Студопедия — Ex. 9. Change the sentences according to the model
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Ex. 9. Change the sentences according to the model

Model:He came second in the elections. Some more votes of the

constituents and he (to win in the first round).

Some more votes of the constituents and he would/might have won in the

first round.

I. They were late for the meeting. Another minute and it (to

cancel). 1 We failed to talk him into adjusting his suggestions to ours.

Another fact or argument and he (to agree). \. We kept him from identifying himself. Another moment and he

(to recognize and take to prison), t Some more direct evidence and the accused (to find guilty and

sentence to death). ^ Some more arguments on behalf of the chaiman and we (to

take his words on trust).

Y.\. 10. Translate the sentences into English

1 Вам не следовало одобрять работу этих членов Комитета, ны могли бы оказаться в затруднительном положении.

.' Было бы неплохо разработать единую теорию представи-тел ьства.

(Вопросы людей, проводящих опросы общественного мне­ния, озадачили бы любого.

I Ваше замечание не явилось бы причиной беспокойства по поводу организации выборов, если бы оно было сделано во нремя.

'' Пели бы соглашение было подписано на том основании, что оно актуально, его положения уже выполнялись бы.

<■ Какой исход выборов вы бы предсказали, если бы до по­следнего момента не знали результатов опроса обществен­ного мнения?

Гели бы мы были плохо информированы о его позиции, нам не удалось бы помешать ему сделать неверный шаг.


8. Вам бы следовало быстрее приспособиться к новым усло­виям конкуренции, вы бы уже достигли взаимопонимания со своими партнерами.

Ёх. 11. Translate into Russian, paying attention to different meaning of 'While' in the sentences

1. While few modern democratic theorists are prepared to reduce democracy simply to competitive elections, most nevertheless understand democratic government in terms of the rules and mechanisms that guide the conduct of elections.

2. Political discontent and opposition can be neutralised by elections that channel them in a constitutional direction, and allow governments come and go while the regime itself survives.

3. Both candidates, while making nods to the more extreme elements in their parties, ran centrist campaigns.

4. The Conservatives in the UK were able to implement a programme of market- oriented reforms in 1990s while never gaining more than 43 per cent of support in elections.

5. Some see voting as a retrospective comment on the party in power and how its performance has influenced citizens' choice, while others portray voters as active in the sense that they behave like consumers expressing a choice amongst the available policy options.

6. Television operates as a constant recorder and molder of facts, while the opinion polls operate as constant recorders and molders of people's attitudes.

7. Corporatism advantages groups that are accorded privileged access to government. 'Insider' groups therefore possess a political voice, while 'outsiders' are denied one,

8. The simple fact that, while human needs and desires are infinite, the resources available to satisfy them are always limited, politics can therefor be seen as the means through which this" struggle is conducted.

9. WhQe pluralism may fall a long way short of the ordeal of popular self-government, its supporters nevertheless argue that it ensures a sufficient level of accountability and popular; responsiveness for it to be regarded as democratic.


10. While a choice between just two programmes of government was perhaps sufficient in an era of partisan alignment and class solidarity, it has become quite inadequate in a period of great individualism and social diversity.

11. While scholars debate the merits of presidential versus parliamentary forms of government, usurpation can occur under

either, absent well-developed alternative centers of power such as strong legislature, courts, political parties, regional governments, and independent universities and media.

12. While anarchy has got its dangers, the greatest threats to human liberty and happiness in the last century were caused not by disorder but by brutally strong, centralised states, like Nazi Germany, Maoist China, etc.

13. While many new electoral democracies fall short of liberalism, on the whole, countries that hold elections are overwhelmingly more liberal than those that do not.

14. While it is impossible to rule out the sudden appearance of new ideologies or previously unrecognised contradictions in liberal societies, then, the present world seems to confirm that the fundamental principles of socio-political organisation have not advanced terribly far since 1806.

Kx. 12. Translate into Russian sentences with the Absolute Participle construction

1 If all representatives simply advance the interests of the groups they come from, the result would be social division and conflict, with no one being able to defend the common good or advance a broader public interest.

Л Party systems have been seen to reflect the class system, with the middle classes providing the electoral base for right-wing parties, and the working classes providing the electoral base for left-wing parties.

i A parochial political culture is marked by the absence of a sense of citizenship, with people identifying with their locality rather than the nation, an d having neither the desire nor the ability to participate in politics.

I Welfare was portrayed as largely a matter of individual responsibility, individuals being encouraged to provide for themselves by hard work, savings, private pensions, medical insurance and so on.

"i Over the past twenty years the process of primaries has been relentlessly abbreviated, wit h the R epublicans tripling the percentage of delegates chosen by the second week of March, and rhe Democrats quadrupling it.

f. With peace -keeping, or rather peace-enforcement, in disre pute, emphasis has switched to the UN' less appealing economic and social services.

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