Студопедия — Lead in
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Lead in

1. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

What categories of letters do you know?

What is the difference between formal and informal letters?


2. Read the following extracts and guess which of them are formal and informal.

Dear Mr Miller,

I received your kind invitation to the reception. Unfortunately, owing to other commitments, I will be unable to attend…

Dear Ralph,

I just got your invitation to the company’s event. I’m afraid I can’t make it because I’ve already made plans which I can’t change…


…thus, I recommend that you accept this advice on the matter. I am sure that the suggestion offered is the best solution. Please let me know if this was helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Lee Jones

…I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. I look forward to meeting you to discuss employment opportunities.

Yours faithfully,

Nicole Porter

3. Read a piece of theory and study the table below.


· Letters are divided into two categories, formal and informal. There are various types of formal and informal letters, for example: letters asking for and giving information, letters asking for or offering advice, letters of invitation, letters of complaint, letters of apology, letters expressing thanks/regrets/congratulations, letters of application etc.


· It is important to think about the person who you are writing to before you begin writing a letter. If the wrong style is used, the letter will look impolite, silly or odd. For example, if you used formal language to write to a close friend, the letter would look odd, or if you used informal language to write a letter to a company, the letter would look impolite.



· In formal letters your address and the date as well as the recipient’s address are included in the letter. When you do not know the name of the recipient, you should include their title in the address. E.g. The Director of Studies, StMichael’s School, 15, Pine St., London. You should begin the letter with Dear Sir/Madam, and end with Your faithfully, Peter Jones. When the name of the recipient is known, their name and title should be included in their address, e.g. Mr Witkins, Accounts Manager, Rockdell Financial Services, 15 Stockdale Ave., London. The letter should begin with Dear Mr Witkins, and end with Yours sincerely, John Smith.




4. Read the tips for writing a letter of application.



A letter of application should always consist of a CV or a resume and a short covering letter. Its purpose is to draw the perspective employer’s attention to the key points in your CV and to highlight your suitability for the job.


Type a covering letter unless you are specially asked for a handwritten one.

Where possible address it to the person concerned.

Keep it short – use only one side of a page.

Make sure that the page isn’t too full and that the layout is clear.

Include more formal words and expressions but avoid making your letter sound too formal.





6. Read Nancy’s letter of application to Worldwatch. Put one word into each gap.


17 Hillside Rd


Herts. WD3 5LB

Tel 01923 284171

Fax 01923 286622


17 January 2010


David Benton

Worldwide UK Ltd

357 Ferry Rd

Basingstoke RG2 5HP



Dear Mr Benton,

I saw your _________________ for a Business Journalist in Guardian Newspaper of 10 January. I am very ____________ in the job and I think that I have many of the necessary ____________________.


I __________ politics and modern languages at Oxford University. I am ___________

in French, German and Spanish. I have _________ widely in Europe and South America, and I _________worked as a business journalist for the BBC __________ the last five years.


I enclose a copy of my curriculum vitae. I look forward __________ hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you need more information.



Yours sincerely,



Nancy Mann


7. Write a letter of application for the following job in the Daily News.





In Europe the Far East North and South America

Have you got interpersonal skills?

Can you speak two or more languages?

Do you want to see the world?

Please apply with CV to

The personnel Manager

Trans-Globe coaches

Victoria square

London SW1 6VC



Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1298. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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