AFTER-READING activity. ♦ Read the text in more depth to do the 'After-reading. Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian
♦ Read the text in more depth to do the 'After-reading exercises' Kx. 1. Comprehension check 1 What is central to the policy process and why is it difficult to establish how and why decisions are made? ' What are the procedures to reach a decision?; Comment on the main features and drawbacks of 'rational actor models' of decision-making. ЧП2 4. How do 'incremental models' of decision-making differ from the 'rational' ones? 5. Why have these models also been criticised? 6. What is behind the idea of 'mixed scanning'? 7. What impact does the structure of policy — making process have on the resulting decisions? 8. What do the 'organisational process' model and the 'bureaucratic politics' model emphasise? 9. What are their drawbacks?
10. What plays the role of a powerful filter of information in decision-making? 11. Comment on the three different levels of beliefs. 12. When can debate within a belief system and rivalry between belief systems be seen as rational? Ex. 2. Terminology Match the notions: decision, policy, public policy, ethnocentrism, issue, agenda setting, policy network (or policy community) with the definitions. • ... is a (typically unconscious) bias that results from a failure to appreciate the significance of cultural differentiation. •,., is a matter recognised as a policy agenda. •... is an act of choice; a selection from a range of options. •... is the ability to structure policy debate by controlling which issues are discussed or establishing priority amongst them. •... in a general sense is a plan of action adopted by an •.. can be seen as the formal or stated decisions of government bodies. ', •. is a systematic set of relationships between political actors that cut across formal institutional arrangements and the divide* between government and nongovernmental bodies. i • Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4 ' Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian Bundles of decisions; at the heart of such theories; cost — benefit analysis; in the making of business decisions; a set of preferences; a number of conflicting objectives; it lacks overriding goals and clear-- in ends; in the light of feedback; a strategy of avoidance or evasion; i profoundly conservative model; indulging in long-term visionary i [linking; to keep the ship on course; an idea of 'mixed scanning'; a more incremental approach; 'black box' theories of decision-making; i he values, assumptions and regular patterns of behaviour; bargaining hctween personnel and agencies; decision makers would simply be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data confronting them; to filter siilbrmation; interlocking groups of politicians; 'advocacy coalitions'. Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English Корыстное стремление к получению материального удовле-ишрения; подсчитать ч-л с точки зрения пользы; в этом свете; имеющиеся в наличии средства для достижения цели; эффек-шнность, надежность; затраты; обеспечить достижение желаемою результата; анализ расходов-доходов; повседневные прочимы; сократить расходы на социальные нужды; придавать тачение чему-либо; противоположные, но связанные между l-оГюй модели; объективная оценка; представлять маю возможностей для политического руководства; не принимать ч-л во инимание; исходить из чего-либо; рациональные и объективные ученые; определенная информация и варианты не рассматриваются; фигурировать в подсчетах; государственные служащие. IX 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B\ making all necessary changes A. B. 1 Professor Einstein of a. simplicity relativity. could be very misleading. the acts of... and implementation. move away from problems, rather than to solve them. be lifted Iraq must... all the UN Security Council resolutions. 'bureaucratic politics'... the idea of the state as a
monolith united around a single view.
7. The business of government in rich countries is conducted amid... institutions. 8. Decision-making models have been... on the basis of economic theories most of which... utilitarianism. 9. The Eurocrats know that the smoothness or otherwise of the transition to the euro will deeply... the way ordinary people think about the EU.
10. Politicians want then-actions... as both goal-oriented and the product of careful thought. 11. Some policy makers... their... into only 'keeping the ship on course' without reflecting on where that course might be leading.