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The exercises below are meant to revise the intonation patterns you already know

I. Read the following conversational situations. Define the communica­tive type of the replies. Say what attitudes are conveyed in them. Give your own replies to the same conversational contexts;

What is your favourite subject? English.
He is at the institute. Where, do you think?
I'll do it myself. Don't.
Here's a note for you. Thanks.
What do you think of the picture? It's a true masterpiece.
May I have your book? What do you want it for?
I shan't speak to him any more. Don't be silly.
Come and look out here. What a wonderful view!
Have you seen him? I have.
Fm twenty-two. How old are you?
(Teacher to class) Go on.
So you think he's not coming. Exactly.
I'm waiting for Mary. When is she coming?
We are having a party tonight. Don't stay too long there.
See you tomorrow. Good-bye for the present.
He's coming on Saturday. On Monday, I think.
May I leave you for a mo­ment? Be quick, then.
I'll leave on Friday. No, on Saturday. Well, make up your mind.
What's that dress made of? It's pure wool.
Which bus shall we take? Which one do you prefer?
I can't do it so quickly. Tell me how I can help you.
You've done a lot for him. Not in the least.
I'm so sorry for her. She You've no reason to worry.
seems to be terribly ill. She'll be well very soon.
I don't think much of this book. I'm not taking it. Which do you prefer, then?
Thanks awfully. Don't mention it.
I'm afraid I can't help you. Very well.

2. Read the following dialogues. Express the suggested attitudes:

— What troubles you? [sympathetically interested)

— I'm quite unwell. I feel giddy and I can hardly stand on m legs. (serious)

— Any pain? (sympathetically interested)

— Yes, I've a sore throat. (conveying personal concern)


— Shall I have to stay in bed long? (genuinely interested)

— No, not more than a week, I hope. (uncertain)

— And shall I take any medicine? (genuinely interested)

— Yes, certainly. Here is a prescription for you. (weighty, catt goric)


— What is your temperature? (sympathetically interested)

— It's thirty-eight point seven.

— Please strip to the waist. I shall examine you. How long have you felt this way? (sympathetically interested)

— Several days already. I've been taking pills, but I don't feel any better.


A.: Hello, Pete, what's happened to you? Why is your arm in a sling? (sympathetically interested)

P.: I had a bad fall and broke my arm.

A.: How awful! Have you any pain now? (interested)

P.: It still hurts, but not so much as before. (reserving judge­ment)


D.: What's troubling you? (interested)

A.: One of my front teeth is working loose.

D.: You have to have this one out. It's a pity you didn't have it looked at before. (grumbling)

A: I wish I had. (conveying personal concern)


— I have an abscess on my finger, it hurts me awfully. (seri­ous)

— Did you run a splinter into your finger? (interested)

— No, I happened to pick it with a wire.

— What did you do for it? (searching)

— I did nothing, I thought it would heal by itself.

— That was not very clever of you. (reprimand)


— Your voice is hoarse and your face is flushed. You must have a cold. I'm sure. Where did you manage to get it? (sympathy)

Idon't know myself. I must have caught cold last night, when I took my coat off.

— How thoughtless of you, the evening was cold and windy. (reproachful) Now you'll have to stay in.

3. a) Listen to the dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes. Find sense-groups and sentences pronounced with intonation Patterns I, II; III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII. Say what kind of sentences they are used in. Define the attitudes expressed in them:

— Let's have tea in the garden, shall we?

— That's a good idea. Shall I take the table out?

— Yes, please. And the chairs too.

— Right. Where shall I put them?

— Oh, anywhere. I'll bring the tea.

— Good. We'll have the table here and the chairs here.

— Why have you put the table there?

— Well, you said anywhere.

— Yes, but you must be sensible. It'll be too hot there.

— Where shall I put it then?

— Bring it under the tree here. That's better.

— Now perhaps we can have some tea.

— Oh, dear. I'm sorry I've forgotten the sugar. Would you mind getting it for me?

— Not at all.

— Now where did I put the milk? Ah, here it is.

— Here's the sugar.

— Thank you. That's your cup.

— Thank you. This is very pleasant.

— It is, isn't it? But I'm a bit cold here. Do you think you could move the table again? I'm sorry to be a nuisance.

— All right. I'll put it back where it was. Is that better?

— Much. Where are you going?

— I'm going indoors. For a bit of peace and quiet.

B) Record your reading of the dialogue. Play the recording back for the teacher and your fellow-students to detect the possible errors. Practise the dialogue for test reading. Memorize and dramatize it.

c) Make up conversational situations, using the following phrases:

Let's.... shall we? It'll be too....

That's a good idea. That's better.

Yes, please. Now, perhaps,....

Right. Oh, dear, I'm so sorry.

Oh,.... Not at all.

Well, you said.... Do you think you could...?

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 669. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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