V. Ответьте письменно на вопрос по содержанию текста из задания IV
What are the main functions of money?
Вариант V I. Переведите письменно следующие предложения. 1. Training of employees can be either internal, within the company, or external, taking place outside the place of work. 2. Under conditions of hyperinflation people lose confidence in the currency’s ability to carry out its functions. 3. A bank aims to make a profit by paying depositors a lower rate of interest than the rate the bank charges borrowers. II. Выберите правильный перевод следующего английского предложения: The discount rate was reported to be raised. a) Учетная ставка, как сообщается, была повышена. b) Учетная ставка, как сообщалось, была повышена. c) Сообщается, что учетная ставка повыситься. d) Сообщалось, что учетная ставка будет повышена. e) Сообщается, что учетная ставка повышается. 1. c, e 2. d 3. d 3. a 4. b 5. c, d III. Укажите, какие предложения можно считать правильным переводом следующего русского предложения: Считают, что цены поставок зависят от производственных издержек. a) Economists believe supply prices to depend on production costs. b) Supply prices are believed to depend on production costs. c) There is an assumption that supply prices depend on production costs. d) One believes supply prices to depend on production costs. e) Supply prices were expected to depend on production costs. 1. b 2. a 3. b, e 4. c, d 5. b, d IV. Прочитайте текст. Письменно перепишите, а затем переведите часть текста, выделенную жирным шрифтом. MONEY AND ITS FUNCTIONS Money has four functions: a medium of exchange or means of payment, a store of value, a unit of account and a standard of deferred payment. When used as a medium of exchange, money is considered to be distinguished from other assets. Money as the medium of exchange is believed to be used in one half of almost all exchange. Workers exchange labour for money, people buy or sell goods in exchange for money as well. People do not accept money to consume it directly but because it can subsequently be used to buy things, they wish to consume. To see the advantages of a medium of exchange, imagine a barter economy, that is, an economy having no medium of exchange. Goods are traded directly or swapped for other goods. The seller and the buyer each must want something the other has to offer. Trading is very expensive. People spend a lot of time and effort finding others with whom they can make swaps. Nowadays, there exist actually no purely barter economies, but economies nearer to or farther from the barter type. The closer is the economy to the barter type, the more wasteful it is.Serving as a medium of exchange is presumed to have for centuries been an essential function of money.