Студопедия — Complete the following using the Infinitive
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Complete the following using the Infinitive


1. It gives me pleasure.... 2. It will take you ten minutes.... 3. It is wise of him.... 4. It does people a lot of good.... 5. It won't do you any harm.... 6. It was natural.... 7. It has become his habit.... 8. It surprised me.... 9. It would never do.... 10. It must be very nice.... 11. It made me feel awkward....


24. Complete the following, using the Infinitive, take the Infinitive phrases from the list below:

to forget the past, to be humming a tune, to say such a thing to a child, to have gone out on that rainy day, to know the map well

1.... means to be able to show any country or town on it. 2.... would have been the death of me. 3.... is a usual thing for her. 4.... would be ridiculous. 5.... was impossible.


Complete the following sentences



1. Our plan was.... 2. To act like this meant.... 3. The first thing he did was.... 4. The main problem is.... 5. Our next step must be.... 6. What I want is.... 7. Our only chance to see him is.... 8. To ask him a straight question means.... 9. The children were anxious.... 10. We were not afraid.... 11. I pretended not.... 12. They have not decided whether... or not. 13. The boys agreed never.... 14. Do you care...? 15. I was very careful not.... 16. I wish we had not forgotten.... 17. They thought.... 18. He proposed.... 19.When did you learn...? 20. I'll try to remember.... 21. The tourists were lucky.... 22. The father promised.... 23. They offer.... 24. He attempted.... 25. We are sorry.... 26. The boy asked....


Use the Infinitive as an attribute; take the Infinitive phrases from the following list: to remember, not to be contradicted, to be desired, to speak (to/about), to do, to be done, to follow, to worry about, to be erected, to read, to laugh at, to be answered, to answer.

1. This is just the man.... 2. Packing was the first thing.... 3. Here are some instructions.... 4. The monument... on this square will add beauty to the place. 5. The book leaves much.... 6. There was nothing.... 7. These are the letters.... 8. His was the tone.... 9. Have you got anything...? 10. She will always find something....

Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive in brackets


1. I am glad (to introduce) to you. 2. The box was (to handle) with care. You should (to ask) someone (to help) you. This might not (to happen). 3. Her mood seems (to change) for the worse. We had better not (to speak) to her now. 4. I am sorry (to disappoint) you but I did not mean anything of the kind. 5. He is happy (to award) the first Landscape Prize for his picture. 6. He was anxious (to take) the first place in the figure-skating competition. 7. The poem can easily (to memorize). 8. This poem is easy (to memorize). 9. I did not expect (to ask) this question. 10. There were so many things (to do), so many experiments (to try). 11. The teacher expected him (to give) a better answer at the examination. 12. They are supposed (to experiment) in this field for about a year and are believed (to achieve) good results. 13. He must (to read) something funny; he is smiling all the time.


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