Phase formation of a professional
Optant - the person who chooses the profession. Adept - a person has taken the path of commitment to the profession and to master it. Adaptants - addictive young professionals to work. Internal - an experienced worker who loves his job and can quite independently, more reliably, and cope with major professional functions. Master - worker can decide and simple, and the most difficult professional tasks. Authority - a master of his craft, already well known in professional circles or even outside it (in the industry in the country). Mentor - to share their experience and skills to young colleagues.
Medical professionalism is:
• The obligation of confidence • Sensitivity to social needs • Empathy (empathy) • Responsibility • Compliance with the quality (high qualification) • Ability to deal with difficult and atypical cases • Reflection
10 principles of the Code of doctor Professional Ethics: • Commitment to professional competence. • The obligation to respect the patient. • Commitment to patient confidentiality. • The obligation to maintain the proper relationship with the patient. • Commitment to improve the quality of care. • The obligation to contribute to the growth of access to care. • Commitment to a just distribution of limited medical resources. • Commitment to the priority of scientific knowledge. • The obligation to adhere to the truth in a conflict of interest. • Commitment to professional responsibility. INTERNAL IMAGE OF DISEASE
Pain side diseases The emotional side of the disease