Выберите предложение с Infinitive Indefinite Active
a) The problem is difficult to solve. b) The child was happy to have been brought home. c) Nature has still many to be discovered.
Выберите предложение с Infinitive Indefinite Passive
a) To play chess was his greatest pleasure. b) He doesn’t like to be reminded of his duties. c) Sorry not to have noticed you.
Выберите предложение с Infinitive Continuous Active
a) They were glad to take part in our expedition. b) There are monuments to speak of in this area. c) He was happy to be working for many years with him. Выберите предложение с Infinitive Perfect Active
a) The professor is glad to see his former students. b) I remember to have solved this problem. c) The results to be expected are of great importance.
Выберите предложение с Infinitive Perfect Passive
a) I was happy to have been given a room with a window. b) He hates to be told lies. c) I want to be introduced to this actress.
Выберите предложение с Infinitive Perfect Continuous Active
a) The student wanted to be examined as soon as possible. b) Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents? c) He is proud to have been working with you for many years.
Выделите предложение с инфинитивом в функции подлежащего
a) To prolong this discussion is to waste time. b) To prolong such an interesting discussion they ask many questions. c) The audience wanted to prolong the discussion.
Выделите предложение с инфинитивом в функции части сказуемого
a) In this area there are no monuments to speak of. b) His plan was to finish this work in time. c) He was the last to answer this question.
Выделите предложение с инфинитивом в функции определения
a) I am sorry to have spoilt your mood. b) To get this book you must go to the library. c) The problem to be solved is of great importance.
Выделите предложение с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства
a) He was the last to answer this question. b) To make this experiment he applied a new method. c) Your task is to become a good engineer.
Определите функцию инфинитива Mendeleyev was the first to discover the Periodic Law. a) подлежащее; b) определение; c) обстоятельство. Найдите предложение с объектным инфинитивным оборотом, соответствующее русскому
Наш преподаватель любит, что мы задаём вопросы. a) Our teacher likes us to ask questions. b) Our teacher likes when we ask questions. c) Our teacher likes to ask us many questions.