) me and I felt uneasy in his presence. 9. The book was believed (to lose) until the librarian happened (to find) it during the inventory. 10. The strength of the metal proved (to over-estimate) by the designer. The engineer claimed (to warn) against its use for the purpose as it was likely (to deform) under great load. 11. We seem (to fly) over the sea for quite a time and there is yet no land (to see). 12. We don't seem (to acquaint), at least I can't remember having ever met him.

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