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Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian. The ideas of a 'ruling' or economically dominant class pervade society; subordinate classes; to accept the existing distribution of wealth and resources; it

The ideas of a 'ruling' or economically dominant class pervade society; subordinate classes; to accept the existing distribution of wealth and resources; it amounts in its crudest form to a process of indoctrination; conventional political scientists; to take account of personality and individual experience; for good or ill; a homogeneous political culture; to impart attitudes and values; to quantify the influence; the advance of secularization, a system that commands broad popular support.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Острые разногласия; политическая значимость; подчеркнуть что-либо; с этой точки зрения; природа человека по сути своей несовершенна; передача ценностей и убеждений от одного по­коления другому; экономическая зависимость; интерес к этому нопросу упал; делать предсказания; результаты выборов; оказы­вать влияние; передавать сообщения; первичная (начальная) со­циализация; в позднем детском и подростковом возрасте; изме­нить и углубить; восприимчивость молодежи; быть очевидным; распространять политические новости; критики левого и пра­вого крыла; открыто признавать что-либо.

Кх. 5. Fill in the blanks with the topical vocabulary units given below

I The UN member - states commit themselves to... all the

provisions of the UN Charter..V Political socialisation helps to... political attitudes and... views

on a wide range of problems. 1 The idea of political socialisation has been... sharp criticism, t Political socialisation as ideological domination... a process of

indoctrination. •i There's no doubt that political socialisation... from learning and

social experience. h His sudden refusal... all our plans, his decision was absolutely

... to what we had expected. ' The UN Security Council... the primary responsibility for

protecting world peace. s The impact of the various agents of socialisation... from society

to society.


9. The government should... in its economic policy to overcome the economic crisis the country is facing.

10. Political scientists... of the family's role as the agent that... 'primary' socialisation.

11. Newspapers, television and radio are known as... whose task is... information to people.

12. In democratic societies political ambitions... by constitutional devices and party competition.

a. to acquire, to shape

b. subject to

с accomplishment of

d. to arise

e. to frustrate, varied

f. to amount to

g. to assume

h. to make transformations

i. to be conscious of sth, to accomplish

j, to vary

k. to constrain

1. mass media, to convey.

Ex. 6. Fill in the blanks with either Asocial! or ^public!

1. Political scientists, influenced by the picture of human nature as essentially malleable, look to the... environment to explain individual and group behaviour.

2. Political socialisation is portrayed as transmission of values and beliefs from one generation to the next in the interests of... cohesion.

3. The commonest air pollution comes from smoke which pollutes many... places.

4. Most scientists became outstanding speakers at numerous... meetings which were part of their... life.

5. The Romans made bathing an elaborate... occasion.

6. Every land has its own... customs,

7. Economic growth of a country is connected with its... system.

8. The committee worked out the draft of... reforms,

9. Political science is taught in some... schools in Great Britain, they prepare the children of very wealthy parents from upper classes to take high... positions after graduation.

10. Political scientists are able to establish correlation between particular... factors and specific forms of political behaviour, between... class and voting behaviour.

Ex. 7. Use properly: 'xaiy.\ 'xariety', 'iarious', varied', variable', 'varying'

1. A... of books on political science was displayed in the shop-window.

2. Opinions on the role of the political parties were extremely...

3. The debates went on with... success, neither of the candidates gained superiority over his rival.

4. The tennis competition was reported to be put off due to the... weather.

5. Interest in the socialisation process arises from a... of sources.

6. Due to the... proposals made in the closing session the opinions of the delegates on the final resolution...

7. The economy can hardly be characterised as stable at the moment, for the prices are...

8. Both left-wing and right-wing critics demonstrated... of opinions on the same provision of the draft.

\l\. 8. Look through the text again

л. To compile a list of international lexicon.

B. Consult the dictionary to bring out all the meanings of the following words: modem, reason, sympathy, interests, enthusiasm, conventional, conYention(s), to. operate, to demonstrate, to subo rdinate. Make sentences with them.

(. Translate into English, using: enthusiasm, specific, formal machine, agent, from this perspective, through the agency of, ma gazine.

I. С 1960 года интерес к процессу социализации падает час­тично потому, что оказалось обескураживающе трудно по­казать на практике, как он работает.

?.. Исследователям-практикам удалось лишь установить соот­ношение между отдельными социальными факторами и конкретными формами политического поведения.

1 Когда СМИ подвергаются офипияльному политическому контролю, то они превращаются не во что иное, как в пропагандистский аппарат.

I Семья часто рассматривается как институт, в котором учат основам социализации.

^ R этом свете социализация носит неофициальный характер и осуществляется благодаря посредничеству семьи.


6. Так как большая часть политической информации сейчас распространяется телевидением, радио, газетами и журна­ лами, нынешние дебаты о социализации уделяют основное внимание роли СМИ.

Ёх. 9. Fill in the gaps with ' popular', 'political1 and ' polities'. Translate the text into Russian

Almond1 and Verba2 set out to identify the... culture that most effectively upheld democratic.... They identified three general types of... culture: participant culture, subject culture and parochial culture.

A participant... culture is one in which citizens pay close attention to... and regard... participation as both desirable and effective. A subject... culture is characterised by more passivity amongst citizens, and the recognition that they have only a very Limited capacity to influence government. A parochial... culture is marked by the absence of a sense of citizenship, with people identifying themselves with their locality rather than the nation, and having neither the desire nor the ability to participate in.... Although Almond and Verba accepted that a participant culture came closest to the democratic ideal, they argued that the 'civic culture' is a blend of all three in that it reconciles the participation of citizens in the... process with the vital necessity for government to govern. Democratic stability, in their view, is underpinned by a... culture that is characterised by a blend of activity and passivity on the part of citizens, and a balance between obligation and performance on the part of government.

Ex. 10. Translate into Russian, watch the meaning of the verb 'can' ('could')

1. A democratic government can be given to any people, but not every people can maintain it.

2. Governments that are seen as legitimate can usually maintain order and pursue tough policies, albeit slowly, by building coalitions.

3. Power accumulated to do good can be used to do ill.

4. The American system is based on a pessimistic conception of human nature, assuming that people cannot be trusted with power.

1 G.A. Almond — American political theorist.

2 S. Verba - American political theorist.


5. Many eighteenth- and nineteenth-century liberals saw in democracy a force that could undermine liberty.

6. Over the long run, popular sovereignty could, hardly fail to lead to popular government.

7. How often can elections themselves be cited as the cause of problems that could not have been just as likely to arise under a nonelected government?

S. Who could have thought that his plans would be frustrated in no time?

9. He ca n't have failed to acquire these skills. He had been trained for so long.

10. Can they have failed to convey the information in time?

11. Illiberal democracy is a growth industry. Several years ago only 22 percent of democratising countries could have been so categorised; five years ago that figure had risen to 35 percent.

Kx. 11. Paraphrase the following sentences, using «can (could)»

I. It is impossible that he should have acquired so much popularity

within such a short period of time,.'.. Is it possible that they should have accomplished the work by

the end of the month? i. I don't believe that their policy was subject to so much

criticism. ■I. It's unlikely that he should have been denied what he had a

right to. \ It is unbelievable that mass media should have done nothing to

convey this information, d. Is it possible that the Committee should have approved of this

policy despite our objections? 7 It's very doubtful that they should have fulfilled all their

electoral promises. s. Are they still arguing?

l» Is it possible that their opinions should be so varied? K). It is unbelievable that their policy is based only on the outdated


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