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Police officers in the US can belong to one of the many types of law enforcement agencies, including state, county or municipal, each of which has its own recruitment requirements. Most requirements, however, are fairly standard among the agencies.


A candidate must be a US citizen at the time of application. No distinction is made between naturalized and native-born citizens.


The age requirement varies: in most jurisdictions, a candidate must be 18 years of age, but the requirement for the US Capitol Police is 21, for instance. A maximum age limit is not common, but is used by some agencies; the US Capitol Police, for instance, enforces a maximum age limit of 37.


A high school diploma or a GED certificate is a minimum requirement. Depending on the agency, an associate’s degree or college-level coursework might also be required. The city of Pittsburg, as an example, requires 30 semester credits or 45 quarter credits of “completed coursework at an accredited college, university, technical or trade school”.


A valid US driver’s license from any state or one issued by the US Armed Forces is required at the time of application.


A background check is conducted on all applicants. An applicant must not have any felony convictions, or repeated or serious misdemeanors – unless pardoned – or be involved in a pending criminal investigation or litigation. An applicant may also be disqualified based on “behavior, which is incompatible with the duties and responsibilities of the position of the police officer” according to the recruitment information provided on the web page, Pittsburg Personnel and Civil Service Commission. Prior military service must be resulted in honorable discharge.


While the definitions vary among jurisdictions, “good” or “excellent” physical health is required. An applicant must pass a physical examinatio9n, which tests his strength, agility, vision, hearing and overall medical condition and fitness. A candidate might also have to undergo drug and polygraph tests and a physiological assessment to evaluate his mental health and stability. Such assessments are conducted by licensed practitioners through face-to-face interviews.


Character requirements exist in most jurisdictions. In addition to passing the criminal background check, the candidate must possess certain personal characteristics, such as a high degree of maturity and tact, which are assessed through interview and written tests.


A police officer must be eligible to own and carry a firearm.


Before becoming a police officer, a candidate must complete a 12- to 14 – week – long training course at a Police Academy. The course involves classroom instruction on subjects like Constitutional Law, Civil Rights, Investigation Guidelines, Traffic Control, Self-defense, Firearms, First aid and Emergency response.


Civil service exams and/or entry – level police officer exams are administered as part of the recruitment process. These exams are normally administered in a multiple-choice format and are designed to test logical reasoning, critical thinking, reading comprehension, writing, observation skills and memory.


Some states or cities require that an applicant be a resident of the jurisdiction in question at the time of application.



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