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FOCUS 4. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words or word combinations. Use the appropriate tense form.

pursuant additional negotiations to summarize draft to reach to define pre-design phase documentation financial offer mutually acceptable price divergence in detail to conduct negotiations unanimously satisfactory operation to grant proper fulfilment delivery and payment schedules authorizations agenda to adjourn to incorporate(2) to undertake satisfaction to finalize to fulfil to refrain assistance to conclude obligations obstacles


1. A new system of … is proposed whereby each Party will take it in turn to chair the meeting.
2. Any other financial schemes of the project different to those defined in Clause 2.1, 2.2 will be a subject for ….
3. As a result of technical negotiations the Parties have completed basic technical reviews as well as determined requirements for the project as per the … of Contract No. 68.
4. As a result of the price negotiations ZAO Romashka … its position concerning the total price of the project.
5. During negotiations the Parties … the results of activity on the project and … the following agreements.
6. Everyone agreed … on the idea that all the members of the negotiations express their … with the format of the reports presented.
7. It is agreed that the Parties will hold a meeting in Moscow … the contract negotiations.
8. Notwithstanding the … in the Parties positions in respect to the price, they have agreed to take positive efforts in making their positions closer in order to achieve a ….
9. ROSEXPORT prolongs the validity of its … till February 25, 20__.
10. TELECOM CO. of India, … in India and ROSEXPORT … in the Russian Federation have decided … Contract No. 69.
11. The basis for technical aspects reports was … delivered under Contract No. 68.
12. The Contract shall … completely and in accordance with the conditions agreed upon therein and the parties … to do their utmost to that effect.
13. The Parties … from any action that may hinder the proper fulfilment of the contract.
14. The Parties have discussed … all technical issues raised by the experts of ZAO Romashka.
15. The parties recognize that the … of the Contract and the … of the equipment during its lifetime, also depends on the proper training of personnel.
16. The Parties shall grant the companies all licences, or other … that may be required for meeting their obligations under the Contract.
17. The Parties shall provide … to the companies that may be required for the proper fulfilment of their … under the Contract in strict compliance with the ….
18. The Parties undertake to remove any … to the proper fulfilment of the contract.
19. These Minutes of Meeting are drawn up … to the visit of representatives of Business Ltd. to Moscow and meetings held with ZAO Romashka.
20. This price can be achieved by … a discount off the total project price.
21. Without coming to any agreement on Point 8 on the … the negotiations … till further meetings between the Parties.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 435. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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