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The corporation is by far the most complex of the three business structures.

As defined by the Chief Justice Marshall's famous decision in 1819, a corporation " is an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of the law." In other words, a corporation is a legal entity, distinct from the individuals who own it.


Formation of the Corporation

A corporation usually is formed by the authority of a state government. Corporations which do business in more than one state must comply with the Federal laws regarding interstate commerce and with the state laws, which may vary considerably.

The procedure ordinarily required to form a corporation is that, first, subscriptions for capital stock must be taken and a tentative organization created. Then, approval must be obtained from the Secretary of State in the state in which the corporation is to be formed. This Approval is in the form of a charter for the corporation, stating the powers and limitations of the particular enterprise.

Advantages of the Corporation

Limitations of the stockholder's liability to a fixed amount of investment. However, do not confuse corporate liability with appropriate liability insurance considerations.

Ownership is readily transferable.

Separate legal existence.

Stability and relative permanence of existence. For example, in the case of illness, death, or other cause for loss of a " principal" (officer or owner), the corporation continues to exist and do business.

Relative ease of securing capital in large amounts and from many investors. Capital may be acquired through the issuance of variuos stocks and long term bonds. There is relative ease in securing long term financing from lending institutions by taking advantage of corporate assets and often personal assets of stockholders and principals of guarantors. (Personal guarantees are very often required by lenders.)

Delegated authority. Centralized control is secured when owners delegate authority to hired managers, although they are often one and the same.

The ability of the corporation to draw on the expertise and skills of more than one individual.

Disadvantages of the Corporation

Activities limited by the charter and by various laws. However, some states do allow very broad charters.

Manipulation. Minority stockholders are sometimes exploited.

Extensive government regulations and required local, state, and federal reports.

Less incentive if manager does not share in profits.

Expense of forming a corporation.

Double tax - income tax on corporate net income (profit) and on individual salary and dividends.



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