Студопедия — High tea, breakfast, tea break, brunch, tea, dinner, afternoon tea, coffee break
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High tea, breakfast, tea break, brunch, tea, dinner, afternoon tea, coffee break

1. In the USA people usually eat _____ in the evening except for special occasions such as Christmas. 2._____ is not a drink. It is a small light meal that British people have at about 4 in the afternoon. 3. In some parts of Britain people have _____ instead of a later dinner. It is a big meal with meat or fish and many cups of tea. 4. In the USA the most popular meal for the weekend is _____. It combines a late breakfast and an early lunch. 5. American people do not use the word _____ to name the evening meal. 6. English ____ is much bigger than continental one. 7. In most American companies workers can enjoy a _____ in the middle of the morning or afternoon, while British prefer to have a _____.

II. What do you often/sometimes/seldom/hardly ever/never eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

1. Answer the question given in the title. Make your own sentences using the table.

    always   ice cream
For breakfast I often   sausage
For brunch He sometimes   vegetables
For lunch She seldom have cakes
For tea We hardly ever has hot dogs
For dinner They usually   salads
For supper You never   cheeseburgers
    normally   juice
    traditionally   fruit

2. Test yourself! Make sure you know words and peculiarities of eating styles in different countries. Complete the sentences with the suitable words: often, hardly ever, sometimes, always, usually, normally, traditionally.

1) Russian people ____ eat soup as a main dish for dinner. 2) An English breakfast ____ includes bacon and eggs, baked beans, porridge, fruit juice and toast with tea or coffee. Then it is called a “full English breakfast”. 3) Americans _____ have a lot of meat, salads and cakes for brunch. 4) In both the USA and Great Britain people _____ drink coffee at the end of the evening meal. 5) Today most people in England ____ have a typical English breakfast.

III. Do you have any preferences in food?

Each man has his own preferences in food. Try to guess what favourite dishes of your friends are. Use the following tips.

1) What do you prefer: vegetables or meat (milk or juice/meat or fish etc)?

2) As for vegetables, what do you like more: carrots or tomatoes (beans or potatoes)?

3) What is your favourite meat, is it ____ or is it _____?

4) Do you like _____ or would you rather have/prefer ____?

Choose the odd man in each group. Justify your choice.

Example: Strawberry, cherry, banana, melon.

Banana is the odd man, because it is not a berry, it is a fruit.

1. Cucumber, cauliflower, pumpkin, avocado.

2. Peas, cucumber, lettuce, carrot.

3. Tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cucumbers.

4. Bananas, grapes, melons, pineapples.

Choose the generic term for each group from those given in the box.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1120. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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