Пожалуйста, инкассируйте наши расходы.
1. Please collect our bank charges. 2. Please collect our cable charges. 3. Please collect our charges of USD 568. 4. Please collect our charges of JPY 6,739. 5. Please collect our charges of GBP 1, 440.50.
Drill 3. Translate according to the model: Please collect interest at 2% per annum. Пожалуйста, получите проценты в размере 2% годовых.
1. Please collect interest at 3% per annum. 2. Please collect interest at 2.5% per annum. 3. Please collect interest at 1.5% per annum. 4. Please collect interest at 4.2% per annum.
Drill 4. Translate according to the model: Your charges, if any, are for your account. Ваши расходы, если таковые имеются, за ваш счет.
1. The bank charges, if any, are for our account. 2. The cable charges, if any, are for the drawee’s account. 3. Your charges, if any, are for the account of the payer. 4. The telex charges, if any, are for the bank’s account.
Drill 5. Give negative forms of the following sentences and translate according to the model:
Protest for non-payment. Do not protest for non-payment. Протестуйте при неуплате. Не протестуйте при неуплате.
1. Protest for non-acceptance. 2. Insure the commodity. 3. Present the documents for acceptance. 4. Present the invoice for payment. 5. Protest for non-payment.
Drill 6. Translate according to the model: To pay at maturity