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Based on the information in the texts above, compare the recruitment requirements for police officers in Great Britain and the USA


Age 18 ½ 18 years of age; for the U.S. Capitol Police – 21;
Personal characteristics    
Previous convictions    




Put the words in bold into the correct form and translate the text into Russian.


1. Check to make sure that you meet all the 1. require to become a UK police officer. This means that you are at least 18 ½ years old, have basic 2. literate and mathematical skills, are a British citizen or are otherwise eligible to be considered a resident of the UK without 3. to restrict, have a body mass index between 18 and 30, and have lived in the country you will be applying in for at least 3 years. You will also need to be able to pass a physical 4. examine and 5. assess tests.

2. Locate a police force that is looking 6. to recruitment in the area of the UK that you live in. Request an 7. apply pack from them and fill it out according to the directions contained within. The force that you apply with will check your 8. eligible and then contact you to schedule further assessment.

3. You will receive assessment materials two weeks before you are scheduled to take your assessment tests; this will give you time to review them and prepare for your police assessments. The Police Initial Recruiting Test (PRIT) contains several portions which will test 9. write and verbal English skills, reasoning, and mathematics. It’s important to keep in mind that the PRIT is a 10. compete test, with only around 8% of the 60, 000 – 80, 000 11. apply being accepted into the UK police force each year.

4. If you score well enough on the PRIT tests to be accepted into the UK police force, you will then need to undergo a 12. medicine and fitness test. The fitness test will be in two parts, designed to make sure that candidates 13. excessive the level of fitness that will likely be needed in their 14. day work.

5. Once you have passed your medical 15. exam and both parts of the fitness test, all that’s left is for you to receive an offer of 16. appointee. This may take a little while, since the police force will need to check your 17. refer again and make sure that you pass all needed 18. secure and background checks. When you receive your offer of appointment, you need only accept it to be hired into the UK police force as a new police officer.



The words in some sentences in the text below are in the jumbled order. When you restore them, you will find out about your rights at a police station after being arrested. The first word or phrase is given in bold.


1. And held in custody/ If you are arrested, / and questioned/ you are taken/ to the police station/

2. Or released / you lose/ until/ your right to freedom/ This means / / you are charged.


3. At the police station /The custody officer / and explain / why/ you are being held/ what your rights are/ must tell you.

Your rights are to:

- get free legal advice – for example, from a solicitor

- arrange for someone you know to be told where you are

- have medical help if you’re feeling ill

- see the rules the police must follow – these are called ‘Codes of Practice’

- see a written notice telling you about the rights – for example, to get regular breaks for food, washing and to use the toilet

4. And any possessions you have /You will be searched / taken off you/ while you are in the cell/ will be temporarily.


5. Hold you / can’t normally / without charging you/ for more than 24 hours / / with a crime/ The police

6. If you are suspected, / can be extended by: / the period/ in custody/ of committing a serious crime/

- 36 hours – by a police superintendent at the police station;

- 96 hours – by a court – the police have to ‘apply’ to a court to do this

7. After this time, / must/ or release you/ the police / either charge you/.


8. Question you/ they suspect you / The police / bout the offence/ f committing/ will/.

9. The interview be recorded will


10. They have to/ Before the police if you decide / any questions, / warn you/ what can happen / not to answer/ ask you /.

11. This / the ‘police caution’/ is called

The police caution is: ‘You do not have to say anything. However, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence’.

12. Or legal advisor / If necessary / what this means/ can explain/ a police officer

13. Free legal advice/ the right to/ at the police station, / you have/ While


14. And a DNA sample / The police / to take your fingerprints, / photographs/ have the right/ You cannot refuse to let them do this.

15. Are stored / Information / and may be used / from fingerprints and samples/ / in a police database / to identify you/ if you’re arrested again /

To take some other types of samples (called ‘intimate samples’) – for example, blood or urine – the police need:

- the authority of a senior police officer – an inspector

- your permission

You can refuse to give your permission. A legal advisor can explain what could happen if you refuse – especially if you are charged and have to go to court.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 831. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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