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Ex. 17. Translate the text into English


Хотя политические партии определяются по своему главно признаку (занятие политических постов и укрепление прави­тельственной власти), их влияние на политическую систему су щественно шире и значительно сложнее. Само существование партий часто рассматривается как лакмусовый тест (the Htmui test) на наличие здоровой демократической системы. Тем не ме­нее, можно выделить их следующие основные функции:

Репрезентация - часто рассматривается как первоочередная функция партии, которая означает ее способность реагировать на взгляды как своих членов, так и избирателей и формулиро-

|.!1гь/озвучивать их. Партии не только реагируют на обществен­ное мнение, но формируют и мобилизуют его.

Формирование и рекрутирование элиты - партии всех видов нметупают как основные поставщики политических лидеров. Посты в кабинетах и министерствах, как правило, занимаются иерхушкой партии, за исключением президентских систем, ко-трые разрешают назначения непартийных министров. В боль­шинстве случаев партии предоставляют своим политикам своего рода учебный полигон, вооружая из навыками, знанием и опы-iiiii.

Формулирование цели — политические партии традиционно чмляются одним из каналов формулирования коллективных це-ieii, а в некоторых случаях и осуществления их. Партии играют ну роль потому, что в процессе стремления к власти они фор­мулируют программы правительства (на конференциях, съездах, it избирательных манифестах и т.п.) с целью привлечения на­родной поддержки.

Озвучивание и суммирование интересов — партии часто и соз-|,иотся как проводники интересов деловых, трудовых, религиоз­ных, этнических и других групп, продвигая и защищая эти ин-н'ресы. Это позволяет им суммировать эти интересы в единое целое, устанавливая баланс между конкурирующими интереса­ми.

Социализация и мобилизация - благодаря внутренним деба-|лм и дискуссиям, а также благодаря избирательным кампаниям и еостязательности в ходе выборов партии выступают как важ­ные средства политического образования и социализации. Вни­мание партий к определенным вопросам помогает формулиро-11.пъ политическую повестку дня, а ценности и подходы, кото­рые они озвучивают, становятся частью более широкой полити­ческой культуры.

Организация правления — часто говорят, что без политиче­ских партий сложный современный мир был бы неуправляе­мым. Партии, во-первых, помогают в формировании прави-имьств. Партии также придают правительствам определенную * к-пень стабильности. Более того, партии облегчают сотрудни­чество между двумя главными ветвями власти: законодательной и исполнительной.

К\. 18. Translate the text into Russian


Criticism of political parties is certainly not new. Indeed, the 'mergence of political parties was usually greeted with grave suspicion


and distrust. For instance, in common with other 'founding fathers' who wrote the US constitution, Thomas Jefferson was fiercely critical of parties and factions, believing that they would promote conflict and destroy the underlying unity of society. The view that there is an indivisible public or national interest has also been used in the modern period by one-party systems to justify the suppression of rival parties, and by military rulers to explain the suppression of all political parties. A further concern was that, as collective bodies, parties necessarily suppress freedom of thought and the politics of individual conscience. Modern concern about parties, however, stems from evidence of their decline as agents of representation and as an effective link between government and the people.

Evidence of a 'crisis of party politics' can be found in a decline of both party membership and partisanship, reflected in partisan dealignment.

Alongside these changes, there is evidence of what has been called 'antipolitics', that is, the rise of political movements and organisations the only common feature of which appears to be antipathy towards conventional centres of power and opposition to established parties of government. This has been reflected in the emergence of new political movements the principle attraction of which is that they are untainted by having held power. The rise of new social movements, such as the women's movement, peace movement and environmental movement, is also part of the same phenomenon. Even when they articulate their views through party organisation, as in the case of Green parties, these movements tend to assume the mantle of antiparty parties.

How can the decline of parties be explained? One of the problems that parties suffer from is their real or perceived oligarchical character. Parties are seen as bureaucratised political machines whose grass-roots members are either inactive or engaged in dull and routine tasks (attending meetings, sitting on committees, and so on). In contrast, single-issue protest groups have been more successful in attracting membership and support, particularly from amongst the young, partly because they are more loosely organised and locally based, and partly because they place a heavier emphasis on participation and activism. The public image of parties has been further tarnished by their links to government and professional politicians. As political 'insiders', parties are tainted by the power, ambition and corruption that is often associated with high office. In other words, parties are not seen as being 'of the people'; too often, they appear to be consumed by political infighting and the scramble for power, so becoming divorced from the concerns of ordinary people.

An alternative way of explaining party decline is to see it as a fymptom of the fact that complex, modern societies are increasingly difficult to govern. Disillusionment and cynicism grow as parties seek power by proclaiming their capacity to solve problems and improve conditions, but fail to deliver once in government. This reflects the mounting difficulties that confront any party of government in the form of the expanding power of interest groups and an increasingly globalised economy. A final explanation is that parties may be declining because the social identities and traditional loyalties that gave rise to them in the first place have started to fade. This can pertainly be seen in the decline of class politics. In addition, with the decline of old social, religious and other solidarities, new aspirations and sensibilities have come onto the political agenda, notably those associated with postmaterialism. Whereas broad, programmic parties once succeeded in articulating the goals of major sections of the electorate, issues such as gender equality, nuclear power, animal rights and pollution may require new and different political formations to articulate them. Single-issue groups and social movements may thus be in the process of replacing parties as the crucial link between government and society.

Ex. 19. What do you think?

1. What is a political party? How can parties be classified?

2. What are the major functions of the parties?

3. How are parties organised, and where is power located within them?

4. What kinds of party systems exist in the world?

5. How does the party system shape the broader political process?

6. Are parties in decline? If so, is this decline permanent?

Ex. 20. Put your answers in writing and compare them with the Summary below


• A political party is a group of people organised for the purpose of winning government power, and it usually displays some measure of ideological cohesion. The principal classifications of parties have distinguished between cadre and mass or, later, catch-all parties, parties of representation and parties of integration, constitutional or 'mainstream' parties and revolutionary or anti-system ones, and left-wing parties and right-wing parties.


• Parties have a number of functions in the political system. Thcsr include their role as a mechanism of representation, tIn­formation of political elites and recruitment into politics, the formulation of social goals and government policy,' tin-articulation and aggregation of interests, the mobilisation ami socialisation of the electorate, and the organisation ol governmental processes and institutional relationships.

• The organisation and structure of parlies crucially influence the distribution of power within society at large. Party democracy can be promoted by either a wide dispersal of power within the party, or the concentration of power in the hands of the party's elected and publicly accountable members. Oligarchic tendencies may be an inevitable consequence of organisation, or they may arise from the need for party unity and electoral credibility.

■ A party system is a network of relationships through whicli parties interact and influence the political process. In one-party systems, a 'ruling' party effectively functions as a permanent government. In two-party systems, power alternates between two 'major' parties. In dominant-party systems, a single 'major' party retains power for a prolonged period. In multiparty systems, no party is large enough to rule alone, leading to a system of coalition government.

• Party systems shape the broader political process in various ways. They influence the range and nature of choice available to the electorate, and affect the cohesion and stability of governments. They structure the relationship between the executive and the assembly, establish a bias in favour of either conflict or consensus, and shape the general character of the political culture.

• Evidence of a crisis in party politics can be found in the decline in party membership and partisanship, as well as in the rise of 'antiparty' groups and movements. This can be explained by the perception that parties arc tainted by power, ambition and corruption, and that they have suffered as a result of general disillusionment caused by the growing inability of governments to deliver on their promises. They are also seen to have failed to articulate the aspirations and sensibilities associated with postmaterialism or generated by postmodernism.

Ex. 21. Comment on:

'In politics, shared hatreds are almost always the basis of

friendship' - Alexis de Tocqueville1: Democracy in America


When parties cease 'to fear the ballot box', they arc likely to

become unresponsive and ideologically entrenched.

. 22. Questions for discussion

Are all modern political parties essentially 'catch-all parties'?

Could government function in contemporary circumstances

without political parties?

In what ways, and to what extent, do parties promote


Why do political parties so often tend to be leader-dominated?

By what criteria should party systems be judged?

How have modern parties adjusted to the decline of class politics

and the weakening of traditional loyalties?


1 Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) - French liberal statesman and political writer.

lb the first place to give weight to sth


Text 1: Theories of decision making PRE-READING activity:

♦ Learn the topical vocabulary and word combinations. VOCABULARY:


to initiate v - начинать, быть инициатором; initiative n -инициатива, phr - to take the initiative - взять инициативу at the initiative of sb - по ч-л инициативе; initiation n - ос­нование, установление, введение, инициирование- initiative а - начальный.

2. to implement v - выполнять, осуществлять, проводить в жизнь, phr- to implement a scheme - осуществить план implementation n - выполнение, осуществление, имплемен-тация.

3. to establish v - учредить, установить, phr - to establish a republic - провозгласить республику; to be established -укорениться (об обычае, факте); establishment n - установ­ление, введение, учреждение (государственное или общест­венное), истеблишмент (правящая элита); established а -установленный, укоренившийся, официальный.

4. to perceive v - осознавать, понимать, ощущать, чувствовать; perception п - восприятие, познание, понимание; perceptivity п - восприимчивость; perceivable а - заметный' ощутимый, perceptible а - познаваемый, perceptive а - вос­принимающий.

5. to innovate v - вводить новшества, перемены; innovation п -нововведение, новшество, новаторство; innovator п - нова­тор; innovative а - новаторский.

6. to affect v - воздействовать, влиять (на кого-либо)- волно­вать, затрагивать (интересы); поражать (о болезни)- отда­вать предпочтение ч-л; притворяться; affection п - привя­занность, расположение (к чему-либо, кому-либо - for towards);волнение, болезнь; affected а - задетый, поражен­ный, поврежденный; affectionate а - любящий, нежный

ff. to simplify v - упрощать; simplification n - упрощение; simplicity n— простота, простодушие; simple a - простой,несложный; simplistic a - упрощенный; simply (adv) - про­сто, абсолютно.


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