♦ Read the text in more depth to do the 'After-reading exercises'. Ex. 1. Comprehension check 1. Give the definition of an electoral system. 2. What are majoritarian systems and proportional systems associated with? 3. Why do electoral systems attract attention? 4. What is at the heart of any electoral reform? 5. List the weak points of each electoral system. 6. What arguments are given by advocates of majoritarian and proportional systems? 7. What is the impact of particular electoral systems conditioned by? Ex. 2. Terminology
Л. Learn the terminology Majoritarian electoral systems: I simple plurality system (first past the post, FPTP) 2. second ballot system L. alternative vote system (AVS) Proportional electoral systems: -I limited vote system s additional member system (ADS)
система подсчета голосов по первой и последующим преференциям до набора установленной квоты + 1 голос 7. party list system - система голосования по партийным спискам, ♦ Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do exercises 3, 4 Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian The system governs the conduct of elections; single-party majority rule; prospects of winning or sharing power; attitudes towards the electoral system are largely shaped by party advantage; the principles that underpin 'good' government;- electoral systems merit only a qualified endorsement; to reflect a balance of advantages over disadvantages; they strain the legitimacy of the entire political system) ideologically driven parties; to broaden their appeal; it may be naive to equate electoral fairness with proportionality; single-party governments; they may not exert influence in line with their electoral strength; 'the tail wags the dog'; to translate the manifesto commitments into a programme of government; weak and unstable governments; they are liable to collapse; an unqualified virtue; to restrict scrutiny and parliamentary accountability, Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English Жестокие политические споры; существующая система; ма^ жоритарная система; система пропорционального представительства; многопартийные системы; коалиционное правительство; в большей или меньшей степени; соизмеримый с чем-™ очевидный; такое предвзятое отношение невозможно оправдать;' остаться у власти на более длительный срок; способность выполнять предвыборные обещания; обеспечить устойчивое и эф фективное правление. Ex. 5, Fill in the gaps in column 'A' with the topical vocabular] units from column *B', making all necessary changes A. B. 1. He... Britain at the UN. a. to govern 2. An electoral system is a set b. subject to of rules that... elections. ?>. Electoral rules are... fierce political debate and argument in many countries. 4. The electoral reform debate risks... the essence of electoral systems. 5. The impact of particular electoral systems... the political culture and the economic and social context within which politics... 6. Candidates are a success after... their ideas and bringing them home to the electorate. 7. The newly-elected government is expected... S. The shadow cabinet commits itself to,,, its programme and make it more appealing than the ruling party's. 4 'A strong' government should... to maintain popular support. 10 Broadly-based coalitions may possess the main qualities for government... than single-party governments. 11 Each majoritarian system... popular preferences in the sense that a party representation is not commensurate with its electoral strength, ].' Ideologically driven parties can remain in power for prolonged periods under little... c. to represent d. to have an impact on e. to deliver on election f. to thrash out g. to stem from, to conduct h. to distort i, outside pressure j. in greater abundance k. to re-evaluate 1. to broaden its appeal
Ex. 6. Make up derivatives of the following verbs with the help of 'under' and 'over'. Make up sentences with them to estimate, to do, to act, to burden, to change, to develop, to pay, to rate, to emphasize, to sell, to state, to take, to value