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Between a Mother (M), her Son (S) and the Doctor (D)

M: Your nose is clogged up, your voice is hoarse and your face flushed. You must have a cold. I'm sure. I hope it's nothing more. Where did you manage to get it?

S: I don't know myself. I must have caught cold last night after a game of football when I felt so hot that I even took my jacket off.

M: How thoughtless (careless) of you, the evening was chilly and windy. Now you'll have to stay in. Here's the thermometer, take your temperature.

S: Oh, I'll be all right in a few hours.

M: Now, you do what you are told. Put the thermometer under your arm (in the armpit)... Oh, it's thirty eight point three. You'll have to stay away from classes today. I'll call the doctor (I'll have the doctor in). (She phones to the local out-patient hospital and is told that the doctor will call while making his daily round of the district).

D: What do you complain of, my boy?

S: I have a bad (splitting) headache and a sore throat. I feel sort of feverish.

D: Let me feel your pulse. Open your mouth, please. I see your tongue is coated and your throat inflamed. Now, strip to the waist, please. (The doctor sounds the boy's lungs.) Take a deep breath... (To the mother.) Your son is to keep his bed for three days. Here is the prescription. The medicine is to be taken three times a day before meals, two tablespoonfuls each time. It will help to keep the fever down. (To the son.) Blow your nose gently, young man, or else you'll have an earache... Nothing serious, but don't get up before Wednesday, as there might be complications (bad after-effects).


4. Symptoms of an Illness

A: What's the matter, you look unwell, your eyes are red and there is fullness under them. Have you fallen ill?

B: I didn't sleep a wink last night. I had such an awful stomach-ache that I was on the point of calling for urgent medical aid. However, after I took some soothing pills, the pain subsided.

A: Is it the first time you've had stomach trouble?

B: I have occasional attacks of indigestion if I eat anything my stomach doesn't agree with, but that is a rare case. A couple of years ago I thought my stomach could digest nails.

A: It might have been an attack of appendicitis, this time.

B: I don't think so. My brother has been operated on for appendicitis and he knows all the symptoms of this disease. With me it's something quite different

A: You'll have to consult a specialist.

B: I hate going to doctors.

A: Who doesn't? But pluck up your courage, old boy. A specialist will diagnose your case, but first be prepared to have your gastric juice tested and some analyses taken. He will prescribe a strict diet and some inoffensive drug for the time being.


5. Between Two Boys on Injuries

B: (Seeing his friend come out of the doctor's office.) Hello, Mike, what happened to you? Why is your arm in a sling?

M: I had a bad fall from a bicycle and broke my arm.

B: How awful! Have you any pain now?

M: It still hurts, but not so much as before. The fractured bone has been set and now my arm is in plaster of Paris.

B: So you can't use your arm now, can you?

M: I shan't be able to use it until the plaster is taken off. And now what are you doing here?

B: You see, I sprained my ankle today when jumping over a gym-horse.

M: Well, it's nothing much to come to the doctor with. Apply a cold compress to it overnight and you'll get the swelling down, I'm sure. I had that sort of thing a year ago. I was limping for a few days, that's all.


6. At the Dentist's

D: What's troubling you?

A: One of my front teeth is working loose, and there's a big one (a wisdom tooth) at the back that wants seeing to.

D: You have to have this one out. It is a pity you didn't have it looked at before.

A: I wish to goodness I had.

D: Does that other tooth pain you now?

A: Not particularly, just a dull steady pain.

D: The tooth is decaying and must be stopped... (The doctor reaches for the drill, then cleans and drills the tooth with it, inserts a piece of cottonwool in the cavity (hole) and proceeds to make a filling.) This will be a temporary filling, I'll make a permanent one next time... Now we'll attend to the front tooth. Shall I apply an anaesthetic to deaden the pain?

A: Yes, if you please.

D: Here is your tooth extracted. Now rinse your mouth, please.

A: (Rising from the chair and looking into the mirror.) The empty space doesn’t improve my looks any. How about having a false tooth put in?

D: You’ll have to have a small bridge made and two crowns on which to suspend the false tooth. I may direct you to a dental mechanic and he will do this for you.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1328. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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