GRAMMAR. Match the two halves of the sentences so that they make sense. 1
Match the two halves of the sentences so that they make sense.
1. If I found a gun in the street,
| a you will be fined
| 2. You wouldn’t have been punished
| b he would be able to catch the thief
| 3. If you drive so fast,
| c he wouldn’t have had a black eye
| 4. If you had taken my advice,
| d it wouldn’t have been stolen
| 5. If he could run faster,
| e this wouldn’t have happened
| 6. If he hadn’t been assaulted,
| f I would take it to the police
| 7. If I had locked the car,
| g you wouldn’t have been sent to prison
| 8. If I had been more careful,
| h you’ll be fined
| 9. If you park here,
| I he would be executed
| 10. If the capital punishment had not been abolished,
| j if you hadn’t broken the law
| 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Yesterday the famous bank robber, Michael Arch, robbed another bank in the centre of our city. As usual, he only stole 10 pounds. If he 1 (leave) any clues, he 2 (be) imprison now, but he is much too clever. He disconnected the security cameras; if he 3 (not/do) that, the police 4 (have) him on film now. The strange thing is, Arch doesn’t seem to be interested in the money; if he 5 (be), he 6 (can/steal) thousands of pounds by now. The police are determined to catch him, and the Chief is confident that they will. He says that if he 7 (think) they weren’t going to arrest Arch eventually, he 8 (leave) the police force long ago.
| to give someone official information about something
| advocate
| a lawyer who defends someone in a court of law
| advocacy
| public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy
| apply to
| to request something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a form
| application
| a formal request to an authority
| barrister
| a person called to the bar and entitled to practise as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts
| Chambers
| a judge's private office
| civility
| formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech
| competence
| the ability to do something successfully or efficiently
| Conflict of Laws
| a set of procedural rules which determine which legal system, and the law of which jurisdiction, applies to a given dispute
| Constitutional Law
| a body of law dealing with the distribution and exercise of government power
| conveyancing
| the process of moving the legal ownership of property or land from one person to another
| county court
| a local law court in England and in some parts of the US which deals with cases that do not involve serious crime
| Crown Court
| a law court in England or Wales where criminal cases are judged by a judge and jury
| Curriculum Vitae (CV)
| a brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous occupations, typically sent with a job application
| database
| a large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed
| defamation
| the action of damaging the good reputation of someone
| defence
| a defending party or group in a court of law
| degree
| the qualification given to a student who has done this course
| disclosure
| the action of making new or secret information known
| drafting
| writing something such as a legal document, speech or letter that may have changes made to it before it is finished
| drafting of pleadings
| prepare a project of the document for the preliminary judicial proceeding
| ensure
| make certain of obtaining or providing something
| insurance
| an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injury, etc
| European Economic Community Law
| a body of treaties, law and court judgements which operates alongside the legal systems of the European Union's member states
| ethics
| a system of accepted beliefs which control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals
| evidence
| Law information drawn from personal testimony, a document, or a material object, used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in a law court
| experience
| the knowledge or skill acquired by a period of practical experience of something, especially that gained in a particular profession
| expertise
| expert skill or knowledge in a particular field
| fall behind
| to fail to do something fast enough or on time
| Family Law
| an area of the law that deals with family-related issues and domestic relations
| fringe benefits
| an extra benefit supplementing an employee's money wage or salary, for example a company car, private health care
| full-time job
| work done for the whole of a working week
| get on with
| to be on good terms with smb
| graduate
| a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training
| have full rights of audience
| the right to process the case in court
| High Court
| law court in England and Wales for trials of civil rather than criminal cases and where decisions made in regional courts can be considered again
| Inn of Court
| each of the four legal societies having the exclusive right of admitting people to the English bar
| integrity
| the state of being whole and undivided
| International Law
| the term commonly used for referring to laws that govern the conduct of independent nations in their relationships with one another
| interviewing
| a conversation between the lawyer and the client especially for consultation
| Jurisprudence
| the theory or philosophy of law
| Law of Contract
| the body of legal rules governing the conclusion and consequences of contracts
| Law of Tort
| a branch of the law which covers civil wrongs, such as defamation and trespassing, among many other transgressions
| lawyer
| a person who practises or studies law, especially (in the UK) a solicitor or a barrister or (in the US) an attorney
| lay
| dilettante
| lease
| to make a legal agreement by which money is paid in order to use land, a building, a vehicle or a piece of equipment for an agreed period of time
| liable
| having (legal) responsibility for something or someone
| look up the law
| examine the law questions
| Magistrates’ court
| court of petty sessions, formerly known as a police court, is the lowest level of court in England and Wales and many other common law jurisdictions
| magistrate
| a judge in a court for minor crimes
| Master’ s degree
| an advanced college or university degree
| Mock Trial
| an act or imitation trial
| mortgage
| an agreement which allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house or apartment, or the amount of money itself
| negotiating
| to try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way, especially in a business or political situation
| notary
| a person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions
| optional subjects
| additional, extra subjects
| part-time job
| a job for only part of the usual working day or week
| personnel
| people employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service
| postgraduate
| relating to or denoting a course of study undertaken after completing a first degree
| pro bono
| the term, that is generally used to describe professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment as a public service
| promotion
| activity that supports or encourages a cause, venture, or aim
| prosecution
| the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge
| Queen’s Counsel
| a senior barrister appointed on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor
| recruitment agencies
| an organization which matches employers to employees
| Roman Law
| the legal system of ancient Rome, and the legal developments which occurred before the seventh century AD — when the Roman –Byzantine state adopted Greek as the language of government
| run an office
| to have one’s own office
| solicitor
| in the UK, a lawyer, who gives legal advice, writes legal contracts and represents people in the lower courts of law
| Supreme Court
| the highest judicial court in a country or state
| talk someone into
| induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument
| tenancy
| possession of land or property, rented from a landlord
| The Executive
| the branch of a government responsible for putting decisions or laws into effect
| The State Law
| a body of law dealing with the distribution and exercise of government power
| time-consuming work
| a work taking a long time to do
| sue
| to institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress
| trial
| a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings
| turn down
| to reject
| unbiased
| showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial
| will
| an official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death
| to use or treat someone or something wrongly or badly, especially in a way that is to your own advantage
| acquit
| to decide officially in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a particular crime
| adjudicate
| to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something
| adjudication
| to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something
| administration
| the arrangements and tasks needed to control the operation of a plan or organization
| admit
| to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
| adoption
| the act of legally taking a child to be looked after as your own
| clarification
| an explanation or more details which makes something clear or easier to understand
| clerk of the court
| a person who works in an court, dealing with records or performing general office duties
| coroner
| an official who examines the reasons for a person's death, especially if it was violent or unexpected
| custody
| the legal right or duty to care for someone or something, especially a child after its parents have separated or died
| defendant
| a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal
| dispute
| an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border
| divorce
| when a marriage is ended by an official or legal process
| inquiry
| the process of asking or questioning
| guardianship
| the state or duty of being a guardian
| indict
| if a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime
| indictment
| a reason for giving blame
| jurisdiction
| the authority of an official organization to make and deal with especially legal decisions
| juror
| a member of a jury
| jury
| a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty, or whether a claim has been proved
| litigation
| the process of taking a case to a law court so that an official decision can be made
| maintenance
| financial support or supply of necessities given by one party to another such as upon a divorce of legal separation
| manslaughter
| the crime of killing a person by someone who did not intend to do it or who cannot be responsible for their actions
| matrimonial
| related to marriage or people who are married
| negligence
| when you do not give enough care or attention to someone or something
| offence
| an illegal act; a crime
| outline
| the main shape or edge of something, without any details
| penalty
| a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law
| plaintiff
| someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else in court
| prosecute
| to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or (of a lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime
| reassessment
| when you judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is made another way
| Recorder
| a municipal judge with criminal jurisdiction of first instance and sometimes limited civil jurisdiction
| trial
| the hearing of statements and showing of objects, etc. in a court of law to judge whether a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter
| verdict
| an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial
| summary offence
| also known as a petty crime, is a criminal act in some common law jurisdictions that can be proceeded with, summarily: without the right to a jury trial and/or indictment (required for an indictable offence)
| Queen's Bench Division
| the largest of the three divisions and primarily deals with civil matters arising out of contract law and the law of tort
| Lord of Appeal in Ordinary (Law Lords)
| one of eleven lords who are paid to sit as members of the House of Lords when it acts as a Court of Appeal
| Lord Chancellor
| the second highest ranking of the Great Officers of State, ranking only after the Lord High Steward. He is appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister
| Lord Justice of Appeal
| an ordinary judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, the court that hears appeals from the High Court of Justice, and represents the second highest level of judge in the courts of England and Wales
| JP (Justice of Peace)
| lay judicial officer who is appointed to conserve peace, hear and determine charges relating to minor offenses (summary offenses), sign arrest warrants and search warrants, administer oaths, take statutory declarations, and carry out civil functions such as performing marriage ceremonies. He or she may also serve as a magistrate
| interlocutory proceeding
| made during the course of a proceeding
| House of Lords
| the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
| Highest Court of Appeal
| the highest court of law that is empowered to hear an appeal of a trial court or other lower tribunal
| domestic case
| the case which is connected with pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation
| discharge a case
| a sentence of a person found guilty of a crime in which that person does not receive a criminal record of conviction, either absolutely or conditionally
| Crown Court juror
| ordinary members of the public between the ages of 18 and 70 who are selected at random from electoral register
| Chancery Division
| deals with business law, trusts law, probate law, and land law in relation to issues of equity. It has specialist courts (the Patents Court and the Companies Court) which deal with intellectual property and company law matters respectively
| a partner in a crime or wrongdoing
| accused
| the person or group of people who have been officially accused of a crime or offence in a court of law
| actus reus
| an offense
| alarm
| warning, alert, danger- or distress-signal; tocsin, bell, gong, siren, whistle, horn
| arson
| the act of maliciously setting fire to property
| arsonist
| someone who commits the crime of arson
| assault
| attack, onslaught, onset, charge, offensive, blitzkrieg, blitz, strike, raid, incursion, sortie; aggression
| balaclava
| (in full Balaclava helmet) a tight woolen garment covering the whole head and neck except for parts of the face
| battery
| law the crime of hitting someone
| burglary
| breaking and entering the dwelling house of another, in the nighttime, with intent to commit a felony therein, whether the felonious purpose be accomplished or not
| carjacking
| the crime of using a weapon to force the driver of a car to drive you somewhere or give you their car
| charge with
| finding of guilt, attributing blame, imputation
| charge
| an official statement made by the police saying that they believe someone may be guilty of a crime
charge against
He was found guilty of all six charges against him.
| commission
| the act of committing a crime
| commit suicide
| if a person commits suicide, they kill themselves.
| common-law marriage
| a relationship that is considered to be a marriage because the man and woman have lived together for a long time
| community service
| work that people do to help other people without payment, and which young criminals whose crime was not serious enough for them to be put in prison are sometimes ordered to do
| confidence trick
| deceive anyone's expectation or confidence
| culprit
| someone who has done something wrong
| dead
| no longer living; deprived of life: dead people; dead flowers; dead animals
| death
| the end of life
| deceit
| (an act of) keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage
| deceitful
| misleading; fraudulent: a deceitful action.
| detention
| maintenance of a person in custody or confinement, especially while awaiting a court decision
| deter
| to prevent; check; arrest
| deference
| formal polite behaviour that shows that you respect someone and are therefore willing to accept their opinions or judgment
| distinguishing feature
| escape
| to get away from a place or dangerous situation
| fine
| to make someone pay money as a punishment
| flee
| to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger
| foil
| rob the premises or a person
| forgery
| a mimic of a document or any other thing
| gang
| a group of criminals who work together
| gangster
| a member of a violent group of criminals
| getaway car
| car located in the search
| grievous bodily harm
| serious harm caused to human health, and which provides for criminal liability
| guilt
| responsibility and blame for something bad that has happened
| guilty mind
| intent motivating criminal act
| strict liability offence
| crime involves great responsibility
| suspect
| to think that something bad has happened or is happening
| suspended sentence
| conviction for which the offender serves his sentence outside the penitentiary
| thief
| someone who steals things from another person or place
| threaten
| to say that you will cause someone harm or trouble if they do not do what you want
| haul
| to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement
| homicide
| the crime of killing smb deliberately
| in cold blood
| coldly, in cold blood (in a cold unemotional manner) " he killed her in cold blood"
| injury
| any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
| joyriding
| the action or practice of driving fast and dangerously in a stolen car for enjoyment
| justify
| show or prove to be right or reasonable
| kidnapping
| take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom
| knowingly
| in a way that suggests one has secret knowledge or awareness
| liability
| the state of being responsible for something, esp. by law
| make off
| run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
| malice
| the intention or desire to do evil; ill will
| malicious
| characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm
| mens rea
| the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused
| mug
| to attack smb violently in order to steal their money, especially in a public place
| mugger
| a person who attacks and robs another in a public place
| omission of crime
| in the criminal law, failure to act, will constitute an actus reus (Latin for " guilty act") and give rise to liability only when the law imposes a duty to act and the defendant is in breach of that duty
| omission
| the act of not including or doing something
| onus
| used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility
| onus of burden of proof
| the obligation to prove an assertion or allegation one makes
| pickpocket
| a person who steals money etc. from other people’s pockets, especially in crowded places
| pickpocketing
| stealing from other people's pockets
| plot
| secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action)
| pounce
| spring forward suddenly so as to attack or seize someone or something
| prearranged plan
| a plan, arranged or agreed upon (something) in advance
| probation
| a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them; a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court; " probation is part of the sentencing process"
| punch
| strike with the fist
| raider
| a person who attacks an enemy in the enemy's territory; a marauder
| ransom
| a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner
| rape
| the crime, committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with him without their consent and against their will, esp. by the threat or use of violence against them
| rapist
| a man who commits rape
| recklessness
| the trait of giving little thought to danger
| redress
| remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance
| rob
| take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force
| robbery
| the action of robbing a person or place
| seek
| attempt to find (something)
| shoplifter
| a thief who steals goods that are in a store
| shoplifting
| theft of goods from a retail establishment
| sneak
| move or go in a furtive or stealthy manner
| vandal
| a person who deliberately destroys or damages public or private property
| vandalism
| willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others
| victim
| a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action
| wrongdoer
| a person who behaves illegally or dishonestly; an offender
| wrongdoing
| illegal or dishonest behavior
Home Secretary
| the British cabinet minister who is head of the Home Office
| hostile
| showing strong dislike
| hostility
| a hostile (very unfriendly) disposition
| ill-treat
| mishandle
| Inspector
| a British police officer below a superintendent and above a sergeant in rank.
| interrogation
| a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply;
formal systematic questioning
| intimidation
| the act of making timid or fearful or of deterring by threats
| law-abiding
| adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs
| moderation
| quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes
| patrol
| maintain the security of by carrying out a control
| personal search
| to examine the person or personal effects of in order to find something lost or concealed
| police power
| the civil force of a State, responsible for maintaining public order
| prejudice
| a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
| riot
| a public act of violence by an unruly mob
| sample
| a small part of something intended as representative of the whole
| scare
| cause fear
| search
| the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
| sergeant
| a police officer ranking below inspector
| Special Constabulary
| is the part-time volunteer section of a statutory police force in the United Kingdom or some Crown dependencies
| stern
| severe and unremitting in making demands
| superintendent
| a British police officer above the rank of inspector.
| suspect
| a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law
| suspicion
| doubt about someone's honesty
| suspicious
| openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
| testify
| give testimony in a court of law
| traffic warden
| a person whose job is to make certain that people do not leave their cars in places where they are not allowed to leave them, or for longer than they allowed to leave them
to abolish
| to do away with (laws, regulations, customs, etc); put an end to
| aggravated kidnapping
| carrying off and hold (a person), usually for ransom, which is made more serious by its circumstances
| aircraft hijacking
| seizing possession or control of an aircraft esp. by forcing the pilot to divert the aircraft to another destination
| to apprehend
| to arrest and escort into custody; seize
| cell
| a small simple room in a prison
| confession
| a formal, usually written, acknowledgment of guilt by a person accused of a crime.
| criminal responsibility
| legal accountability for committing a crime
| decapitation
| a mode of executing capital punishment by which the head is severed from the body.
| delinquent
| offending by neglect or violation of duty or law
| to deny
| to state that something declared or believed to be true is not true
| to disown
| to refuse to acknowledge as belonging or pertaining to oneself; deny the ownership of or responsibility for
| electrocution
| executing a convicted criminal by electricity
| enquiry
| an investigation, especially a formal one conducted into a matter of public concern by a body constituted for that purpose by a government, local authority, or other organization
| execution
| putting to death as fulfillment of a judicial death sentence
| felony
| a crime that has a greater punishment imposed by statute than that imposed on a misdemeanor; a federal crime for which the punishment may be death or imprisonment for more than a year
| firing squad
| a method of capital punishment, particularly common in the military and in times of war.
| flaw
| an imperfection, defect, or blemish
| gas chamber
| method of executing condemned prisoners by lethal gas
| guillotine
| a device for beheading persons, consisting of a weighted blade set between two upright posts
| guilty
| having committed an offence or adjudged to have done so
| hanging
| the form of capital punishment carried out by suspending one by the neck from a gallows, gibbet, or the like, until dead.
| heavy sentence
| severe sentence
| inmate
| a person confined in an institution (as a prison or hospital
| innocent
| not guilty
| insanity
| unsoundness of mind or lack of the ability to understand that prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or that releases one from criminal or civil responsibility
| isolation
| the act of isolating or the state of being isolated.
| jail
| a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody
| law-enforcement bodies
| government agencies responsible for the enforcement of the laws.
| lethal injection
| the act or instance of injecting a drug for purposes of capital punishment or euthanasia
| life imprisonment
| a sentence of imprisonment until death
| neglect
| a disregard of duty resulting from carelessness, indifference, or willfulness
| penal system
| system relating to the punishments of criminals
| plea
| an allegation of fact in civil litigation made in response to a claim
| to rehabilitate
| to restore (as a convicted criminal defendant) to a useful and constructive place in society through therapy, job training, and other counseling
| release
| to relieve or free from obligation, liability, or responsibility released from all dischargeable debts
| retribution
| punishment imposed (as on a convicted criminal) for purposes of repayment or revenge for the wrong committed
| to revenge
| to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for
| rough treatment
| cruel (inhuman, outrageous) treatment
| self-inflicted death
| suicide
| severe
| harsh; unnecessarily extreme
| smuggle
| to import or export secretly and illegally esp. to avoid paying duties or to evade enforcement of laws
| statement
| an official or formal report or declaration
| stoning
| a form of capital punishment whereby a group throws stones at a person until the person dies.
| strangle
| to kill by compressing the windpipe; throttle
| To strap
| to tie or bind with a strap
| sword
| a weapon having various forms but consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved blade, sharp-edged on one or both sides, with one end pointed and the other fixed in a hilt or handle.
| tarnish
| to diminish or destroy the purity of; stain; sully
| treason
| the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war
| warder
| an official having charge of prisoners in a jail.
| whipping
| to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement
| wound
| a physical injury to the body consisting of a laceration or breaking of the skin or mucous membrane
Lead-in: advising; Master’s degree; advocacy; barrister; conveyancing; defence; drafting of pleadings; articled clerk; full-time job; graduate; have full rights of audience; notary; Queen’s Counsel; solicitor; Law course; will; lawyer; Law Society examination; negotiating; interviewing
Task 1: 1. c; 2 h; 3a; 4 I; 5. f; 6.j 8b; 9d; 10. e
Task 2: 1 – a; 2. – a; 3. – b; 4. – a; 5. – b; 6. – b; 7. – a; 8. – b; 9. – a; 10. – a
Task3: 1 joined, advises, representing; 2 undertaking; 3 advise on, negotiate, draft, litigate; 4 drafting, advising on, resolving; 5 reviewing, drafting, meeting with, answering; 6 supervising; 7 reading and analyzing, determine; 8 drafted, submitted, secure; 9 write, form, granted; 10 defending, enforcing; 11 advising; 12 working with, doing; 13 litigation, bringing; 14 drafting; 15 require, meet; 16 had; 17 completed, specializes; 18 resolving, handling, concerning; 19 navigating, apply to.
Task 4: 1. a high level of trust; 2. are subject to standardized examination; 3. competence; 4. insufficient; 5. requirement; 6.Bar Final examination; 7. Law Society Final examination; 8. preparatory course; 9.covering a wide area of law; 10.articled clerk; 11.closely supervised by an experienced lawyer; 12. pupil
Task 6: Solicitors: 5, 6, 3; Barristers: 7, 2, 4, 1
Task 7: Solicitors: Advocacy in the lower courts; advising clients on general legal issues; advising on tax matters; commercial work; conveyancing of houses; dealing with commercial transactions; making wills; preparing cases; share and other property dealings.
Barristers: advocacy in all courts; advising clients on specialist legal issues; advising on litigation; drafting of documents in connection with litigation
Task 8: 1.b; 2. a; 3. b; 4.c; 5. b
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Пункцию и катетеризацию подключичной вены обычно производит хирург или анестезиолог, иногда — специально обученный терапевт...
Станислав Свердлов закончил российско-американский факультет менеджмента Томского государственного университета...