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Практичне заняття № 3

Тема:Покупки. Товари продовольчі та промислові.

План роботи


There are some things we have to do every day. Shopping is one of them. Shopping is a part of our daily life. Some people hate it and find it boring. Others consider it very exciting and believe it’s a kind of entertainment. As for me, I'm not a great fan of shopping I understand that I have to deal with it whether I like it or not. When I need something in the way of clothes I go to the department store. There I can buy shoes, hats, knitted goods, household goods and so on. When I want to buy clothes I go to the Ready-Made Clothes departments. Boots and shoes are sold at the Shoe department or the Foot- wear department. To buy socks and stockings we go to the Hosiery department. We can buy buttons, ribbons, lace, tape, thread, needles, pins, handkerchiefs, zippers and such like at the Haberdashery department. To buy cardigans, jumpers, pullovers and knitted underwear we go to the Knitted Goods department. Ladies buy
face powder, lipstick, face cream, nail varnish, mascara, shades and such like at the Perfume department. People buy jewellery and gold watches at the jeweler’s. Books are sold at the bookseller's, flowers at the florist's. Newspapers and magazines are often sold at the news-stands or news stalls. If I want to buy some meat I go to the butcher's. At the grocer's flour, sugar, cereals, tea, coffee and other things can be bought. To buy some vegetables and fruit I go to the greengrocer's. Bread, buns, biscuits, cookies are sold at the baker's. If I want to buy some fish I go to the fishmonger's. To buy milk, butter, cheese, eggs we go to the dairy. I prefer to buy food in a supermarket. It is very convenient. I can take a trolley and pile everything I need there.

2. Виконання після текстових вправ

11. Where do ladies usually buy perfume?

1. In your opinion, is it boring to go shopping? 12. Have you ever bought jewellery? Do you know
Do you hate it? where it is sold?

2. Do you believe that shopping is a kind of en- 13. You often buy books, don't you? Where?
tertainment? 14. Where are newspapers and magazines usually

3. Do you know a person who is a great fan of sold?

shopping? Who is he (she)? 15. Where do you go if you want to buy some meat?

5. Do you agree that we have to deal with it 16. What can you buy at the grocer's?
whether we like it or not? 17. Where will you go if you need some vegetables

6. Where do you usually buy clothes? and fruit?

7. Where are boots and shoes sold? 18. Where are bread and cakes sold?

8. Where can we buy socks or stockings? 19. Where can you buy milk, butter, cheese and

9. Do you know where we can buy buttons, rib- eggs?

bons, lace, tape and so on? 20. Where do you prefer to buy food? Why?

10. Where can we buy cardigans, jumpers, pullo- 21. In your opinion, is it convenient to buy food in
vers and knitted underwear? a supermarket?

3. Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування:VITAMINS

In addition to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, mineral salts and water, it is essential that the food of man and animals contains small amounts of the substances called vitamins, which the living organism is unable to manufacture by itself and which have to be supplied from other sources, namely diet. If anyone of same fifteen of more of these compounds is lacking in the diet, there occurs eventually a breakdown of metabolic processes that results in symptoms of malnutrition that are classed, at the deficiency diseases.

Vitamins are believed to belong to ancient elementary organic compounds and to exist before life originated on Earth. According to Academician Chagovets vitamins took part in the building up of as primary organism together with such "blocks" of living matter as nucleic acids, proteins aminoacids.

Like the hormones, vitamins are considered to be very potent, and daily intake of the order of 0,1 to 5 mg is 2 adequate except in the case of vitamin С of which much larger amounts are required. In addition to being "accessory food factors" necessary for the maintenance of health and indeed for life itself, the synthetic vitamins are now recognized as being valuable therapeutic agents for the treatment of deficiency syndromes and as such they may legitimately be considered as drugs.

The vitamins as a class are not chemically related, and they are classified according to their solubility and chief therapeutic effect into two groups: 1) water— soluble vitamins 2) fat — soluble vitamin group. It is known to be essential for the maintenance of normal epithelial tissue. Vitamins A is an unsaturated cyclic alcohol. It is synthesized by at least three separate processes. It has been concentrated and isolated from the non-spoilable to be present in fish oil, both in the free alcohol and in the ester form. The source of all vitamin A is in the carotenoid pigments, the yellow — coloured, compounds occurring in all chlorophyll — containing plants. In pure form it is pale yellow oil, soluble in fat solvents, having an ultra — violet absorption spectrum. The ester forms of the vitamin have been found to possess greater stability than the free alcohol.

Vitamin Bl, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin В12, Vi-tamin С and other are stated to belong to the water — soluble vitamin class. Vitamin B2 (riboflavine) is built up from a ribose and isoalloxazine residue, the name riboflavine being derived from the sugar component and the intense yellow flu-orescence of its agucous solution. It is of wide occurrence in, nature and constitutes a component of the flavin coenzome systems.

Vitamin С (ascorbic and acid) is essential for the normal functioning of living cell and is involved in many enzymatic reactions. It is required for the development of cartilage, teeth and bones, for wound healing and aiding the absorption of iron from the intestin. Gross deficiency causes scurvy.


1) breakdown — нарушение

2) to result in — зд. в результате появляются

3) the deficiency diseases — болезни, вызываемые нехваткой факторов питания, болезни недостаточности

4) of the order — порядок

5) in addition to being "accessory food factors" — кроме того, они являются добавочными факторами питания

6) as such — как так

4. Виконання граматичних вправ:

Test your knowledge of the prepositions in / at / to / nothing - showing place and movement. Choose either in, at, to, or nothing and click on the arrow to see you have answered

He lives_______ Zielona Gora.

She went__________ home.

Piotrek works_______ Gorzów Wlkp.

He went________ his friend's house.

She arrived__________ Manchester for the celebrations.

I'm going to stay ____________ home this weekend.

Joanna works___________ the hospital.

Why don't we go__________ the movies tonight?

I'm going to see Hania_________ France this summer.

I arrived____________ work early this morning.

She came________ home early.

We stayed________ the Mieszko Hotel.

They visited____________ England last summer.

She's going to travel_____________ Finland this summer.

I'll be_____________ school later today.


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: [навч. посіб.] / Т.В. Барановська – [2-ге вид.] – К.: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект: [підручник] / [Мисик Л. В., Арцишевська А. Л., Кузнєцова Л. Р., Поплавська Л. Л.] – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова. Розмовні теми: [навч. посіб. для студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів]/ Т.М. Гужва. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням): [навч. посібник для дистанційного навчання]/ І.В. Бессонова. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.



Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 261. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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