Студопедия — Food and Meals
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Food and Meals

Study Vocabulary:

1. Food: bread, cereals, meat, sausages, poultry, game, dairy products, fish, sea-food, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, spices, wines, beverages (drinks), sweets, fresh food, frozen food, canned food, pet food, brands of food, cooked food, uncooked food.

2. General: nutrition, malnutrition, diet, keep to a diet, be on diet, strict diet, put on a diet, feed.

3. Bread: flour, dough, rich dough, unleavened dough, to bake bread, to live on bread, white bread, brown bread, rye bread, loaf (pl. loaves) of bread, new bread, stale bread, bun (roll), ring roll, puff, cake, cheese cake, pancake, pie, toast.

4. Cereals: grain, groats, wheat, rye, barley, pearl barley, buck wheat, semolina, rice, corn, cornflakes, maize, oats.

5. Meat (fresh): joint, beef, tender beef, tough beef, beefsteak, corned beef, roast beef, pork, mutton (lamb), veal, kidney, liver, stomach, tongue, chop, cutlet.

6. Sausages: salami, bacon, fat bacon, lean bacon, ham, cold pork, smoked ribs.

7. Poultry and Game: chicken, duck, goose, turkey, hazel grouse, partridge, pheasant, rabbit.

8. Fish and Sea-food: bream, carp, cod, cod liver, eel, herring, mackerel, perch, pike, plaice, salmon, Siberian salmon, sardine, sprat, sturgeon, trout, turbot (halibut), tune, crab, lobster, oyster, shrimp (prawn), clam.

9. Dairy Products: milk, sour milk, cream, sour cream, butter, boiled butter, margarine, cheese, strong cheese, processed cheese, cottage cheese, egg, egg shell, white of an egg, yolk of an egg, hard-boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, whip (beat) shell an egg.

10. Vegetables: tomato, cucumber, salted cucumber, pickled cucumber, carrot, beet, potatoes, egg plant (aubergine), marrow (squash), turnip, cabbage, sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green cabbage, red cabbage, lettuce, green peas, beans, asparagus, spinach, radish, white radish, pumpkin, onion, garlic, leeks, pepper, sweet pepper, dills, parsley, celery, mushrooms.

11. Fruits, Berries and Nuts: grapes, raisin, apple, pear, plum, prune, cherry, apricot, peach, pomegranate, lemon, lime, orange, pine-apple, tangerine, banana, melon, water melon, strawberry, raspberry, currant (black, red, white), gooseberry, blueberry, blackberry, mulberry, nut, walnut, peanut, hazel nut, almond, nutmeg, seeds.

12. Spices: cinnamon, ginger, horse radish, mustard, pepper, salt, sugar, soda, pinch of soda, vanilla, vinegar, yeast, dress (v.), oil, sunflower oil, powdered sugar, sauce, ketchup.

13. Beverage: soft drinks, mineral water, (fruit) juice, spring water, lemonade, beer, dark beer, light beer, strong drinks, brandy (cognac), cherry brandy, sherry, whisky, wine, dry wine, port wine, sweet wine, table wine, champagne, porter, tea, blend of tea, coffee, black coffee, strong coffee, white coffee, grind coffee, make coffee, cocoa.

14. Sweets: chocolate, milk chocolate, nut chocolate, bar of chocolate, chocolates, box of chocolates, ice-cream, jam, jar of jam, marmalade, honey, pudding, plum pudding.

15. Meals: breakfast, have breakfast, at breakfast, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, have dinner, dine out, tea, have tea, supper, light supper, have a snack (bite), hungry, thirsty, be thirsty, drink, drink to, eat, eat well, eater, hearty eater, (un) eatable, chew, swallow, taste food, tasty (food), tasteless, delicious food, help oneself to, help yourself, helping, treat smb. to smth., serve, lay (set) the table, spread the table cloth, sit down to table.

16. Some dishes: soup, broth, vegetable soup, chicken soup, meat soup, steak, roast chicken, chop, macaroni (pasta), spaghetti, pizza, porridge, stewed fruit, milk shake, mashed potatoes, bacon and eggs, fish and chips, cornflakes, coffee, tea, milk, cocktails.

17. Eating Out: bar, coffee-shop, snack bar, café, self-service café, canteen, menu card (bill of fares, menu), wine list, dining room, refreshment-room, buffet, restaurant, waiter, waitress, order, vacant seat, take a table, a table for two, can I have..?, appetizer (starter), a three-course dinner, for a first course, for a main course, for dessert, bill, heavy bill, pay the bill, tip, pass (hand over), hearty (substantial, square) meal, it smells good, it tastes good, sweet, bitter, acid, sour, salty, unsalted, stale, juicy, fattening, aromatic, (un)healthy, tasty, tasteless, messy, nourishing, mild, spicy, excellent, well-cooked.

18. Cooking: to cook food, a cook, to peel (potatoes, onion), to pare (fruit), to grate, clear meat from bones, chop, to carve the meat, to mince the meat, to dredge smth with flour, to roll smth in fine breadcrumbs, to beat up, to drain, to turn over, to boil potatoes in jackets, to prick, to simmer, to probe, to whip, to fry, to stew, a stewing pan, to boil, to roast, to overdone (underdone, rare, well done) meat, to spread, a stuff, stuffed pepper, to taste, to pour out, to make a scratch dinner, to grow cold, to spill over.

19. Tableware and Cutlery: napkin, cup, saucer, tea set, water jug, bread plate, butter dish, sugar basin, mustard pot, pepper box, salt cellar, tea kettle, tea pot, coffee pot, cutlery, chine, crockery, tray, tablecloth, place setting (cover), bottom plate, dinner plate, deep (soup) plate, dessert plate (dessert bowl), soup ladle, soup tureen, bread basket, salad bowl, dish, bowl, plate, corkscrew, knife, handle, fork, spoon, dessert spoon (fruit spoon), wine glasses, champagne glasses, crystal glass, liqueur glass, spirit glass, beer glass.

20. Kitchen Utensils and Appliances: can/tin opener, knife, ladle, sieve, spoon, scissors, grater, spatula, colander, fork, tray, bottle opener, potato masher, potato peeler, frying pan, food processor, whisk, kitchen board, corkscrew, coffee mill (grinder), mincer, rolling pin, whistling kettle, pan set, juice extractor, pressure cooker, toaster, rotisserie, chip pan.

Idiomatic expressions: be a big eater, drink like a fish, be as hungry as a hunter, eat like a bird, be fond of the cup, eat like a horse/wolf, have a canine appetite, be on bread and water, ready to eat a horse, eat until it comes out of one’s ears, to have a sweet tooth; after meat mustard, apple of discord, the apple of one’s eye, be meat and drink to smb., bite off more than one can chew, bread and butter (daily bread), dog’s breakfast, as easy as pie (a piece of cake), the food of gods, milk and honey, milk and roses.

Proverbs and Sayings:

- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

- A hungry belly has no ears.

- Hunger is the best sauce.

- Don’t live to eat, but eat to live.

- Appetite comes with eating.

- Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

- Hunger breaks stone walls.

- One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

- The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

- Too many cooks spoil the broth.

- You can’t eat your cake and have it too.

- Tastes differ.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1449. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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