II. Which of the expressions above are used to
Listening I. Listen to a stock trading company manager describe how his team solved a problem with the company's website
1. Underline the two things the manager does to open his presentation. ask a question / tell a joke / tell a story / quote some figures 2. What's the significance of the following facts and figures? __________________________________________
250, 000 __________________________________________
60, 000 __________________________________________ Part B 3. What three problems was the company having with its website? a.________________________________________ b.________________________________________ c.________________________________________ 4. Having improved the website, what are E-Stock's two current objectives? A._______________________________________ B._______________________________________ Part C 5. Which graph (a, b, c or d) does the speaker refer to? q 6. What three things does the manager do to close his presentation? a. he sums up his talk b. he quotes a well-known person c. he refers people to his report d. he invites questions