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Происхождения и условия формирования грунтов. 2 страница

as busy as a bee

as sure as fate (as certainly as)

as thick as thieves (very friendly)

as hungry as a hunter

as old as the sea

as slow as a snail


VI Retell the sfory on fhe part of 1) Ainsley, 2) Adela, 3) Dicky Soames.

Unit 2

Success Story by J. G. Cozzens


I met Richards ten or more years ago when I first went down to Cuba. He was a short, sharp-faced, agreeable chap, then about 22. He introduced himself to me on the boat and I was surprised to find that Panamerica Steel was sending us both to the same


Richards was from some not very good state university engineering schooP. Being the same age myself, and just out of technical college I saw at once that his knowledge was rather poor. In fact I couldn't imagine how he had managed to get this job.

Richards was naturally likable, and I liked him a lot. The firm had a contract for the construction of a private railroad. For Richards and me it was mostly an easy job of inspections and routine paper work. At least it was easy for me. It was harder for Richards, because he didn't appear to have mastered the use of a slide rule. When he asked me to check his figures I found his calculations awful. "Boy," I was at last obliged to say, "you are undoubtedly the silliest white man in this province. Look, stupid, didn't you evertake arithmetic? How much are seven times thirteen?" "Work that out," Richards said, "and let me have a report tomorrow."

So when I had time I checked his figures for him, and the inspector only caught him in a bad mistake about twice. In January several directors of the United Sugar Company came down to us on business, but mostly pleasure; a good excuse to 'get south on a vacation. Richards and I were to accompany them around the place. One of the directors, Mr. Prosset was asking a number of questions. I knew the job well enough to answer every sensible question – the sort of question that a trained engineer would be likely to ask. As it was Mr. Prosset was not an engineer and some of his questions put me at a loss. For the third time I was obliged to say, "I'm afraid I don't know, sir.

We haven't any calculations on that".

When suddenly Richards spoke up.

"I think, about nine million cubic feet, sir", he said. "I just happened to be working this out last night. Just for my own interest".

"Oh," said Mr. Prosset, turning in his seat and giving him a sharp look. "That's very interesting, Mr. -er- Richards, isn't it? Well, now, maybe you could tell me about".

Richards could. Richards knew everything. All the way up Mr. Prosset fired questions on him and he fired answers right back. When we reached the head of the rail, a motor was waiting for Mr. Prosset. He nodded absent-mindedly to me, shook hands with Richards. "Very interesting, indeed," he said. "Good-bye, Mr. Richards, and thank you."

"Not, at all, sir," Richards said. "Glad if I could be of service to you."

As soon as the car moved off, I exploded. "A little honest bluff doesn't hurt; but some of your figures...!"

"I like to please," said Richards grinning. "If a man like Prosset wants to know something, who am I to hold out on him?"

"What's he going to think when he looks up the figures or asks somebody who does know?"

"Listen, my son," said Richards kindly. "He wasn't asking for any information he was going to use. He doesn't want to know these figures. He won't remember them. I don't even remember them myself. What he is going to remember is you and me." "Yes," said Richards firmly. "He is going to remember that Panamerica Steel has a bright young man named Richards who could tell him everything, he wanted, – just the sort of chap he can use; not like that other fellow who took no interest in his work, couldn't answer the simplest question and who is going to be doing small-time contracting all his life."

It is true. I am still working for the Company, still doing a little work for the construction line. And Richards? I happened to read in a newspaper a few weeks ago that Richards had been made a vice-resident and director of Panamerica Steel when the Prosset group bought the old firm.



Panamerica Steel – aMepїzasczas

state university engineering school – mxoaa

Prosset group – rpynna

Exercises and Assignments on the Text

Упражнения и Задания к Тексту

Assignment # One – Задание № 1

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов:

13. было больно двигаться – _________________________________________;

14. больной и несчастный – _________________________________________;

15. у него жар – _________________________________________;

16. форма гриппа – _________________________________________;

17. записал время приема лекарств – _________________________________________;

18. темные круги под глазами – _________________________________________;

19. не слушал, что я читаю – _________________________________________;

20. немного бредил – _________________________________________;

21. никого не пускал в комнату – _________________________________________;

22. это глупости – _________________________________________;

23. его взгляд уже не был таким напряженным – _______________________________________;

24. напряжение спало – _________________________________________.

Assignment # Two – Задание № 2

Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов из текста; Составьте по три предложения с каждым их этих оборотов:

look ill – _________________________________________;




take smb's temperature – _________________________________________;




there is something (nothing) to worry about – _________________________________________;




there is some (no) danger – _________________________________________;




to go to sleep – _________________________________________;




cannot keep from doing smth – _________________________________________;




do good – _________________________________________;




be of some (much, no) importance – _________________________________________;




Assignment # Three – Задание № 3

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) What signs of illness could the boy's father notice when he came into the room?

When he came into the room ______________________________________________________.

2) Did the boy go to bed as his father had asked him?


3) What did the doctor say? What did he prescribe?


4) Find in the text the sentences which prove that something serious worried the boy.


5) Why didn't the boy let anyone come into the room?


6) Which of the boy's questions reviled everything to his father?


7) What was the real reason of the boy's sufferings?


8) In what way did father explain everything to his son?


Assignment # Four – Задание № 4

Перескажите рассказ от лица: 1) Отца мальчика; 2) Мальчика.

Assignment # Five – Задание № 5

Найдите в тексте все Глаголы неправильного спряжения и Заполните таблицу, давая их формы. Перед выполнением Упражнений 5 и 6 Вам необходимо ознакомиться с параграфами 48, 49, 50 и 51 5 Главы «Глагол» 1 Части «Части Речи в Английском языке» Первого тома Единого Грамматического комплекса. Всю необходимую Вам справочную информацию Вы можете найти во Втором томе в Приложениях «Таблица Времен Активного и Пассивного залогов». Проверить употребление форм причастий 1 и 2 (Participles 1 & 2) (вторая, третья и четвертая формы глаголов) можно по Таблицам “Спряжение Неправильных глаголов». Обращаю внимание на то, что таблиц две: в одной дается список неправильных глаголов в алфавитном порядке – ее я рекомендую применять для быстрого поиска необходимого слова, во второй глаголы даны по типам образования формы – на эту таблицу необходимо ориентироваться при заучивании наизусть:


Assignment # Six – Задание № 6

Найдите в тексте все Предложения в Прошедшем Продолженном времени. Перед выполнением Упражнения Вам необходимо ознакомиться с параграфами 52, 53, 54 и 55 «Вторая группа Времен – Continuous Tenses» 5 Главы «Глагол» 1 Части «Части Речи в Английском языке» Первого тома Единого Грамматического комплекса. Всю необходимую Вам справочную информацию Вы можете найти во Втором томе в Приложениях «Таблица Времен Активного и Пассивного залогов».

Assignment # Seven – Задание № 7

Задайте вопросы к словам, выделенным подчеркнутым наклонным шрифтом:

1) When the doctor came he took the boy's temperature.


2) I sat at the foot of the bed and read to myself.


3) At school in France the boys told me you cannot live with forty-four degrees.


4) He had been waiting to die all day, ever since nine o'clock in the morning.


Assignment # Eight – Задание № 8

Замените все вопросы в тексте в Косвенные (Indirect Questions). Перед выполнением Упражнения Вам необходимо ознакомиться с параграфами 69, 70 и 71 «Прямая и Косвенная речь» 5 Главы «Глагол» 1 Части «Части Речи в Английском языке» Первого тома Единого Грамматического комплекса. Всю необходимую Вам справочную информацию Вы можете найти во Втором томе в Приложениях.

Assignment # Nine – Задание № 9

Составьте диалоги, используя приведенные ниже слова и выражения:

8. it aches to move

9. have a headache

10. look very sick

11. have a fever

12. take one's temperature

13. give medicines

14. avoid smth.

Assignment # Ten – Задание № 10

Опишите на Английском языке Ваш последний визит к доктору. Используйте слова и выражения из текста и Упражнения 9.

Assignment # Eleven – Задание № 11

Расскажите на Английском языке, каким образом можно предотвратить болезни. Что помогает Вам сохранять себя в хорошей форме (to keep fit)?

Assignment # Twelve – Задание № 12

Прокомментируйте следующие поговорки; постарайтесь найти максимально близкие им эквиваленты в Русском языке:

4. “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”.

5. “Health is above wealth”.

6. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

Unit 4


Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

ten or more years ago, a sharp-faced chap, being the same age, just out of technical college, found his calculations awful, take arithmetic, every sensible question, be of service, just the sort of chap he can use, introduce smb to smb, master smth, come on business, accompany smb., be likely to do smth, shake hands with smb., take a lot (some, no) interest in smth.


III Questions on the text:

1) Describe Richards (age, appearance, education, manners)

2) Why was the author surprised that Richards had managed to get the same job?

3) What kind of work were the young men to do?

4) How did they cope with it?

5) Why did the author call his colleague stupid? Did it annoy Richards?

6) Why did the young men find themselves in the company of Mr. Prosset?

7) Why was the author unable to answer Mr. Prosset's questions?

8) What did Richard do and how did he explain his behaviour to the author later?

9) What made Mr. Prosset give Richards a sharp look?

10) What opinion had Mr. Prosset formed of the twoyoung men, judging by the way he said good-bye to them?

11) Why did the author explode?

12) Whose theory proved to be right?


IV Discuss the following:

1) Explain why Richards took little trouble to do his job properly. What was Richards' ambition? Do you approve of his behaviour? Give your reasons.

2) What to your mind is more important: to have good knowledge in the field you work or the ability to be equal to the situation?

3) Can we say that Richards was a good "phsycologist"? In what way did it help him?

4) Who had more advantages to win the top job: Richards or his friend? Do you agree that hard work plus knowledge always leads to success?

5) Give a character sketch of a) Richards, b) the other young man, c) Mr. Prosset

6) Whom do you think are the author's sympathies with? Prove your choice.


V Retell the story on the part of 1) Richards, 2) his friend, 3) Mr. Prosset.

Unit 8

Hunting for a Job by S.S. McClure


I reached Boston late that night and got out at the South Station. I knew no one in Boston except Miss Bennet. She lived in Somerville, and I immediately started out for Somerville. Miss Bennet and her family did all they could to make me comfortable and help me to get myself established' in some way. I had only six dollars and their hospitality was of utmost importance to me.

My first application for a job in Boston was made in accordance with an idea of my own. Every boy in the Western states knew the Pope Manufacturing Company, which produced bicycles. When I published my first work "History of Western College Journalism" the Pope Company had given me an advertisement, and that seemed to be a "connection" of some kind. So I decided to go to the offices of the Pope Manufacturing Company to ask for a job. I walked into the general office and said that I wanted the president of the company.

"Colonel Pope?" asked the clerk.

I answered, "Yes, Colonel Pope."

I was taken to Colonel Pope, who was then an alert energetic man of thirty-nine. I told Colonel Pope, by way of introduction, that he had once given me an advertisement for a little book I had published, that I had been a College editor and out of a job. What I wanted was work and I wanted it badly.

He said he was sorry, but they were laying of hands. I still hung on4. It seemed to me that everything would be all up with me', if I had to go out of that room without a job. I asked him if there wasn't anything at all that I could do. My earnestness made him look at me sharply.

"Willing to wash windows and scrub floors?" he asked.

I told him that I was, and he turned to one of his clerks.

"Has Wilmot got anybody yet to help him in the downtown' rink?" he asked.

The clerk said he thought not.

"Very well", said Colonel Pope. "You can go to the rink and help Wilmot out for tomorrow."

The next day I went to the bicycle rink and found that what Wilmot wanted was a man to teach beginners to ride. I had never been on a bicycle in my life nor even very c}ose to one, but in a couple of hours I had learnt to ride a bicycle myself and was teaching other people.

Next day Mr. Wilmot paid me a dollar. He didn't say anything about my coming back the next morning, but I came and went to work, very much afraid that I vrould be told I wasn't needed. After that Mr. Wilmot did not exactly engage me, but he forgot to discharge me, and I came back every day and went to work. At the end of the week Colonel Pope sent for me and placed me in charge of the uptown' rink.

Colonel Pope was a man who watched his workmen. I hadn't been mistaken when I felt that a young man would have a chance with him. He often used to say that "water would find its level", and he kept an eye on us. One day he called me into his office and asked me if I could edit a magazine.

"Yes, sir," I replied quickly. I remember it flashed through my mind that I could do anything I was put at '96 that if I were required to run an ocean steamer I could somehow manage to do it. I could learn to do it as I went along'. I answered as quickly as I could get the words out of my mouth, afraid that Colonel Pope would change his mind before I could get them out.

This is how I got my first job. And I have never doubted ever since that one of the reasons why I got it was that I had been "willing to wash windows and scrub floors". I had been ready for anything.



'Sommerville – ozpaeaa

to get oneself established – їaAvї

laying off hands – ysozrbsaa

hang on – aacvazaavb

everything would be all up with me – pzra Meїa sce

downtown – pezroaaa sacvb

uptown – meaaa їacvb

as I went along – no xopy peaa

Exercises and Assignments on the Text

Упражнения и Задания к Тексту

Assignment # One – Задание № 1

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов:

25. было больно двигаться – _________________________________________;

26. больной и несчастный – _________________________________________;

27. у него жар – _________________________________________;

28. форма гриппа – _________________________________________;

29. записал время приема лекарств – _________________________________________;

30. темные круги под глазами – _________________________________________;

31. не слушал, что я читаю – _________________________________________;

32. немного бредил – _________________________________________;

33. никого не пускал в комнату – _________________________________________;

34. это глупости – _________________________________________;

35. его взгляд уже не был таким напряженным – _______________________________________;

36. напряжение спало – _________________________________________.

Assignment # Two – Задание № 2

Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов из текста; Составьте по три предложения с каждым их этих оборотов:

look ill – _________________________________________;




take smb's temperature – _________________________________________;




there is something (nothing) to worry about – _________________________________________;




there is some (no) danger – _________________________________________;




to go to sleep – _________________________________________;




cannot keep from doing smth – _________________________________________;




do good – _________________________________________;




be of some (much, no) importance – _________________________________________;




Assignment # Three – Задание № 3

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) What signs of illness could the boy's father notice when he came into the room?

When he came into the room ______________________________________________________.

2) Did the boy go to bed as his father had asked him?


3) What did the doctor say? What did he prescribe?


4) Find in the text the sentences which prove that something serious worried the boy.


5) Why didn't the boy let anyone come into the room?


6) Which of the boy's questions reviled everything to his father?


7) What was the real reason of the boy's sufferings?


8) In what way did father explain everything to his son?


Assignment # Four – Задание № 4

Перескажите рассказ от лица: 1) Отца мальчика; 2) Мальчика.

Assignment # Five – Задание № 5

Найдите в тексте все Глаголы неправильного спряжения и Заполните таблицу, давая их формы. Перед выполнением Упражнений 5 и 6 Вам необходимо ознакомиться с параграфами 48, 49, 50 и 51 5 Главы «Глагол» 1 Части «Части Речи в Английском языке» Первого тома Единого Грамматического комплекса. Всю необходимую Вам справочную информацию Вы можете найти во Втором томе в Приложениях «Таблица Времен Активного и Пассивного залогов». Проверить употребление форм причастий 1 и 2 (Participles 1 & 2) (вторая, третья и четвертая формы глаголов) можно по Таблицам “Спряжение Неправильных глаголов». Обращаю внимание на то, что таблиц две: в одной дается список неправильных глаголов в алфавитном порядке – ее я рекомендую применять для быстрого поиска необходимого слова, во второй глаголы даны по типам образования формы – на эту таблицу необходимо ориентироваться при заучивании наизусть:


Assignment # Six – Задание № 6

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