K,x. 3. Translate from English into Russian
Complex interrelationships between and among parties; party ^sterns cannot be reduced to a 'numbers game'; ideological complexion of the party system; the mere presence of parties; a degree of orderliness; 'system' implies interaction amongst a number ot entities; they develop an entrenched relationship with the state machine; a fused 'party-state' apparatus; to enjoy sufficient electoral.mil legislative strength; power alternates between the parties; a Yovcn-mient in the wings'; 'floating votes'; two evenly matched ionics; parties are marginalised; governments cease to come and go; in engender complacency and arrogance. ]• \. 4. Translate from Russian into English Партии, ведущие борьбу за власть; типология; периферийные партии (партии местного значения); с математической точно-. и.ю; степень упорядоченности; строго говоря; избираемые i имеющие шанс на избрание) правительства; стабильность, вы-■ и 1 р и подотчетность; истинный выбор; пойти на компромисс с
партнерами по коалиции; двухпартийное^; гарантировать сдержанность, выдержку; вызывать быстрорастущие расходы на социальные нужды; безудержная инфляция; отличительная черта; внутренний фракционный конфликт; внутренняя борьба; вызывающее сожаление явление; размывать (разъедать) грань между; скрытый процесс политизации; подорвать демократический дух; иметь здоровое (естественное) недоверие ко всем партиям; вероятность коалиций; недостатки (западня). Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B', making all necessary changes
The UN Charter... of 70 articles. It was not easy to follow the speaker as he was making... statements.
Constitutional liberalism... the rule of law, separated powers and free speach and assembly as the most important aspects of government. The UN... includes 6 main organs. The... of relationships among parties is called a party system. The most familiar... to distinguish between... types of party system is by reference to the number of parties competing for power. The UN does not... in the sense of enacting laws that nations are bound to implement. Setbacks for freedom... in many countries. Within the UN all countries have a voice and vote in shaping policies of the international community on.................
When the speaker gets the audience's... it is much easier for him to carry on. He spoke so convincingly that both his... and... applauded him. 12. The main aim of the Non- 1. response Proliferation Treaty is... on spreading nuclear weapons around the world. Ex. 6. Make the following adjectives negative important, familiar, particular, relevant, competitive, sufficient, realistic, representative, possible, responsible, adequate, affective, permanent, encouraging, democratic, stable. Ex. 7. Paraphrase the sentences according to the model Model: It is essential for all political parties to come to consensus on the matter. // is essential that ail political parties (should) come to consensus on the matter. I. Political parties developed along with the expansion of suffrage and were composed later from the electoral process. It is quite natural. 1. Party organizations in Parliament structured in the form of committees were composed of active party members. lL_is important. V Diversities of parties originate from either internal or external mobilization by those seeking to win governmental power. iLis quite typicai. ■1. There is considerable overlap between the Democratic and the Republican Parties manifestos because each seeks to represent a wide range of interests. Isn't it strang e? v It is quite natural for American third parties to represent sufficient social and economic interests. ь It is quite proper for you to emphasize that the USA is a two-party system country. V.x. 8. Translate the sentences into English, using the topical vocabulary I Желательно, чтобы Ваше выступление не противоречило основному докладу. .' Необходимо, чтобы вы изменили свой подход к проблеме. ! Важно, чтобы вы отреагировали на заявление председателя. ' Н е может быть, чтобы они еще не издали такого распоряжения.
5. Вполне естественно, что руководящая партия реагирует на широкий круг озабоченностей со стороны общественности. 6. Странно, что и сторонники, и соперники правящей партии высказались за ее предложение ввести ограничение на поставки оружия в эту страну. 7. Неужели эта реорганизованная партия уже приспособилась к новой политической обстановке? 8. Кытто предложено, чтобы сеть партийных органов была расширена.