Вопрос 212
The lesson … interesting. We studied a new theme. A) will be; B) is; C) are; D) am; E) was. Вопрос 213 I … glad to help you. You may come tomorrow. A) was; B) am; C) is; D) are; E) were. Вопрос 214 I … writing a letter at the moment. A) was; B) will be; C) am; D) were; E) is. Вопрос 215 They … playing football from 5 till 7. A) were; B) am; C) is; D) will be; E) are. Вопрос 216 My father … a programmer. He … interested in politics. A) was, will be; B) is, will be; C) are, were; D) is, is; E) were, was. Вопрос 217 We … busy, we can’t help you now. A) were; B) are; C) will be; D) is; E) was. Вопрос 218 Chess and aerobics … not so exiting as skydiving. A) were; B) will be; C) are; D) is; E) am. Вопрос 219 There … a text-book and two exercise-books on my table now. A) were; B) is; C) was; D) will be; E) are. Вопрос 220 There … many children in the park yesterday. A) were; B) are; C) is; D) was; E) will be. Вопрос 221 There … too little ink in my pen to write two letters. A) will be; B) is; C) are; D) were; E) am. Вопрос 222 Translate: В нашем городе много школ и институтов. A) In our city has many schools and institutes; B) There was a lot of schools and institutes in our town; C) We have a few schools and institutes in our city; D) There are many schools and institutes in our city; E) There are many shops and institutes in our town. Вопрос 223 Translate: Где ты был?; A) Where you were? B) Where did you was? C) Where have you been? D) Where have you be? E) Where did you go? Вопрос 224 Which days do you … much work to do? A) do; B) be; C) go; D) make; E) have. Вопрос 225 Do your children often … colds? A) has; B) get; C) have; D) do; E) having. Вопрос 226 Translate: Does your friend have a large or a small family? A) У твоего друга большая семья? B) У твоего друга большая или маленькая семья? C) Какая фамилия у твоего друга? D) Хочет ли иметь большую семью твой друг? E) Какая семья у твоего друга? Вопрос 227 Did you …. much work the day before yesterday? A) have; B) had; C) has; D) make; E) done. Вопрос 228 Unfortunately, I … time to discuss this question with you. A) have; B) doesn’t have; C) have no; D) hasn’t; E) haven’t no. Вопрос 229 Translate: Tы можешь отдохнуть. A) You must give a rest; B) You should make a rest; C) You can’t have a rest; D) You may do the rest; E) You may have a rest. Вопрос 230 Please, give me … pen and … pencil. A) the, a; B) a, a; C) a, the; D) the, the; E) -, -. Вопрос 231 What … article should we use … there? A) the, a; B) a, the; C) a, the; D) the, the; E) -, -. Вопрос 232 Translate: На нашей улице находится очень интересный музей. A) We have got a very interesting museum at our street; B) There is a very interesting museum in our street; C) We has an interesting museum in our street; D) There are very interesting museums in our street; E) We haven’t any interesting museum in our street. Вопрос 233 Their favorite singer is Sting,.... he? A) wasn’t; B) doesn’t; C) isn’t; D) is; E) aren’t. Вопрос 234 She is fond... classical music. A) in; B) of; C) in; D) by; E) at.