Студопедия — Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 142
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Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 142

is made up of random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). Because RAM is only temporary storage, all microcomputers require some instructions to get started after they are turned on, and these are contained in ROM. A micro­computer includes both an MPU and internal memory.

The portion of the system software that is in ROM brings into RAM the additional instructions required to operate the micro­computer. Typically these instructions are stored on a magnetic disk; hence, they are called a disk operating system, or DOS. This start-up process is called bootstrapping*. ROM also con­tains other programs that help to make personal computers easy to use, such as a programming language. Computer games are also stored in ROM cartridges.

In addition to the MPU, RAM, ROM, and associated con­trol circuits, other components, called peripheral devices, are needed to make a complete microcomputer system. The prin­cipal peripheral units are: input devices, output devices, mass storage units, and communication components. Like a DOS, the programs that control the flow of data between a microcom­puter and its peripheral devices are a part of systems software.

The most common input device used with personal comput­ers is the keyboard. Most personal computer keyboards have extra keys that perform special functions and that can be used to control the movement of a cursor on a screen. A leverlike** device, called a joystick, is also used as an input device, com­monly for playing video games.

2. The CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen used with personal computers is called a monitor. Keyboards and monitors may be part of a single unit that also contains the microcomputer and the disc drives, or they may be separate units. Besides the mon­itor, the most common input units are dot-matrix and letter-quality printers. Dot-matrix printers are suitable for most mi­crocomputer applications. Letter-quality printers are usually used for high-quality office correspondence. Both types of print­ers are considered to be low-speed character printers.

Mass storage units are available over a range of capacities and access times. Floppy disks, or diskettes, are the most common mass storage media. They store patterns of bits on magnetically coated, flexible plastic platters. A floppy disk platter is sealed permanently in a paper jacket with a small window for reading

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and writing. Hard disk storage systems are also available. They may be fixed or removable. Some mass storage units contain both floppy and hard disk devices.

Low-cost modulator-demodulator devices, called modems, that allow microcomputer systems to communicate over tele­phone lines have become increasingly popular. Modems permit networks of personal computer owners to exchange information or to access large data banks. These data banks may be dedi­cated to special applications, such as law or medicine, or they may provide a variety of consumer services.

Notes _________________________________________

* bootstrapping — начальная загрузка; ** leverlike — рычажковый


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