The Future
We have all heard of famous civil engineers from the past – Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Thomas Telford and Robert Stephenson for example. They were innovators in their time and achieved some remarkable feats of civil engineering.
Civil engineers will continue to ____________ of the civilized world – providing safe _____________ and ____________ water ____________ and developing irrigation and transport systems so communities can improve their quality of life. And who knows what lies ahead? There are unimagined opportunities throughout the world and even beyond our own planet.
1. Underline the stressed syllables. Then mark whether the stresses are on the same syllables (۷;) or not (X).
1. chall. enge ci. vil chann. el ۷; 1. rail. way de. mand air. port X 2. har.bour treat.ment 3. trans.port main.tain pro.vide 4. pro.tec.tion re.duc.tion 5. 6. off.shore tunn.el re.source 7.
2. Put the words from the box in the correct column, according to the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Which word doesn’t belong to any column?
Activity 5 Re-arrange these “word dominoes” in the right order so that each makes a strong word partnership. Make a list of the words pairs you create. The first and last domino are half-blank.
Activity 6 1. In the text “Our World and The Civil Engineer” it is stated that civil engineering has unimagined opportunities throughout the world and even beyond our planet. What do you think are these opportunities? See Language Box to help you express you opinion.
2. Read the following statements about civil engineering and say if you agree or disagree with them. Prove your points of view referring to the texts you read in the unit. · “Scientists explore what is; engineers create what has never been.” (Marc Isambard Brunel) · Civil Engineering relies more than any other engineering discipline upon communication skills… and sensitivity to the needs of society. · Civil Engineers are among the first to use the available high technologies. · Civil Engineering is truly the profession that has shaped our past and is helping define and build our future. · "The profession of Civil Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of the power of Nature for the use and convenience of Man." (from Wikipedia) See Language Box to help you to agree and disagree.