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3. Complete the definitions of abilities using the following verbs:

to come up with to listen to remember   to recognize to arrange to quickly respond   to see (*2) to speak to communicate  


Oral Expression — The ability ____________ information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.

Problem Sensitivity — The ability ____________ when something is wrong or there is a problem but it does not involve solving it.

Near Vision — The ability ____________ details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).

Oral Comprehension — The ability ____________ to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.

Information Ordering — The ability ____________ things or actions in a certain order according to a specific rule (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).

Speech Clarity — The ability ____________ clearly so others can understand you.

Originality — The ability ____________ unusual or clever ideas, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem.

Far Vision — The ability ____________ details at a distance.

Memorization — The ability ____________ information such as words, numbers, pictures, and procedures.

Reaction Time — The ability ____________ (with the hand, finger, or foot) to a signal (sound, light, picture) when it appears.


2. Work in pairs. Put the knowledge, skills and abilities in the table below:

  Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important


3. Compare your tables with your partners’ ones. You are going to explain your points of view. Use the information above to help you.


Learning strategy Relating what you are studying to yourself can help you remember it.


Activity 6 Discuss the questions.

What knowledge, skills and abilities have

you already got?

What knowledge do you have to get?

What skills and abilities do you have to develop?

Activity 7 Interview

1. You are going to listen to a site engineer and a civil engineer speaking about their work.

Do you know?


Chartered engineer is a professional qualification in Engineering (not a degree) offered by professional associations. Examples of such institutions are the Institution of Engineers in India, the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, and the Institution of Electrical Engineers in the UK. Many European countries have similar qualifications (e.g. EurIng) which are considered, under European law, to be equivalent. http://www.ieaust.org.au/membership/professional.html Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  
Which tasks do you think each of them performs? What skills and abilities does each of them have? In the table below write ST (for site engineer), CE (for civil engineer) and B (for both).



Tasks Skills Abilities
- to contact suppliers for materials - to talk to people - to make sure work is completed on time and in budget - to adapt to the demands of specific projects - to make competent decisions - to liaise with different disciplines, such as building services, environmental engineering, hydraulics and geotechnics - to liaise with statutory authority - to supervise sub-contractors - to managing logistics - to liaise with materials and equipment suppliers - to interact with the design teams - to compare plans to the work on site and make adjustments - to be involved with the design of projects   - good communication skills - technical skills - problem-solving skills - good knowledge of the basics of engineering, finance and contracts - an aptitude for the work - analytical thinking skills - knowledge of contract law, accountancy, report writing - technical skills     - to get along with people - creativity - to stay enthusiastic about the job when dealing with problematic situations or people - to be good at solving practical problems - not to get too emotional in difficult situations - to negotiate and manage resources and people - to care about what you do - to be able to step outside difficult situations - to be creative    




Do you know?
Listen to the interviews with Jeni and Phil and check if you were right.

A bachelor's degree is usually an undergraduate academic degree awarded for a course or major that generally lasts three or four years.Bachelor of Engineering (BEng or BE) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded to a student after four or five years of studying engineering.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 431. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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