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Ex. 2, Terminology

Match the notions on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. Cooperation a. competition between opposing

forces, reflecting diversity of opinions, preferences, needs or interest.

2. State b. disillusionment with formal

and established political
processes, reflected in non-
participation, support for anti-
system parties or the use of
direct actions. -----------


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3. Power с. working together, achieving

goals through collective actions

4. Authority d. a political association that

establishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined territorial borders and exercises authority through a set of permanent institutions.

5. Conflict e. ability to influence the

behavior of others.

6. Anti-politics f, legitimate power, rightfutness.

7. General will g. the genuine interests of a

collective body, equivalent to the common good.

♦ Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4

Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian:

Through the making and enforcement of collective decisions; public affairs; beyond the narrow realm of government; the society -security system; consensus; a particular means of resolving conflict; naked power; 'the art of the possible'; peaceful debate and arbitration; in all social activities and in every corner of human existence.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English:

Осуществление контроля в обществе; нести ответственность за...; аппарат правительства; суды; означать, подразумевать; проводить политику; вести борьбу; это определение политики самое широкое и радикальное; политика в действии; в самом широком смысле политика имеет отношение к распределению и использованию природных ресурсов; удовлетворять чьи-либо потребности.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B*, making all necessary changes

A' В

1. He... to be rich. a. politics related

2. Law... must be secured b. conciliators everywhere.


c. negotiations d. enforcement e. to improve a law
f. inherent to g. to imply
h. in opposition to
i. a means of

3. The government must... on levying taxes.

4. Mediators are, in other words,...

5.... were held in a friendly atmosphere.

6. The Tories have always been... the Labour party.

7. The person who has always dealt with politics is

8. To protect peace and to prevent a new war is the most important task... the UN.

9. Peaceful co-existence..., among other principles, non interference in internal affairs of other countries.

10. Peaceful talks are... settling conflicts in a peaceful way.

j. to be reputed

Ex. 6. Make up sentences with:

To be of good repute - bad repute - reputed. To enforce -enforcement - enforced. To conciliate - conciliation - conciliatory. To negotiate - negotiator - negotiated. To oppose - opposition -opposite. To relate — relations — related.

superlative degrees of the from the text which go with

Ex. 7. Form the comparative and adjectives given below; suggest nouns them:

Broad, narrow, radical, essential, conscientious, modern, popular, ideological, derogatory

Ex. 8. Make up sentences with the Complex subject (конструкция «именительный падеж с инфинитивом»)

Model 1:Parliament is believed to discuss new laws. (Indefinite)

Model 2:Parliament is believed to be discussing the new laws.


Model 3:Parliament is believed to have discussed the new laws.


Model 4:Parliament is believed to have been discussing the new laws

for three months, (Perfect Cont.)


These structures can be used with a number of other verbs, especially:



1. he/ it is expected to — ожидается, что
2. is understood to   — считают, что
3. is believed to   — полагают/считают, что
4. is reputed to   — говорят, что; известно, что считается, что;
5. is said to   — говорят, что
6. is reported to   - передают/сообщают, что
7. is alleged to   — утверждают, что..., яко­ бы... — случается (случилось)
8. happens(happened)
      так, что; как видно
9. seems to   — кажется, что
10. is (un)likely to   — (мало)вероятно, что

Ex. 9. Translate into Russian:

1. Chancellor Bismarck is reputed to have told the German Reichstag: 'Politics is not a science but an art'.

2. Aristotle was known to call politics 'the master science'.

3. Public bodies are believed to be funded at the public expense, out of taxation.

4. The famous aphorism 'power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' seems to belong to Lord Acton (1834-1902).

5. Aristotle was reported to believe that polity is the rule by the many in the interests of all.

6. Moscow is likely to become one of the world's largest cities.

7. The adjective 'Machiavellian'1 happens to mean 'cunning and duplicitous' (хитрый и двуличный).

8. Power is known to be the ability to achieve the desired outcome.

9. Politics is said to be portrayed as 'the art of the possible'.

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