Студопедия — Reading. 2. Read the text and find out meanings of the words in bold
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Reading. 2. Read the text and find out meanings of the words in bold

2. Read the text and find out meanings of the words in bold.


Distance is no obstacle today and personal contacts have become the most efficient means of promoting a better understanding in all spheres of human activity. Foreign trade is no exception.

Normally, businessmen keep in touch through correspondence or telephone calls, but there's no denying the fact that major problems can be solved more effectively through a personal meeting. Both parties have equal opportunities to hear out their counterpart's arguments and counterarguments and come to an agreement on the business in hand. Since a business trip is always limited in time, a businessman makes arrangements before his departure or immediately on arrival. Among other things he can make an appointment by telephone or by fax. In the counterpart's country a businessman can make an appointment in person. It is customary for businessmen to draw up a tentative programme of the points they would like to take up during the forthcoming meeting.

The programmes of the delegation's stay include a series of business talks and social meetings like a sightseeing tours, entertainment, visits to their counterpart's homes, etc. Visitors may have to attend a business lunch or a reception given in honour of the delegation.

These tips may come in handy for a businessman on a trip:

It is essential to be punctual in business. If you cannot keep the appointment you should notify your counterpart in advance and fix a new date.

On a formal occasion (talks, a working lunch, a reception) a business is expected to wear a suit and tie. Informal occasions (a sightseeing tour, an outing, a visit to a private home) do not call for formal clothes; one should be dressed casually.

Remember that it is always best to behave naturally. Jokes and humour are appreciated just as much as they are else.


Checking comprehension

3. Answer the following questions.

1) Why have personal contacts become very important nowadays?

2) How do businessmen maintain business contacts?

3) What is usually done to avoid loss of time?

4) In what way can you make an appointment?

5) What do the programmes of the delegation’s stay usually include?

6) What does a formal (informal) occasion imply? What clothes do they call for?

7) What qualities are highly valued in a businessman?


4. Read, translate and learn speech patterns.


Secretary speaking.

The sooner the better.

Can (could) I speak to Mr. X., please?

Who’s calling?

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