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Read the text and translate the words and phrases in brackets, using their equivalents given in the box to find out more about the structure of policing in England and Wales

local magistrates; Superintendent; undergo; amalgamation of forces; approved; under supervision; ranks; Home Secretary; Assistant Chief Constable; full-time attendance; commissioner; entry requirements; is headed; initial; ultimately responsible;

1. There are currently 43 police forces in England and Wales, although there is provision for the (слияние сил) which could result in a smaller number in the future.

2. Nearly all are accountable to a local police authority which usually consists of 17 members comprised of three (местные магистраты), nine local councilors and five independent persons (одобренные) by the (Министр Внутренних Дел)

3. The main exception to this rule is the Metropolitan Police Force in London. At present this force is not accountable to a police authority as such, but comes under the direct control of the Home Secretary who is (в конечном итоге ответственен) to Parliament for all policing throughout England and Wales.

4. Each police force (возглавляется) by a Chief Constable although the two London forces, namely the City of London and Metropolitan Police, each have a (комиссар).

5. All members of the police have to (подвергаться) a period of intensive training before they join police forces.

6. As in the armed forces they have different (звания). The (первоначальный) rank is Constable and after that comes Sergeant, Inspector, Chief Inspector, (старший полицейский офицер), (помощник начальника территориального управления полиции) and Chief Constable.

7. All police officers have to complete the initial two-year (испытательный срок) as Constables before any promotion is made.

8. The general (требования для поступления) for the police service are: good health, character, education, appearance and also British nationality.

9. The training of recruits requires about four to five months (очного обучения) at one of several police training centres throughout the country.

10. Training remains a dominant feature throughout the two-year probationary period and takes the form of practical street experience (под наблюдением) combined with further classroom instruction.



Read the text “Police Officer: Entry Requirements” and say whether these statements are true or false according to it.

1. To become a police officer in the UK one must have a Master’s degree.

2. Police officer on the UK must only be British by nationality.

3. If you worked as a sports coach you will have some advantages being assessed as a prospective police officer.

4. Special constables are used to provide a liaison with local youth groups.

5. Candidates are supposed to explain their choice of the profession.

6. An applicant must be able to work as a member of a team.

7. Candidates do not submit any information concerning their private life.

8. Having comprised assessment tests and an interview successfully, an applicant then passes job-related and medical tests.

9. The initial test for prospective entrants in Scotland is an in depth interview.

10. If you have previous convictions, you are automatically expelled from the candidates list.



Look the text through one more time and find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions.


требования к образованию, выпускники, набор кадров, предварительный опыт, местное сообщество, доброволец, полицейский общественной поддержки, констебль для специальных поручений, полномочия, обеспечивать общественную безопасность, беспорядки, старшие офицеры/командиры, основные проблемы, эффективные навыки общения, чувство ответственности, способность быстро восстанавливать душевные силы, навыки решения проблем, уверенный, грамотность, многообразие, навыки работы в команде, честность, благонадежность, здравое суждение, действовать решительно, сдержанность, критерии зачисления на службу, оценочные испытания, навыки обработки информации, процедуры аттестации, судимость за незначительное правонарушение, не имеющий права на пребывание в должности.




There are no formal educational requirements for entry to the police service. The profession is open to graduates, diplomates and non-graduates alike. Recruitment and selection procedures are managed by police services at a local level, although a nationally agreed competency-based framework is applied.

Entry is open to British and Commonwealth citizens, EC/EEA nationals and foreign nationals who have no restrictions on their leave to remain in the UK.

Pre-entry experience is not essential, although it is advantageous to have some experience of working with individuals or groups in the community, such as sports coaching or working with local youth groups.

Other useful experience might be as a volunteer, such as in the Metropolitan Police’s Volunteer Police Cadets. You can also volunteer to be a police community support officer or as special constable.

Special constables are volunteers who receive expenses and, after full training, have the same powers as a regular police constable. They are generally used to ensure public safety at major events or in combating city centre crime and disorder. Positions are available throughout the UK.

When applying, it is important to be able to state and explain your reasons for choosing a career in the police force, and provide details of any contacts made within the service. You should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the force, the area which it covers, its senior officers, the structure of the local force and key challenges to it.

Candidates will need to show evidence of the following:

• effective communication skills including tact and diplomacy;

• community and customer focus;

• a sense of personal responsibility, integrity and resilience;

• problem-solving skills;

• a confident and calm manner;

• good literacy skills so that you can accurately record details;

• respect for diversity;

• teamworking skills and the ability to work independently;

• professionalism, honesty and trustworthiness;

• sound judgment and a proper respect for confidentiality;

• the ability to act with resolve, tolerance and restraint.

Prospective entrants complete the initial application form and medical questionnaire, which are assessed and scored against entrance criteria. Candidates are asked to provide personal details including the names of family members and associates, participation in youth organisations and groups, interests, sports and special skills they may have for the position.

If this assessment is positive, the next stage is an assessment centre comprising a series of assessment tests and an interview. Successful applicants are then required to pass job-related fitness and medical tests. Appointments are then made, subject to references and security clearance.

In Scotland, candidates follow the application form with a Standard Entrance Test which measures literacy, numeracy and information handling skills and an initial fitness test. This is followed by an initial interview with a recruitment sergeant, vetting procedures and a final in depth interview before undertaking a full medical and a final fitness.

In Northern Ireland, potential officers follow an application form with psychometric tests before being invited to an assessment centre and offered a training position.

People with minor convictions and/or cautions are not automatically precluded from entry to the police service, although certain offences and conditions will make you ineligible, so check with your local force. Details of spent convictions, as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, must be disclosed.



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