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VOCABULARY NOTES. 2. направление, е.g. Can you show me the way to Trafal­gar Square?

1. way n 1. путь, дорога, е.g. The way we took lay through the forest. Syn. road, path, track.

2. направление, е.g. Can you show me the way to Trafal­gar Square? (Как пройти...?)

N o t e: way is but seldom used to denote a specially built means of communication between two places, the usual word for which is road; way is more often used to denote direction, е.g. 1 can show you the way to the nearest village (i. e. I can tell you what direction you should take in order to get to the village). But; I can show you a very good road to the village.; path denotes a track made by the feet of people who pass along (тропа, тропин­ка) as a path through the woods. Of the three synonyms abstract usages are most typical of way, е.g. way to knowledge, way to happiness, etc., path is also sometimes used in such combinations, as " The Path of Thunder", dangerous path, etc.

to make one's way идти вперед, проходить, е.g. They made their way through the silent streets of the sleeping city.

to lead the way вести за собой, идти во главе, е.g. The guide led the way through the forest till we reached a nar­row path. This way, please. Пожалуйста, пройдите сюда.

on the way по дороге, е.g. Let's discuss it on the way home.

to lose one's way заблудиться, е.g. The children lost their way in the forest.

by the way кстати, между прочим, е.g. By the way, what was it she told you?

to be (stand) in smb.'s way мешать, стоять поперек до­роги, е.g. Let me pass, don't stand in my way. They couldn't even talk in private: there was always someone in the way. What was it that stood in the way of her happiness?

to be (get) out of smb.'s way не мешать, не препятство­вать, уйти с дороги, е.g. Get out of my way! I shall get her out of the way for ten minutes, so that you can have an opportunity to settle the matter.

in one's (own) way в своем роде, е.g. The music was un­usual but quite beautiful in its own way.

to have (get) one's own way настоять на своем, добиться своего, е.g. She likes to have her own way in everything. Have it your own way.

way out выход из положения, е.g. That seems to me a very good way out. Proverb: Where there's a will there's a way.

2. attend υ t/i 1. посещать, присутствовать, е.g. All chil­dren over seven attend school in our country.

2. прислуживать, обслуживать, е.g. She was tired of at­tending on (upon) rich old ladies who never knew exactly what they wanted.

attendant n служитель (в театре — билетер, капель­динер), е.g. The attendant will show you to your seats.

attendance n 1. присутствие, посещаемость, е.g. Atten­dance at schools is compulsory. The attendance has fallen off. Your attendance is requested.; 2. обслуживание; уход; услу­ги, е.g. Now that the patient is out of danger the doctor is no longer in attendance.

3. wear (wore, worn) υ t/i 1. носить (одежду), быть оде­тым во что-л., е.g. At the party she wore her wedding dress and he said she looked like a lily-of-the-valley. You should always wear blue: it matches your eyes.

Syn. tohave smth. on

to wear make-up (paint, rouge) употреблять косметику, краситься

to wear scent душиться

2. изнашивать, протирать, е.g. I have worn my shoes into holes. The carpet wss worn by the many feet that had trodden on it.

3. носиться (о платье, обуви и т.д.), е.g. This cloth wears well (badly).

wear n, е.g. This style of dress is in general wear now. Сейчас все носят платья этого фасона. Clothes for everyday wear. Одежда на каждый день. Shoes for street wear. Туфли для улицы.

footwear обувь

underwear белье

4. anxious adj 1. озабоченный, тревожный, беспокой­ный, е.g. I am anxious about his health. Her face was calm, but the anxious eyes betrayed something of what she felt.

Syn. worried, troubled, е.g. She always gets worried about little things.

2. сильно желающий чего-л., е.g. Не works hard because he is anxious to succeed. The actor was anxious to please the audience.

Syn. eager, е.g. Isn't he eager to learn?

anxiety n 1. беспокойство, тревога, опасение, забота, е.g. We waited with anxiety for the doctor to come. All these anxi­eties made him look pale and tired.

Syn. worry

2. страстное стремление к чему-л., е.g. That anxiety for truth made Philip rather unpopular with some of his school­mates.

anxiously ado с беспокойством, с волнением, е.g. We anx­iously waited for his arrival.

Note: Cf. the synonyms to be anxious, to worry, to trouble, to bother. The range of meaning of worry is wide: it can denote emotional states of different intensity whereas its synonyms are narrower in meaning. In the sentence " His long absence worried his mother very much" worry express­es a strong feeling of anxiety. It is also possible to say: " It made her very anxious." The intensity of feeling is slightly weaker here; trouble denotes a still weaker emotion; bother describes rather a state of irritation and dissatis­faction than of anxiety. Sometimes either of the synonyms can be used in one and the same sentence. The difference lies in the intensity of the emotion expressed by each verb, е.g. Don't let that bother you (= don't think about it: it is unimportant). Don't let that trouble you (nearly the same, but also: Don't get nervous about it). Don't be anxious about it. (The feeling of fear and anxiety is stronger here than in the previous example.) Don't let that worry you (= don't let that spoil your mood; don't fear that smth. bad will happen).

5. make (made, made) υ t/i 1. делать, производить; гото­вить, е.g. What is the box made of?

2. становиться, оказываться, е.g. I'm sure she'll make an excellent teacher.

3. заставлять, е.g. We'll have to make him take the med­icine.

N о t e: In this meaning make is followed by a complex object. (Observe the absence of to with the infinitive!)

to make a mistake делать ошибку, ошибаться

to make a report делать доклад

to make (a) noise шуметь

to make a (the) bed стелить постель

to make friends with smb. подружиться с кем- n., е.g. Soon she made friends with her fellow-passengers. She easily makes friends.

to make oneself at home чувствовать себя как дома, е.g. Come in and make yourself at home.

to make a joke (jokes) шутить, острить, е.g. Why do you always make jokes? Can't you be serious?

N o t e: Make is also used with numerous adjectives giving emotional characteristics, as to make smb. happy (angry, sad, etc.).

to make up 1. составлять (рецепт, список и т.д.), е.g. Before packing make up a list of things you are going to take.; 2. выдумывать, е.g. You are a fool to listen to his story. He has made it all up. Make up your own sentences using the new words.; 3. гримировать(-ся), краситься, е.g. How long will it take the actors to make up? She was so much made up that I didn't recognize her at first; 4. мириться, as I am sorry for what I said. Let's make it up. You'd better make it up with Ann.; 5. возмещать, компенсировать, е.g. We must make up for lost time. Won't you let me try to make up for all I've fai­led to do in the past?

to make up one's mind = to decide

make-up n грим, косметика, е.g. Why should you spoil your pretty face with all this make-up? The woman uses too much make-up (...слишком сильно красится).

6. hold (held, held) υ t/i 1, держать, е.g. She was holding a red rose in her hand.

to hold on to smth. держаться за что-л., е.g. Holding on to a branch, he climbed a little higher. Hold on to the rail­ing, it's slippery here.

to hold a meeting проводить собрание, е.g. A students' meeting was held in our department yesterday.

2. вмещать, содержать в себе, е.g. How many people will this lecture-hall hold?

3. держаться (о погоде), е.g. Will this weather hold?

hold n

to catch (get) hold of smth. ухватиться за что-л., схва­тить что-л., завладеть чём- n., е.g. Не nearly fell down, but managed to catch hold of his companion's arm. The child got hold of a bright flower.

to keep hold of smth. удерживать, не выпускать, е.g. With every minute it became harder and harder to keep hold of the slippery ropes.

to lose hold of smth. выпустить (и з рук), е.g. It wasn't her nature to lose hold of anything she had got hold of.

7. entertain υ t/i 1. принимать гостей (rather formal), е.g. We are entertaining a lot.; 2. развлекать, занимать, е.g. We were all entertained by his tricks.

entertaining adj развлекательный, занимательный, е.g. The conversation was far from entertaining. In fact, it was horribly dull.

Syn. amusing

entertainment n развлечение, зрелище, представление, е.g. There are many places of entertainment in any big city.

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