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Exercise 10. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the use of comparative structures.

1. I’m sorry I’m late, I got here as fast as I could. 2. The ice-cream is not so delicious as the cake. 3. Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago. 4. The Dnieper is much longer than the Thames. 5. Your hair is the same colour as mine. 6. What box size do you want? – The bigger the better. 7. The hotel was surprisingly cheap.

I expected it to be much more expensive. 8. The longer the night the shorter the day.

9. The elder brother was twenty years older than the younger. 10. They got down to business without further delay. 11. The longer he waited, the more impatient he became. 12. Our new stadium is several times as large as the old one. 13. This is the latest novel of the writer. 14. It is a bit more windy in February than in March.

15. We met him in the farthest corner of the park. 16. All her friends are half her age.

Exercise 11. Choose the right variant.


1) She’s _________ I am.

a) elder than b) older than c) more old than


2) Fiona is __________ girl I have ever met.

a) the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) the beautifulest


3) Nick is ___________ his cousin.

a) the same age of b) the same age c) the same age as


4) _________ the weather __________ I feel.

a) the warm, the better b) warmer, better c) the warmer, the better


5) My elder sister swims ___________ than I do.

a) far better b) most better c) more better


6) The bus is not ___________ the train.

a) so fast as b) fast as c) so faster as


7) ___________ discussion is pointless.

a) Farther b) The farthest c) Further


8) Your job is ____________ ours.

a) essential as b) as essential as c) the same essential as


9) We can type ____________.

a) so fast as they b) as fast as they c) as fast as them


10) I don’t like this armchair. It’s ________ than the other one.

a) more comfortable b) less comfortable c) comfortabler


11) Health and happiness are ____________ than money.

a) more important b) the more important c) most important



12) These articles are ___________ than those.

a) far much interesting b) far more interesting c) far interesting


13) Our company is __________ theirs.

a) twice so big as b) twice as big as c) twice as bigger as


14) Coal is __________ important natural resource.

a) more b) most c) a most

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using the constructions “as.... as”, “not so.... as” or “ not as …. as”. Choose the one from the box.

High, poor, beautiful, important, tall, crowded, fast, expensive, big, lazy


1. I know that your job is important, but my job is important too. My job is ____.

2. The bicycle is fast, but the car is faster. The bicycle is _____.

3. Her knowledge is poor, but he knows a bit more. His knowledge is ____.

4. Tom is lazy and John is lazy too. Tom is _____.

5. Their furniture costs $ 700, and ours is $ 870. Their furniture is ____.

6. France is big. Belgium is not a big country. Belgium is _____.

7. Her wages are $ 500 a week, and mine are $ 450. My wages are ____.

8. She is beautiful, but I like her sister better. I think, she is ____.

9. Bob is tall, but I’m taller. Bob is ____.

10. Tverskaya and Arbat are crowded streets. Tverskaya street is _____.

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences with “than ….” or “as ….as” or “the same ….as”.

1. Everybody was shocked. Nobody was more shocked …. Nick. 2. I wish you were …. pretty …. your mother. 3. He is …. age …. my brother. 4. I earn …. much money …. he does. But she earns more …. we both. 5. I ordered …. drink …. he did.

6. Your car is much more powerful …. mine, but my small car is …. expensive …. yours. 7. We spent …. much money …. they did. But we didn’t spend … sum …. you did. We spent much less money …. you. 8. Petrol is more expensive now …. a few years ago. 9. Prices are not …. in the 1990s. 10. Paris is …. exciting …. London.

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

1) Киев – более древний город, чем Москва; это один из древнейших городов Украины. 2) Грамматика русского языка сложнее грамматики английского. 3) Я слышал оба доклада; первый был намного интереснее второго. 4) Моя старшая сестра получила такое же образование, как моя мама. 5) Движение на этой улице такое же интенсивное (heavy), как в центре. 6) Эта проблема не так серьезна, как вам кажется. 7) У меня меньше терпения, чем у тебя. 8) Ждите дальнейших инструкций. 9) Мария – наша старшая сестра. 10) Уровень жизни (living standard) в России не такой высокий, как в США. 11) На этот раз у вас меньше ошибок, чем было в прошлом сочинении. 12) Ей столько же лет, сколько и мне. 13) А нет ли дороги поближе? 14) Ты читал его последнюю статью? 16) Это самая дальняя улица в нашем городе.



Exercise 15.

A. Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: He is (twice/old) she is.- He is twice as old as she is.


1. He is not (half/clever) I thought. 2. It took her (five times/long) she expected.

3. Jane is not going to marry a man who is (twice/old) she is. 4. Sasha can lift a box (three times/heavy) that one. 5. The new stadium is (several times/large) the old one. 6. He does it (two times/quickly) she does. 7. Petrol is (several times/ expensive) it was 2 years ago. 8. They spend (twice/much) we do.


B. Change the sentences according to the example.

Example: This book costs 4 dollars and that one costs 2 dollars. – This book costs

twice as much as that one.

1). Nick has 8 discs and I have 24 discs. 2). This TV model costs $ 700 and that one $ 350. 3). It took me 40 minutes and her 10 minutes to get there. 4). I earn $ 2000 and my girlfriend earns $ 1000. 5). This room is 12 sq.m. and that one is 24 sq.m.

Exercise 16. Translate into English.

1. Ваше эссе (essay) в два раза длиннее моего. 2. Это дерево в три раза выше того. 3. Сегодня в два раза холоднее, чем вчера. 4. Вам нравится этот пиджак? – Да, но он в пять раз дороже того. 5. Если ты поедешь поездом, а не самолетом, ты доберешься туда в несколько раз медленнее. 6. Наш перевод вдвое легче вашего. 7. Спидометр (speedometer) показывает, машина едет в три раза быстрее, чем раньше. 8. Это совершенно новый прибор, он может работать в несколько раз быстрее.

Exercise 17. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The longer the night, the shorter the day. 2. The earlier we leave, the sooner we’ll arrive. 3. The more interesting the book (is), the faster you read it. 4. The hotter the weather (is), the worse I feel. 5. The less she eats, the angrier she becomes. 6. The longer the children saw the film, the more frightened they felt. 7. The later you come, the less you will sleep. 8. The more Jane studies, the cleverer she will become. 9. The nearer we come up, the better we’ll see the picture. 10. The more I get to know Sue, the more I like her. 11. The more you practise your English, the faster you’ll learn it. 12. The longer the telephone call, the more you have to pay. 13. The less you speak, the better. 14. The sooner you do it, the earlier we’ll complete our work. 15. The more goods you sell, the more profit you make.

Exercise 18. Complete the given phrases.

1) The sooner, …... 2) The more we learn, …... 3) The more expensive the wedding, …... 4) The later one goes to bed, …... 5) The better the idea, …... 6) The sunnier the weather, …... 7) The more knowledge you get, …... 8) The broader your outlook, …... 9) The richer your vocabulary, …... 10) The less chocolate you eat, …... 11) The farther from home, …... 12) The more kids you have, …... 13) The smarter person is, …... 14) The longer we study English, …...

Exercise 19. Read and translate the following colourful and unusual comparisons. Make up sentences with them.

1) as different as chalk and cheese; 2) as scarce as hen’s teeth; 3) as dark as inside of a wolf; 4) as happy as a pumpkin in a sunny patch; 5) as ugly as home-made soap;

6) as black as two o’clock in the morning; 7) as happy as a dog with two tails; 8) as nervous as a brick wall; 9) as brave as the first man who ate an oyster; 10) as cold as an ex-wife’s heart; 11) as big as the little end of nothing; 12) as noisy as two skeletons dancing on a tin roof.

Exercise 20. (Revision) Translate into English.

1. Второй проект более перспективный. 2. Для нее нет ничего важнее, чем ее карьера. 3. Вы – моя последняя надежда. 4. Чем больше Анна упражняется в английском, тем быстрее она изучит его. 5. Самые лучшие повара – мужчины. 6. Она выглядит старше своих лет. 7. Этот фильм не хуже того, который я видел позавчера. 8. Чем ближе экзамены, тем больше мы нервничаем. 9. Комната хорошая, но все же не такая хорошая, как мне бы хотелось. 10. Он сильный, он может поднять ящик в три раза тяжелее. 11. Каковы последние достижения в этой области? 12. Директор хотел видеть вас для дальнейших объяснений. 13.Энн не такой пунктуальный секретарь, как мне бы хотелось. 14. Это кратчайший путь до театра. 15. Его старшая дочь работает теперь в нашей компании. 16. Чем меньше он будет вмешиваться, тем лучше. 17. Это лучшая квартира в этом долме; она гораздо больше и светлее остальных. 18. Мороз сегодня намного крепче (severe), чем вчера. 19. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда – либо читал.

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