Практичне заняття 2. Тема: У ресторані (кафе).
Тема: У ресторані (кафе). Three of the restaurants are real places, but one is invented. Which one do you think isn't real? DRACULA'S RESTAURANT • Melbourne, Australia Dinner is different at Dracula's. Start your evening with an interesting cocktail in the Graveyard Bar, then get on the ghost train for the dark, terrifying journey into Dracula's Restaurant. There you can enjoy a four-course meal and a two-hour cabaret, followed by dancing in the Graveyard Disco. Dracula's is great for just two people but also for birthday parties, office parties - even wedding parties. Dress: black is best! RED SEA STAR RESTAURANT • Éclat, Israel Do you enjoy eating by the sea? How about under the sea? The Red Sea Star Restaurant lies seven metres under the sea and 35 metres from land, and is surrounded by coral and colourful fish. The restaurant is lovely inside, too, with its strange, flowing windows, and fantastic fishy furniture. This is a wonderful place to have a meal. And the best thing on the menu? The fish, of course. COLOURS RESTAURANT • London, England Colours Restaurant has a different colour for each night of the week. Friday is Yellow Night, and all the food is yellow or orange. You might have carrot soup, then fish in a lemon sauce, then a fruit salad. Other things change, too. On Saturday the food is red, and so are the waiters' jackets, the tablecloths and even the flowers. On Wednesdays, everything is blue and purple. So find out the day's colour before you go, as most guests like to choose clothes that go with their meal. TWINS RESTAURANT • New York, usa All 80 people who work at Twins Restaurant are identical twins. They work together at the same tables, and they wear the same clothes. The owners are twins, too. Lots of other things here are in pairs: there are double lamps, double mirrors and, of course, double bar stools. You don't have to be a twin to eat here, but if you are, come along together: you can sign our twin guest book, we'll put your photo on the wall - and you get two drinks for the price of one! Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: The environment and Homo sapiens Every species other than Homo sapiens adapts its form and behavior to the Pressures of its environment. Homo sapiens, on the contrary has achieved he remarkable feat of being able to adapt the environment instead, overcoming many natural limitations, through the development of technologies and cultures. If we do not learn to live in harmony with our environment, we shall experience the laws of nature in full force. While nuclear warcould readily kill two billion people, at least as many could die through freezing and starvation. Environmental degradation is like a cancer, or many forms of cancer, spreading silently, unseen, through the body of our planet. If it were like a heart attack, its effect would be all too apparent, and we would swiftly take steps to remedy the problem. But it isn't answer don't. At the present rate of "progress", and unless something is done quickly, disaster stares us in the face. Erosion, desertification and pollution have become our lot. 10) Our silly behavior causes great damage not only to our planet, but also to ourselves as such. Environmental changes are often the reason of many incurable illnesses, mental disorders, and the stress we experience. case — випадок blithely — щасливо, безтурботно be endangered — бути в небезпеці be engaged — тут: бути втягнутим behaviour — поведінка pressure — тиск on the contrary — навпаки achieve — досягати remarkable feat — визначне досягнення instead — замість experience — відчути in full force — у (на) повну силу starvation — голод apparent — очевидний, явний, безперечний swiftly — швидко remedy — виправити rate — швидкість stare — пильно дивитись desertification — процес спустошення lot — доля, жереб incurable illnesses — невиліковні хвороби 1. Checking comprehension. 1. Who called the Earth "a blue planet" and why? 2. What place is the Earth compared to in the text? 3. Why is the word "banishment" wrong to use in the context? 4. What does it mean that we are winning the war against our planet? 5. How do you understand the sentence "we shall experience the laws of nature in full force"? 6. In what way environmental degradation is similar to a cancer? 7. Do environmental changes influence only nature? 2. Which of the following themes appear in the text? Justify each of your selections with a quotation from the text • The beauty of our planet. • There is no second world hanging in the sky. • Adaptation to the pressures of one's environment. • The emergence of life. • The human population has grown from around one billion in the 1830s to six billion in the year 2000. • There is some connection between our behavior, environmental changes and illnesses. 4. Select three phrases that reveal the author’s disgust and his wo rries about the future of our planet 5. Give an example of the author's irony. 6. Dіscission questions. 1. Do you feel endangered by environmental changes? In what way? 2. Do you believe we can save our planet? How? 3. Would you change your Earth for another planet if you had a Граматичний матеріал: Ex. 2. Change the following statements into indirect speech. 1. I often play tennis. 2. She is staying with her aunt. 3. She went to Moscow alone. 4. He has gone home. 5. I will go with Anna. 6. She wrote another romantic novel. 7. He will write a detective story next. 8. Mary was speking with her relatives in the evening yesterday. 9. They are hapy now. 10. He studies at the university in the USA. 11. He travelled to Africa last year. 12. I know Spanish a little. 13. He often takes part in differenet sports competitions. 14. She went to Kyiv on holiday. 15. I told you about it yesterday. Ex. 3. Change the following questions into indirect speech. 1. Did you go home early yesterday? 2. Will you write to me next week? 3. Will you go to the sea this year? 4. Did you take your Literature examination? 5. Have you ever visited Africa? 6. Are you married? 7. Are you going to the library today? 8. When will you stop asking me the same question? 9. Where did they meet? 10. How long do you want to stay in the country? 11. When did they return? 12. Who told you that? 13. How well does he know English? 14. Where are they going to stay in London? 15. Did I forget about anything? 16. Where does he study? 17. How often do they invite him for dinners? 18. Do you know anything about Mr Jones? 19. How did you get to the station? 20. Have you heard the news? 21. Did she sing that beautiful song? 22. What will you watch? 23. Are they going to leave soon? 24. Did they speak about you? Література: 1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с. 2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с. 3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с. 4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.