Classroom English. (Revision);
a) It's the last period on Saturday. The lesson is coming to an end. You are pleased with the work you and the pupils have done. You find that you just have about 3 — 4 minutes to have the exercise books collected and the board cleaned. You inform the class that they will have to finish the exercise off at home, tell them you are pleased with their progress, set the homework and state briefly what you are planning for the next lesson. After that you ask your pupils to tidy up the room and to be quiet when they go outside. You wish them a nice weekend and say good-bye. b) It's a routine English lesson in the middle of the term. The lesson isn't going too well You are trying to keep your pupils interested in the exercises you are checking. You get them to read the sentences in turn and correct their mistakes, but the pupils are tired and find it difficult to concentrate on the work. Some of them start chatting and fidgeting. You try not to show your annoyance and proceed checking the exercise. c) You've got a lot of work to get through in this lesson. You ask the pupils to do an exercise from the textbook silently. You check that they all have the right place. When your pupils have looked through the exercise you want everybody to read three sentences each. You comment on their work. In the remaining five minutes, you have a quick vocabulary test on the blackboard. You make sure that the board is properly prepared, and ask 2 or 3 pupils to write the test. You keep the rest of the class involved and comment on the work. d) It's a revision lesson. You've brought to the classroom a map of Britain, some slides and/or pictures of London and a slide projector. You ask one of the pupils to help you fix the map and pictures on the board and get the slide projector ready. The pupils point out on the map the most important towns, rivers, mountain chains or anything you find necessary to mention. After that they speak briefly about London sights making use of the pictures and slides. You keep making notes while they speak and comment on their work at the end of the revision lesson. e) At the end of the term you find it necessary to have a brief revision of the book your pupils are reading. Your idea is to ask the pupils a number of questions to encourage a discussion. You think the questions over very thoroughly beforehand and ask your class to answer them. You are interested in everyone's point of view and react to comments appropriately, trying to keep the conversation going. XV. Describe these pictures: Use the following: a) to come home greatly excited, to wave some slips of paper in the air, to be delighted, to have great fun playing with one's toys; b) to drag smb. along the street, to howl at the top of one's voice; c) to have excellent seats, " Wilhelm Tell" was on, the music was so loud you couldn't hear a word, to be bored; d) that was much better, to catch smb.'s interest, a bow [bзv] and arrows, to shoot off ah apple from...; e) in very high spirits, to chatter about one's impressions, to be pleased; f) to be shocked, the child's imagination was certainly haunted by the opera or, rather, by one particular scene, the poor teddy-bear, to look extremely uncomfortable. XVI. Film " Mr. Brown's Holiday". Film segments 9 " One More Substitute" (Yeovil) and 10 " Back at Ноmе" (London), a) Watch and listen, b) Do the exercises from the guide to the film.