AFTER-READING activity. ♦ Read the text in more depth to do the 'After-reading exercises'
♦ Read the text in more depth to do the 'After-reading exercises' Ex. 1. Comprehension questions: 1. Why did ideology have pejorative connotations? 2. Who coined the term 'ideology' and what is the origin of the word?
3. Why is any ideology to be viewed from a social-scientific viewpoint? 4. What are the main aims of all ideologies? 5. Why aren't ideologies hermetically sealed systems of thought? 6. What do they resemble at a 'fundamental' level? 7. What form do they take at an 'operative' level? Ex. 2. Terminology: Match the notions: rationalism, fundamentalism, economic liberalism, big government, pragmatism, meta-ideology, nanny state with the definitions: •... is a theory or practice that places primary emphasis on practical circumstances and goals; it implies a distrust of abstract ideas. •... is a higher ideology that lays down the ground on which ideological debate can take place. •... is a belief in the market as a self-regulating mechanism tending naturally to deliver general prosperity and opportunity for all. •... is interventionist government, usually understood to imply economic management and social regulation. •... is a style of thought in which certain principles are recognised as essential 'truths' that have unchallengeable and overriding authority, regardless of their content. •... is a state with extensive social responsibilities; the term implies that welfare programmes are unwarranted and demeaning to the individual. •... is the belief that the world can be understood and explained through the exercise of human reason, based on assumptions about its rational structure. • Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4 Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian: A controversial concept, encountered in political analysis; pejorative connotations; a tortuous career; hermetically sealed systems of thought; fluid sets of ideas; to set out to do something.
Иметь тенденцию; быть использованным; понимание (концепция) идеологии; убеждения и доктрины; создать новый термин; изучать источники осознанной мысли и здравых идей; с социально-научной точки зрения; намереваться сохранить существующую систему; широкие политические движения; рассматривать либерализм как идеологию. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B\ making all necessary changes
1. His brilliant speech... a storm of applause. 2. In different periods of history the Labour Party and the Tories policies... on a number of questions. 3. The scheme had the... of being practicable. 4. The murderer... to life imprisonment. 5. The UN General Assembly... the unprecedented aggression. 6. The... for power exchanged opinions on the most urgent problems of the day.
7. Television is a... attraction to reading. 8. The Constitution... for equal rights for men and women. 9. The speaker... on implementing the program and... the allegations of its uselessness. 10. The girl... her father very much. 11. The... are required to fill in 12. The UN Security Council 1. to resemble... the amendments to the draft resolution condemning the interference into internal affairs of that small state. Ex. 6. Translate into English using 'offer' and 'suggest' and the topical vocabulary 1. Оратор предложил отклонить мою п росьбу. 2. Соперник отрицал, что предложил осуществить этот план. 3. Мы предложили ряд программ для решения проблемы на межпартийном уровне. 4. Претендент настаивал, чтобы ему предложили эту работу. 5. Председатель предложил осудить расизм и расовую дискриминацию. 6. Он вызвался обеспечивать нас свежей информацией. 7. Ему предложили эту работу, и он долгое время отдавал все свои силы любимому делу. 8. Соперничающая группа выступила с новым предложением, что расстроило наши планы. 9. Программа п редусматривает целый рял конкретных изменений, и мы предложили присутствующим с ними согласиться. 10. Вероятно, ему предложат эту роль, он очень похож на за-болевшего актера.