Студопедия — Text D. Coming Events
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Text D. Coming Events

You are a guide of 3 specialists who arrived in Great Britain on a business trip from 12 January to 12 February. You can find the problems they are interested in in the following chart. Look through ‘Coming Events’ and make a programme for each of them. Fill in the chart.

Name (country) Problem Event Place Date/ time
l. Prof. Petrov I. (Russia) computers and microprocessors      
2. Dr. La Roche (France) sport cars      
3. Dr. J.Smith (the USA) history of automobile industry      

Coming Events

CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) International Show (8-10 January)

International show, organised by International Exhibitions to be held in Birmingham, further information from International Exhibitions Ltd, 8 Herbal Hill, London.

Glasgow Museum of Transport (28 January)

A visit is being arranged to Museum of Transport, 25 Albert Drive, Glasgow by Scottish AD Centre; Assemble at 6 p.m. but persons wishing to attend should first contact Jim Douglas on 041 332 6811 as numbers are limited.

Henry Royce — mechanic (31 January)

Lecture to be presented by Donald Bastow at a meeting organised jointly between Western AD Centre and Western Branch to be held in the Queen's Building University of Bristol, commencing 7p.m.

Subject to be announced (5 February)

A lecture organised by Birmingham AD Centre will be announced in Mechanical Engineering News. It is to be held at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Further information from R. E. Smith

The history of the VW Beetle (11 February)

Lecture to be presented by Janathan Wood, Automobile Historian, at a meeting organised by Derby AD Centre to be held in Room U 020, Brockington Bldg, University of Loughborough, commencing 6.15 p.m.

Microprocessors in fluid power engineering (3-4 February)

Conference organised by the institution of Mechanical Engineers to be held at the University of Bath, further information from the Conference Department.

Computer-aided design (12-14 January)

A short course for engineers and draughtsmen organised by the IMechE is to be held at the Centre of Engineering Design, Cranfield Institute of Technology. Contact the Courses Officer for further information.

Jaguar sports cars (25 January)

Lecture to be presented by Mr Randle of Jaguar Cars Ltd at a meeting organised by Luton AD Centre to be held at the Sun Hotel, Sun Street, Hitchin, commencing 8 p.m.

Robot '90s (2-5 February)

14th International Exhibition Symposium on Industrial Robots organised by the Swedish Trade Fair Foundation to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Further information from the Swedish Fair Foundation, Goteborg, Sweden.

Sir Henry Royce Memorial Lecture (15 February)

Lecture, organised by IMechE AD Centre at 1 Birdcage Walk, London, to be given by Ing Sergio Pininfanna at 6p.m.

Students' Project — presentation evening (15 February)

Lecture to be given by undergraduates from local educational establishments, organised by Derby AD Centre to be held in Room U 020, Brockington Building, University of Technology, Loughborough, commencing 5.45 for 6.15 p.m. Further information from C.E. Hunter.

Racing Jaguars (16 January)

Lecture to be presented by Mr J. Randle, Director, Product Engineering, Jaguar Cars Ltd at a meeting organised jointly between IProd E and NM Branch NP YMS by North Eastern AD Centre to be held at the Metropole Hotel, Leeds, commencing 7.15 p.m.

Formula one motor racing (25 January)

Lecture to be presented by Mr S. Hallam of Lotus Cars at a meeting organised by Western AD Centre to be held at the Queens Buildings, University of Bristol, commencing 7 p.m.

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