Студопедия — Programs. The University of Waterloo offers undergraduate courses and programs in over 100 disciplines and graduate classes and degrees
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Programs. The University of Waterloo offers undergraduate courses and programs in over 100 disciplines and graduate classes and degrees

The University of Waterloo offers undergraduate courses and programs in over 100 disciplines and graduate classes and degrees, diplomas, and certificates in over 37 areas of inquiry in the Faculties of Applied Health Sciences, Arts, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, and Science and the Schools of Accountancy, Architecture, Planning, Computer Science, Optometry, and Pharmacy. One of the more notable undergraduate programs is the “Independent Studies;” this option is a self-directed program designed for students to either specialize in one topic or field or engage in interdisciplinary work leading to a Bachelor of Independent Studies; this is the only such program in Canada. A unique graduate level offering by the University of Waterloo is the 'Cost Recovery Program;' this is specifically developed for working professionals who would otherwise be unable to complete a degree through regular, on campus attendance. Through this option, students earn degrees through correspondence, online, and/or part-time learning. Students at every level at the University have co-op program options as well; the University currently has partnerships with over 3,500 employers worldwide.


Interesting Facts:

The University of Waterloo is nationally recognized for its leading role in innovation and, in this area, in 2004, for the thirteenth year in a row, Maclean’s Magazine ranked the University first out of forty-seven universities Canada-wide. The University is also Canada’s leader in the flow of knowledge, ideas, and technology to the private sector; according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, in excess of 250 companies in the technology sector owe at least partial credit for their founding on research done by the University of Waterloo, more than any other school in Canada.


1. Skim through the text and find sentences that give the information about:

a) number of programs;

b) faculties;

d) reputation of the university;

e) graduate level for working professionals.

2. Match the information with the names of universities:

1.The University was established in 1957. a) University of Lethbridge b) University of Toronto c) University of Waterloo
2.The University is Canada’s leader in the flow of knowledge, ideas, and technology to the private sector.
3.The University has the highest number of Nobel Prize winning graduates.
4.The University is focussed on providing education in the liberal arts.
5.Students earn degrees through correspondence, online, and/or part-time learning.
6.The largest and most prominent university in Canada.
7.The University is recognized for its research in science and it regularly collaborates with federal agricultural research institutions.
8.Post-doctoral fellowships are available to individuals with a doctorate degree.


3. Use the situation in the conversation:You are a student of one University in Canada; explain why did you choose this University.

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