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co mmunity




c ommunal

interests way of life


родех separation of powers

power-sharing military power

B. Translate into Russian:

1. With low taxes and relatively low public spending (usually below 30% of GDP), there is little room for the western model of welfare state.

2. There is nevertheless general acceptance that the state as a «father figure» should guide the decisions of private as well as public bodies.

3. The government is being accused of giving away the country's public wealth.

4. The President made himself very popular when he killed hyperinflation and gave his country a solid currency.

5. In recent years there has been made some progress in investigating popular public officials suspected of abusing their position.

6. P.R. (public relations) played a crucial role in the recent elections.

7. It would be wrong to believe that all is harmony within the community of the European Union.

8. That the black community is in deep economic crisis is evident from the unemployment figures.

9. The first reaction from the fina ncial community abroad to the measures taken by the government was cautiously favourable.

10. The balance of power in Europe, maintained for many years, was shattered in six weeks.

11. China has become a power with its say in the international relations.

12. The minister of power told the press conference about his new proposals.

Ex. 8. Find sentences in the text to illustrate the usage of the following vocabulary:

To define politics, to derive from; to possess a system of government; to concern the state; legislative chambers; to be restricted to; to be linked to; to be attached to politics; power seeking; to conceal ambitions; derogatory phrases; to allocate values; to abolish politicians; within a framework of; a conflict resolution.

Ex. 9. Make up sentences with:

To have a concern in a business; all countries concerned; legislative body/chambers; to restrict powers; to link together; to attach oneself to a party; to seek advice; for a definite period; definitive struggle; to

l ч >wicss powers; in the possession of sth; to have no concern with; to ■■ Aprils one's concern; to restrict sb to sth; a link up; attachment to pnnciples; seeking authority.

Kx. 10. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the prefixes of negation.

1 Existence of rival opinions guarantees disagreement about the rules under which people live.

2 The inescapable presence of diversity and scarcity ensures that politics is an inevitable feature of the human condition.

* Many people find it difficult to believe that the subject can be approached in an impartial and dispassionate manner.

■I In popular mind, politics is closely associated with the activities of politicians. In the modern period media have more effectively brought to light examples of corruption and dishonesty, giving rise to the phenomenon of anti-politics.

s Any attempt to define politics entails trying to disentangle the term from associations. Not uncommonly, this has meant attempting to rescue the term from its unsavory reputation by establishing that politics is valuable, even laudable activity.

(». This view is based on the belief that the society is characterized by consensus rather than by irreconcilable conflict.

Kx. 11. Translate the words in brackets into English

What is (политика)?

Politics is existing because people (не согласны друг с другом). Tlicy disagree about how they should live. Who should get what? How should (власть) and other resources (были распределены)? Should society (основываться) on cooperation or conflict? And so on. They;ilso disagree about how such matters should (решаться). How should collective decisions (приниматься)? Who should have a say? How much (влияние) should each person have? And so forth. For Aristotle1, this made politics the 'master science', that is, nothing less than the activity through which human beings (пытаются) to improve iheir lives and (создать) the good society. Politics is, above all, а (об­щественная деятельность). It is always a dialogue, and never a monologue. People disagree about both what it is that makes social Ошимодействие) 'political', and how political activity can best (ана­лизироваться) and (объясняться).

1 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) - Greek philosopher.

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