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Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian

To gain a platform than to win power; bodies with a formal 'card-carrying' membership; to adopt a broad issue focus; to have a single - issue focus; cadre and mass parties; a 'party of notables'; doctrinal discipline; quasi-military discipline; 'catch-all parties'; ti? acknowledge the rights and entitlements of other parties; to be voted out of power and into it; mainstream parties; tactics that range fror elections to outright insurrection; the ranks of the poor an' disadvantaged; a force for continuity; this notion is at best simplistic and at worst deeply misleading; old class polarities.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Осуществлять государственную власть; партии объединяются благодаря единым политическим взглядам (предпочтениям); разнообразие классификаций; представительские и объедини­тельные партии; партии левых и правых; продемонстрирован высокий уровень политического сознания (верности/ привер*

женности); уделить особое внимание чему-либо (2); рациональ­ный выбор политики; стремящиеся к власти; вдохновлять мас­сы; реагировать на чаяния народа; действовать в рамках правил и ограничений; захватить власть и свергнуть существующий конституционный строй; полномасштабные экономические из­менения; мятежный,

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B', making all necessary changes

A. B.

Suffragettes in England fought for a universal... They happened to be the first among those... to serve in France. The main aim of Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) II is... He was very much indifferent to his job, neither... nor... with it. Some parties are seeking power ... bringing pressure to bear on the electorate. Among the main principles of the policy of peaceful coexistence are sovereignty and territorial... The very fact that parties are organized bodies distinguishes them from more... political movements. Parties are... by shared political preferences and a general ideological identity. The term cadre (party) is commonly used... trained and professional party members. The leaders of a 'party of notables'... upon themselves and saw little point in building up a mass organization. The essential feature of cadre parties is their... on a politically active elite.

a. recruited

b. reduction of

c. franchise

d. diffuse

e. integrity

f. by means of

g. content, discontent

h. integrated

i. recruitment, conviction

] l

j. convincing k. to denote

12. The argument that a mass party 1. relied
must place a heavy emphasis on
broadening its membership

sounds quite...

13. The key feature of 'catch all m. reliance
parties' is that they place heavier

stress on... and organization than on ideology and political...

Ex. 6. Make sentences with 'as ir and 'as though' according to the model. Explain the difference in meaning

Model 1: That house looks as if it is going to fall down. Model 2: That house looks as if it were going to fall down.

1. After the interruption, the speaker carried on talking as if nothing (happen).

2. He asked me a few unpleasant questions as_Jf he (not be) content with all the proposals.

3. The chairman sounded convincing but nobody paid much attention to his arguments any longer as if they (become) of no importance.

4. The party drew much support from the constituents and its leadership was so proud as thoug h the whole world (belong) to it.

5. It looks as_if both sides (render) some provisions of the treaty redundant.

6. These parties reduce their ideological baggage drastically as though they (appeal) to the largest possible number of voters.

7. These quasi- winners behave as though they (secure) the majority of votes in the elections.

8. This party claims to be a mouth-piece of public opinion as
though it (reflect) it.

Ex. 7. Translate into English, using 'as if, 'as though' and the topical vocabulary

1. Христианско-Демократический Союз сейчас ведет себя так, как будто он в сегда поддерживал эту политику.

2. Он так отреагировал на наше замечание, как будто оно со­держало в себе коренные изменения курса партии.

3. У председателя такой вид, как будто он совершенно не удовлетворен новыми поправками к повестке дня.

4. Избиратели поддержали его кандидатуру, как если бы пол­ностью полагались на его порядочность.


5. Вы постоянно распространяете старые взгляды нашей пар­тии, как будто не знаете, что мы уже предложили новые политические воззрения и подходы к решению задач, стоящих перед страной.

6. СМИ так комментируют последние предложения теневого кабинета по Европейскому Союзу, как будто он уже готов пойти на компромисс с правительством.

7. Правительство ведет себя так, как будто в стране не суще­ствует оппозиционных партий,

И. Политики подают себя так, как будто они знают ответы на все насущные вопросы, стоящие перед страной.

ГСх. 8. Make the sentences according to the model and translate them into Russian

Model: The judge demands/ demanded that the accused should idi/ML the truth.

I. They insist you (not diffuse) false statements.

1 He pr oposes the government (reduce) armed forces and

armaments. \. 1 request you (convince) them to take part in the elections

tomorrow, ■t. The party leader recommends all members (integrate) their

forces and (come) out with a new draft programme. v We asked they (not render) those two provisions redundant:

they happened to have been useful. <>. They or dered we (withdraw) support for him as he never kept

his election promises. 7. The Women's Association suggests that women with children

(not recruit) as the situation in the Army remains too tense and

complicated. s Wc command that he (reduce) to order all his former duties and


1-л. 9. Paraphrase the sentences, using 'wish' according to the model

Model: We wish you didn 't diffuse these allegations.

I We were sorrv the speaker hadn't been reduced to silence.

.' It would he good for the government to render this out-of-date

law redundant. * I'm sorry, I don't know if they have a redundance of



у, we have to rely only on his words.Though thev

don sound very convincing. 5. Ггп sorry to admit that he is not a man of strong convictions b. The party leader wanted to integrate its ranks on the eve of the


7. The mediator stressed that it would he good if both parties to the conflict agreed to reduce tension in the region.

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