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Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian. Their heartlands are; states, ranging from India to ; these regimes fall short of the goal of democracy; some polyarchies are biased in favour of

Their heartlands are; states, ranging from India to...; these regimes fall short of the goal of democracy; some polyarchies are biased in favour of centralization; fragmentation; consociational democracy; consensual or pluralistic tendencies; a bicameral system; federalism or devolution; their communist past can't be discarded overnight; westernized countries, grudging and incomplete reforms; to


1. Brevity is a... characteristic of the author's style.

2. These two weapons are... by the distance of their use.

3. This politician has a... record of service.

4. He is not very... of criticism.

5. The speaker was exaggerating the facts so much that we couldn't... it any longer.

6. Peace-loving forces can be called peace-...

7. His speech was a... to the program of our party.

8.... found some connection between the accused and the jury and... the verdict of the latter.

9. The new government is facing a... task of fulfilling its promises.

a. to be suspended

b. to be repressed
с emergency

d. to belong

e. to survive

f. survivors, survivor

g. challenging
h. a challenge

i. Lord Advocate, to challenge

10. There were no... of the j. tolerate
earthquake in the district

but for one man, he was the sole...

11. This party... to the k. advocates
advocates of liberal


12. Under the military regimes 1. distinguishable
normal political and

constitutional arrangements... usually...

13. This fire extinguisher is to m. distinguishing be used only in an...

14. They... all the hardships of n. tolerant the war.

15. The revolt... immediately. o. distinguished

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian paying attention to different functions of 'o ne' and 'do' in the sentences.

1. East Asian political form is a less familiar one.

2. This interpretation ignores the difference between cultures influenced by Confucian ideas and values and ones shaped by liberal individualism.

3. East Asian regimes tend to be orientated more around economic goals than political ones.

4. One feature of postcommunist regimes is the need to deal with the politico-cultural consequences of communist rule.

5. One can argue that most former communist regimes will become indistinguishable from western polyarchies.

6. The interpretation fails to take account of the degree to which polyarchial institutions operate differently in an Asian context from the way they do in a western one.

7. Is political participation confined to an elite body or privileged group, or does it encompass the entire population?

8. The tendency to classify communist and fascist regimes as «totalitarian», implies that western liberal democracies were fighting the same enemy in the Cold War as they had done in the Second World War.

9. They do participate in the discussion but they don't have any say in the decision-making.

Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with: 'accept', 'adopt', 'admit', 'receive' and their derivatives.

1. The Russian President... the invitation to take part in the work of the conference on European security, he,,. warmly by his Turkish counterpart, and said that the talks were held in a friendly atmosphere. A number of documents on world peace and security...

2. All honored guests were accorded a warm...

3. The... of the new declaration found... with all peace advocates.

4. A new member... to the Party.

5. Children are not... to evening performances.

6. The building was under repair. The sign said «No...».

Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks using modal verbs can, could, should, may.

1. On what basis have and... regimes be classified?

2. Whereas governments... be changed by elections, as a result of coup d'etats, through dynastic succession and so on, regimes... only be changed by military intervention from without or by some kind of revolutionary upheaval from within.

3. The heritage of the communist past... be discarded overnight, especially when, as in Russia, the communist system had endured for over 70 years.

4. Important differences between post-communist states... also be identified.

5. The rise of East Asia in the late twentieth century... ultimately prove to be a more important world-historical event than the collapse of communism.

6. There is general acceptance in East Asian regimes that the state as a «father figure*... guide the decisions of private as well as public bodies.

1. Normal political and constitutional arrangements through which opposition... be expressed, are either weakened or abolished,

Ex. 9. Replace clauses by the Gerundial phrases

1. When the chairman finished enumerating the items on the agenda, he passed over to the main issue.

2. When the secretary was looking through the report, he came across some interesting facts.

.V After he had taken account of the current situation the defence

minister commented on the recent initiatives. 4. The Party members had made all the arrangements before they

held elections.


5. The orator didn't acknowledge the criticism and went on with his speech.

6. The Labour Party gained preeminence over the Tories as it embodied its promises of cutting taxes into its new manifesto.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 1425. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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