ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Определите, какие слова опущены в следующих заголовочных комплексах. Сделайте их перевод:
| Содержание статьи
1. Hewitt seeking suicide law change.
| Former health secretary P. Hewwit is urging MPs to change the law to allow people to take terminally ill patients abroad for assisted suicide (эвтаназия)
2. Woman arrested in Saudi Arabia
| Women are barred from driving in most of Saudi Arabia, with rural areas as being the exception.
3. Europe to be Obama’s first overseas trip
| President Obama will take his first overseas trip since taking office at the end of this month.
4. «Romantic» trick tattoo to stay
| A teenager had her boyfriend’s name tattooed on her stomach as a sign her undying love.
5. US to have “vigorous” Iran talks
| S. Rice envoy said that
6. Army major awarded Military Cross
| An 31-year-old Army officer from Gloucestershire has been awarded the Military Cross for bravery in Iraq.
7. Dick Cheney: Why So Chatty all of a Sudden?
| The former Vice President D. Chenny has appeared on CBS program “Face to Face”.
8. Couple found in Belgium after vanishing from ferry.
| The man and woman were reported missing by the ferry driver as they failed to show up at the French seaside.
ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Определите функции следующих заголовков. Сделайте их перевод.
1. Communicative types of sentences (from a textbook).
2. Chapter XX (from a book).
3. The real Problem with Credit Cards: the Cardholders (from a newspaper).
4. Fear and Loathing in Athens (from a newspaper).
5. GM incentives for retail buyer (from a newspaper).
6. Salt in their Wounds (from a newspaper).
7. Small Investments That Make a Big Role (from a newspaper).
ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Определите виды лексических и грамматических приемов, использованных при переводе следующих заголовков.
| Перевод
Europeans don’t eat enough fruit and veg
Европейцы потребляют недостаточно фруктов и овощей
Panama Canal expansion workers strike over pay
Забастовка рабочих остановила расширение Панамского канала.
Pakistan blocks US envoy visit: official
Пакистан отказался принять американского дипломата
Цели реконструкции
Exhibition Halls Go Underground
Реконструкция старого плавательного бассейна
Rain off the Roof!
Отвод дождевых вод с кровли
Ready, steady, go
На старт, внимание, марш!
Jewel thieves robbed of takings
Ограбление похитителей драгоценностей