Binding decisions only on internal administrative matters
7. may not intervene in domestic affairs 8. agenda items allocated to one of six main committees, where decision-taking occurs 9. procedural committees (not composed of all UN members): • General Committee (organizing the work of session, deciding on the agenda) • Credentials Committee (examines the credentials of representatives of member States) • standing committees • (composed of experts rather than representatives of member States, • assist the Fifth Committee with financial matters): • Advisory Committee (administrative and budgetary questions) • Committee on Contributions
14. Совет Безопасности ООН: структура, процедура голосования, полномочия, роль
The Security Council: • composed of 15 member States • 5 permanent members (USA, Russia, UK, France, China) • 10 members elected by General Assembly for 2-year terms
C ompetence: international peace and security (bears primary responsibility) • one member, one vote • non-procedural matters adopted by 9 votes (with concurring (совпадающий) vote of permanent members) • permanent members possess a veto (abstentions (воздерживаться) are not vetos) • power to adopt decisions binding on UN members 15. Проблема нераспространения ядерного оружия в современном мире. Основные положения ДНЯО. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. The NPT is one of the great success stories of arms control because it represents the only binding commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States.
By 1964, there were five declared nuclear weapon states: • the United States; • the former Soviet Union; • the United Kingdom; • France; • China;
In 1965, the Geneva disarmament conference began consideration of a draft nonproliferation treaty. Negotiations were completed in 1968 and, on July 1 of that year, the NPT was opened for signature. On March 5, 1970, the NPT entered into force, and currently there are 189 states parties to the treaty. Israel, India and Pakistan remain outside the Treaty. North Korea acceded to the NPT in 1985, but in January 2003 announced its intention to withdraw from it. The NPT consists of a preamble and eleven articles. The NPT has had its successes. Several NPT signatories have given up nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons programs (South Africa, Brazil) The International Atomic Energy Agency, founded in 1957, is the primary mechanism for verifying that parties to the NPT are in compliance with its provisions.
In pursuant to the main articles of the NPT, nuclear-states parties to a treaty undertake not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Non-nuclear states parties to a treaty undertake not to receive nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, not to manufacture or otherwise acquire them by any means. The NPT protects the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, but non-nuclear states parties to the treaty undertake to accept safeguards in accordance to the agreement which will be discussed with the IAEA. 16. Вклад Киотского Протокола и Копенгагенского соглашения по климату в экологическую безопасность планеты