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Ex. 1. Comprehension questions

1. What is the origin of the word 'politics' and what is its modern definition?


2. Where is politics practised?

3. Who are the main actors of politics?

4. What is considered to be 'political', 'nonpolitical' and why?

5. How does politics differ from party politics?

6. Why have negative images always been attached to politics?

7. What lies behind such derogatory phrases as 'office politics' and 'politicking'?

8. Why should politicians be abolished or politics brought to an end?

9. What is the main subject of academic study of politics?

10. Why is politics linked to the phenomena of conflict and co­operation?

11. What is the heart of politics?

Ex. 2. Terminology

Match the notions: policy, politics, polity with the definitions:

•... is a politically organized nation, state or community.

•... is a selected, planned line of conduct in the light of which

individual decisions are made and coordination is achieved. ■... is the art and science of the government of a state.

•... is the form or constitution of a nation, state or community.

•... is public affairs or public life as they relate to this.

•... is an organized government.

• Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4

Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian

The exercise of authority; in cabinet rooms; legislative chambers; government departments and the like; images attached to politics; power-seeking hypocrites; rhetoric of public service and ideological conviction; allocating authoritative values; to abolish politicians; within a framework of checks and constraints; an academic subject; rival opinions or competing interests.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Целый ряд независимых городов-государств (полисов); сис­тема общественных организаций; предприятия, средние школы и другие образовательные учреждения; неполитические органи­зации, не принимающие участие в управлении страной; очевид­но; сфера политического влияния (распространения) ограничи-


вается...; политика тесно связана с деятельностью политиков; политика проводится; политика - предмет изучения науки; не­хватка чего-либо.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B*, making all necessary changes.

В definitely to be defined


1. 2.

His powers... by law.

The President will... address

с possession d. politics e. to be reconciled f. a concern g. to insist h. to attach i. restrictions j. not to legislate k. to be concerned 1. to be attached m. to seek n. concealment

Parliament to-morrow.

He went into... as a young


4. 5. 6.

She came into... of a fortune.

He has... in the enterprise.

He... that they should be


The UN... in that it doesn't

make laws that nations must


... are first imposed and then


He... much importance to

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

this project.

She... to her family.

Experienced leaders are.... in


They... to find a way out of

the deadlock.

He remained in... for a long


If laws are no longer efficient

o, to be abolished

they are...

Finally their differences...

Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with: policy, politics, nnliticiaa/s. political. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. American... is passing through a highly unusual phase.

2. In a country where local issues usually dominate voting patterns foreign... has surprisingly emerged as a defining issue of the current... debate.

3. She admits that she is not a natural...: she lacks the glad-handing skills so valued in the small world of...

■I. Aides characterised the President's speech to California business

and... leaders as a major address laying out his goals for the

remainder of his term. v Those involved in the contest say the energy of street-level...

can only speed the process of liberalisation. h. In the fluid world of the Middle East... the Iraqi Kurds still

maintain lines of communication with their President.
7 In foreign. democracies may be isolationist, internationalist

or imperialist. s. What are his...?

Kx. 7. Words: 'public', 'popular', 'community*, 'сотпшпаГ, 'power' in different contexts have different meanings. Suggest the Russian for:

Л. 1'ublic










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