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Activity 6

Within the framework of specialist program at your university you can further select a subject field (technical speciality) leading to certain specialist qualifications. For example, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (www.nngasu.ru) provides the following specialist qualifications:

  • highways and aerodromes
  • water supply and wastewater disposal
  • hydraulic engineering
  • urban development and public utilities
  • production of building materials, elements and constructions

· industrial and civil construction

· heat and gas supply, and ventilation



1. What qualifications within your subject field does your university provide? Write down a list of them and make up a table like the one in activity 5:


Speciality Tasks and activities Knowledge and skills Projects (facilities)


2. Using the table write descriptions of at least 2 specialities like in

Activity 1.


3. Have you already chosen a qualification you are going to get? What qualification? Why? Try to persuade the other students in your group that you’ve made the right choice.

Think about:

1. Nature of work.

2. Job opportunities

3. Career perspectives.

4. Challenges

5. Financial reward

6. etc.



Project work


Scenario: Your University is planning to update the web page of Civil Engineering Faculty including information on engineering specialities. Work in small groups to discuss the contents and design of the web page of a civil engineering specialty and produce a paper version of it.
Learning strategy When working on a group project, divide the work among members of the group and report to the others on the key points of the research clearly and accurately.

Subject Areas: different specializations within civil engineering. Your Investigation: A competition has been announced among the students of Civil Engineering Faculty for the best web page devoted to different civil engineering specialities. Take part in the competition: you are going to write the description of your speciality. Web site address to search:Go to this page and then click on the part that refers to your specialization.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_engineering

Guided Questions on the contents:1. How would define your discipline?2. What is the main subject of the area?3. What do engineers in this area do?4. What knowledge and skills do engineers of the specialty need?5. What are the applications of the specialty? Guided Questions on the design:1. How should the information be presented/organized on the page to make it functional and attractive?2. What visuals should be placed there?3. What links should the page contain? Web site address to search:http://www.hero.ac.uk/uk/universities___colleges/eastern/university_of_cambridge.cfmhttp://www.isc.anglia.ac.uk/built/ceng_overview.htm


Present your projects, hold a competition to choose the best project and award the prize to the winners.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 538. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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