Студопедия — Stages of clinical interview
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Stages of clinical interview

1 Introduction to the interview (preparing for interviews with patients)

• Welcome patient doctor.

• Familiarity.

• Introductory comments.

• Free formulation of patient problems, which led him to the doctor.

2. Patient surveys (information gathering skills):

• Balance of open and closed questions in the interview.

• Refinement and clarification of the patient's statements.

• Active listening.

• The ability to properly pause in the conversation and enjoy the silence.

• Identification of the patient's concerns and expectations of counseling. Summation of the information gathered and forming hypotheses.

3. Guide the interview with the patient's positive reinforcement, with the ability to stop and interrupt the patient, where necessary, arrange for a conversation around the main theme.

4. Communication skills.

5. Closing the interview.

Role and strategy of doctor

A) Dominant doctor.

B) Expert doctor.

C) The doctor-listener.

D) Assistant.

Four psychological types doctor

1) empathetic;

2) emotional and neutral;

3) decision-making;

4) non-prescriptive.

Presented psychological types doctor can make four pairs:

Empathetic - non-prescriptive;

Empathetic - prescriptive;

Emotional and neutral - non-prescriptive;

Emotional and neutral - directive.




Communicative competence of a doctor - a certain level of development of inter-personal and professional experience of interaction with others, which is essential to the success of an individual in a professional field and in society.

Manifestations of communicative competence doctor:

• in the positive interactions and the lack of response can be ignored;

• a high level of empathy and self-esteem;

• in relation to the other person as to the value, as an active accomplice of interaction.

Psychological characteristics,

Forming the communicative competence


emotional stability

sensitivity to rejection

professional adaptation

professional Image

Psychological characteristics, reduce the communicative competence doctor



profound introversion of doctor


• psychological support;

• empathy and understanding;

• the ability to establish a therapeutic alliance;

• the ability to reach out to every person;

• communication skills, flexibility in communication;

• excellent relationships with colleagues, mutual aid;

• openness, honesty, friendliness;

• the ability to see the patient in person;

• the ability to explain to the patient the diagnosis is available and the method of treatment;

• respect from others, authority;

• the ability to heal the body and soul

Necessary personality traits of doctor


• positive self-concept;

• autonomy and decision autonomy of the other;

• the capacity for reflection;

• self-confidence;

• personality;

• self-sufficiency;

• self-esteem;

• high self-esteem,

• capacity for empathy,

• caring,

• respect for the patient,

• concern about the fate of the patient,

• the confidentiality,

• competence,

• responsibility,

• trust the patient,

• sensitivity,

• insight


Personal qualities physician, adversely affecting communication:


• Too old or too young age

• Doctor and patient both sexes

• Disorders of perception, such as deafness

• Disability• Incompetence

• Unpleasant manners

• Social maladjustment

• Oddity

• The doctor and the patient - family members or friends.

• Ignorance of the subject

• Lack of experience

• The inability to empathize

• Opposition to visit other doctors

• Other than the patient: religion, sexual orientation, social, and national origin, political affiliation


Typology of leadership of Kurt Lewin

style can be:

• authoritarian

• democratic

• liberal (permissive)

Typology of leadership of Rensis Laykert (Likert)


• the exploitative-authoritative,

• favorably-authoritarian,

• consultative and democratic,

• participatory (based on participation).

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 553. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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